Welcome to our home school learning page for Term 3. Until we return to school all the work your child needs to complete in Term 3 will be posted here.
Mrs Manning will be using a platform called Vscene to interact with the class as this allows us all to see each other whilst we are talking unlike on Teams. Teams will however be used to post work, pictures and as a chat room.
Vscene is really easy to use!
- Log on to your Glow email account.
- Look for the Vscene link inviting you to a meeting with Mrs Manning.
- Click on the link and this will take you direct to the meeting.
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 10.00 am are the days we will be meeting as a class on Vscene. These ***LIVE SESSIONS**** will be used for different curricular and personal and social well being purposes as indicated on the weekly timetable. ALL pupils should make every effort to attend the ***LIVE SESSIONS**** Mrs Manning will be teaching in school on Wednesdays and will not be available.
- Check your email on the morning of the meeting for the link. Mrs Manning will be taking a register in the mornings and it is expected that ALL pupils will attend and be ready to start their home learning.
- Every Monday morning go on to the class blog and click on the menu Home School Learning Term 3 and select the tab dated with the new weeks work. (Example: Home Learning week beginning 11th January 2021)
- There will be a weekly timetable. This will have information reminding you when you are meeting with me on Vscene and Mrs Rowan(support pupils only). It will also show you the work we are covering that week.
- Below the weekly timetable Mrs Manning will write in more detail the tasks for each day with links to resources.
- All tasks should be submitted by the end of each week.
- Mrs Manning will also post instructional power-points on Vscene to support learning when required.
- Your participation in Vscene meetings, completion of online tasks set on Bug Club, Sum Dog and Education City will all be monitored using the tools on these platforms.
- Written tasks should be sent to my glow mail address and i will feedback at Vscene meetings or by email when necessary.
- In your ‘Home Learning Pack’ pack you have been issued with a square and a lined jotter. These can be used for written tasks when required. (Please remember to date and title your work). It is easier where possible to type written tasks and email these to me.
- In your ‘Home Learning Pack’ pack you have also been issued with
- Key Comp booklet
- Spelling booklet
- Phonics,Spelling and Vocabulary Booklet
- Numeracy Booklet
- Times Tables Daily Practice Booklet
The booklets target learning planned for Term 3 and it is important that you complete these as part of your weekly work program when instructed. The booklets should not be ‘worked through’ and rushed! I will go over work book tasks and pupils can self assess at Vscene meetings each Friday.
To all my lovely Primary 5 pupils remember, we have discussed this often in class, a big part of being a good learner is you taking responsibility for your learning. Home learning is a great opportunity for you to do this. It is so important you keep up with your education at home just as if you were in school and that is the attitude you have to bring to Home Learning.
Finally to all of the amazing Primary 5 parents/carers. I know from my target talks meeting with you that every single one of you is so supportive of your child and wants only the best for them! We can all only do our best in these difficult times, so please don’t put extra pressure on yourself with Home Learning. I am here to help so please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any problems with technology, passwords for online sites, work or any other home learning related issues.