There is an exciting opportunity for your business to support our community fundraising project. On Sunday, 19th June, Coltness High School will host an ‘It’s a Knockout’ tournament, where teams will compete in a fun and entertaining inflatable course. Each individual will raise sponsorship money which will go towards our chosen charity: Vision Africa, Give A Child A Future. We are combining our tournament with our Summer Fayre, and so it promises to be a great day of fun for all the community!

We hope that local businesses will lend their support, and there are a number of ways in which this could be done:

  • We are looking for ‘sponsors’ of each game. There are 8 games in total. For a suggested donation minimum of £50, your business name would appear in our programme as well as signage at the game itself. Your business name will also appear on our ‘Wall of Supporters’ and on our website too.
  • We would also be grateful of donations for raffle prizes and refreshments (drinks, snacks, etc) for our teams on the day. Again, we will acknowledge your support in the event programme and our ‘Wall of Supporters’.
  • Enter a team! The emphasis on ‘community’ means we are inviting teams of all ages to join in the fun. Teams are of up to ten individuals, each individual raising a minimum sponsorship of £20. Team info packs with sponsor sheets will be sent to you should you choose this option. We can have up to 48 teams competing, so you could enter more than one!
  • Host a stall. Our Summer Fayre will be hosted by the PTA, who invite all local business to host a stall on the day for a small donation to the school. It’s bound to be busy, so this is a great opportunity to advertise and network, promoting your business whilst supporting a worthwhile cause.

If you would like to support us and help make the day a great success, please get in touch and I’d be happy to give you more information.

Written by M.McAndrew.