Guide dog puppy walkers Ann, Margaret and Bobby visited the 3rd year ASDAN group on Wednesday 27th January to deliver the Crème Egg Easter Chicks to be sold by the group to fundraise for Guide Dogs. All the volunteer Puppy Walkers’ from the Chatelherault Cohort have been knitting the chicks since last year to get prepared for their 2016 Easter Fundraising.

This is the 4th year the 3rd year ASDAN pupils’ have been responsible for selling the chicks to pupils, staff and friends of Coltness High School. Since 2013 the school has raised £1471.00 for Guide Dogs and hopefully this year we could raise this total to £2000.00.

The group will be visiting classes regularly to sell the chicks and they are also on sale in the library for £1.00.

Good luck 3rd year ASDAN group.
