Week beginning 30th November 2020

Primary 5 have been having target talks with Mrs Manning this week. We go out to Mrs Manning’s desk and discuss how we have done with the last targets we set in September. We then decide what new targets we are going to set and work on for the next few months.

*****A reminder to parents your child is bringing home their new targets today (Friday) and they also have an appointment time for teacher /parent target talk and pupil update.******


Primary 5 are getting ready for Xmas!!!! We created an advent calendar in our groups with the theme ‘Give a little love’. Inside the advent calendar we had to put messages of acts of kindness we could do for our family and friends. Mrs Kelso has started doing a Xmas jumper activity where they have to design a Xmas jumper.

We did our December baseline on Friday  and the theme for this baseline was an imaginative piece of writing with a seasonal theme!

We also have been busy sitting group reading tests. We have been working hard on developing our reading skills all term.

In Maths we have started learning about Fractions. We have been identifying fractions coloured in a variety of shapes. The Circles have been learning how to find unit and non-unit fractions of an amount. The Squares and Triangles have been finding unit fractions of an amount and learning about tenths.

In Science we have been learning more about the body systems. Pupils were learning all about how we digest our food and the various stages food goes through as it passes through the body.