Corporate ZoneHMI Visit – Coltness High School

We are delighted to report that following a visit to the school last week, Her Majesty’s Inspectors (HMI) have commended the significant progress made since their initial visit in February 2014. They will make no further visits to the school.

Inspectors particularly commended the gains made in the qualifications achieved by youngsters, with an improving trend evident in recent years. This is matched by young people moving on to positive destinations after school, whether this be to higher or further education, training or employment.

Inspectors noted that the curriculum offered to young people had been strengthened, with a greater variety of learning pathways on offer. There were good systems in place to track pupil progress and young people had access to a wide variety of learning experiences outside school including opportunities to develop the skills they will need to succeed in the world of work. Strong partnerships had been formed with link primary schools and outside agencies, and young people were now actively encouraged to contribute their ideas and views in helping the school to improve. Importantly, pupils reported to inspectors that they felt safe, well cared for and supported in their learning.

A report on Inspectors’ finding will follow in due course, and will be posted on the Education Scotland website.

Head Teacher John McGilp spoke of his delight at the feedback from HMI, and paid tribute to the hard work of the whole school community which had led to this outcome. As Head Teacher of the school I am very proud of the entire Coltness Community and would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone (staff, pupils, parents and our partners) in working so hard to achieve this very positive report.