Hello everyone in Lewis Class, hope you have all had a nice weekend, lots of fun and enjoyed the sun. Mrs Brisbane would like to talk to you about something we’ll do every day in Lewis Class, brush our teeth and wash our face and hands and you are all very good at doing this, some with some help and others all by themselves. So I am hoping that you are all still keeping up the good work a home. I have put a link to some favorite songs that you listen to while washing and brushing your teeth.
Category Archives: Lewis Class
Friday 5th June: Fit 15
Good morning Lewis Class… it’s ‘Happy Friday’! The ladies in Lewis Class are doing Fit 15 today. Would you like to join us?
Have a lovely weekend everyone. I’m around all day if you need me!
Laura – gw14coialaura@glow.sch.uk
Hi Skye Class
Good Morning Skye Class,
I hope you are all well and have been enjoying this lovely weather. This week we are learning about our senses and i thought we could be outdoors looking at nature. We see lots of lovely things around us everyday but sometimes we don’t stop to really take in the beauty. I have attached a nature hunt that you could take part in when out a walk or even in your back garden. Its all about looking so get outside and keep your eyes peeled for some of the items on the list.
Another short activity i have attached is using our senses to explore nature what do we see, smell, hear and feel. Write down or draw what you have experienced! I have also attached a short story about a wee caterpillar which is something you might find when looking at nature. Have fun everyone. T-T-16338-Our-Summer-Nature-Walk-Writing-Frame
Outdoor Learning
Hi everybody in Lewis class, hope you all have been enjoying the lovely sunny weather we have been having Mrs Brisbane has been going for some walks, sitting in the garden and been listening to all the birds singing. I have also seen some other animals when I have been out walking. I would love to see some pictures of you looking at some animals, or a picture with your favourite soft toy, animal book, or a picture with you and your pet at home. Looking forward to seeing all your pictures.
Good Morning – Lewis Class
Good Morning
I hope this finds all our families well and having enjoyed the opportunity to have some time with others outside, at a social distance. Our weather continues to be great which I know is helping my family and I get through this time.
As today is another glorious day, I thought I would suggest an outdoor activity. So when you are outside today, I would like Lewis Class to look for signs of spring and take some photographs. For example you might see flowers growing, lambs in the field, the sunshine in the sky or just a picture of our pupils wearing springtime / summer clothes.
Please find attached a learning intention for you to share with your child. The staff in Lewis Class love seeing the pictures of what our pupils are all doing at home, it’s great to see them all.
If you wish for any activities ideas more specific to your child’s needs, please do not hesitiate to contact the Lewis Class and we would be happy to help.
Enjoy your day folks
Caroline – creighton.caroline@ea.n-ayrshire.sch.uk
Sunshine activities!
Good Morning!
It is Friday, and the sun is shining again which is lovely! I thought i would post a few lovely sunshine activities.
Here is a wee video from me!
When we go out in the Sun we wear different clothes. It feels warm. We won’t need our warm jackets. The Sun is very bright, so we might wear sunglasses. We might wear shorts and t-shirts. We might wear a sun hat. We might wear sunglasses. We might need sun cream to look after our skin. Maybe you could explore some of these items you have in your house….? We would love to see you all ready to experience the sunshine!
I have made a few visuals you can use which you can use to help you recognise, match and look for some of these Summer items. If you print them off, print two copies, cut one set up and you have a matching game. Just click on the link here…
You can also mix them up and try to match the visual with the item. You could use these learning intentions to help you pick the correct item.
Learning Intentions – looking for summer items
If you would prefer, you could also just make a sunshine picture, using whatever you have in the house – paint, glitter, glue, tissue paper or crayons…. Maybe do this outside?!
If you are out in the Sunshine, stay safe and enjoy! I think I will try to get outside in my garden today too!
Here are some summer songs you might like to enjoy listening to. They are some school favourites!!
Missing you all… Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Inglis
Night sky
Good Morning Lewis class.
Here is a video for you, why dont you try some painting and share your pictures with us.
Sign of the Week
Sign of the week! The Makaton sign of the week is Celebrate. I know there is some of the ladies at Haysholm School will be celebrating their Happy Birthday this weekend. So you can help by practising the signs and wishing them a Happy Birthday and time to celebrate..
Being Kind
Good Morning Skye Class
Sending a wee msg of a nice activity you can enjoy doing today. I have attached Instruction and a few learning intentions. I hope you have fun and enjoy the weekend when it comes. Take care
Be Kind
Good Morning Lewis Class, Happy Friday
The ladies have something special to ask of you today, this week has been Mental Health Awareness week and lots of people have been talking about being kind. We all know how kind everyone in Lewis Class is, so we suggest you do something kind for you family today.
Below is a few ideas, but you may have one of your very own. Whatever you do enjoy!
Have a great weekend & remember the ladies love seeing all your picture so please share.