From October 2015, we are going to have a Credit Union in the school to encourage pupils to save their spare money rather than just spend it! Many people save for holidays, special occasions or expensive items they would like – for example computer games  or a musical instrument.  Saving is a really good thing to do – even if you don’t really know what you are saving for just now. It’s always useful to have some spare money for unexpected events!

To start saving in school, we need to open an account for you with Wishaw Credit Union but it is quite simple to do. Just fill in an application form in school and get a parent or guardian to sign it as you are under 18. Bring the application form back to the BusinessICT Dept and we will do the rest.

1st and 2nd Year pupils are being given application forms over the next few weeks. Then we will give the older year groups a chance to join.

One of the great things about the School Credit Union is that it is going to be run for pupils by pupils. We already have a committed team of senior pupils who are willing to help but there is always room for more! The experience gained through this voluntary work will be a great addition to personal statements, CVs etc.

If you would like to find out more about the Credit Union, please speak to Mrs Bihet.

Saving Pennies