Author Archives: Mrs Gribben

50 things to do when school is ‘not available’

Well done to KK who completed the first HT challenge using the seeds that we sent home.  Thank you to his mum for sharing these fantastic photos.  I know some of you have already shared via Facebook.  If you want them to appear on the website, please remember to email me:

Today I am setting a new challenge.  It’s important to stay happy during these difficult times and therefore I want you all to do something that makes you smile or laugh.  This includes everyone in our whole school community; staff,  parents, carers, brothers, sisters, and all other family members.  Please please share your happy photographs x

Click on the PDF below to access visual instructions for your child.  Sharing these will count as a literacy task for today : ))

HT challenge 2

Head Teacher’s Challenge

Mrs Gribben is launching her ’50 Things To do when school is not available’ challenge today.  In your child’s school bag you will find a mini pot with seeds.  Your challenge is to pot and grow your seeds and share photographs of your participation with Mrs Gribben.  Thanks so much to Marks and Spencers in Irvine and Mrs Kelly for collecting the seeds that they have kindly donated.

Mrs Gribben’s email is


Morning Team Meeting


Team Haysholm, our teaching staff meeting this morning to discuss how we can support families in continuing to deliver our service as we face closure.  They are all looking forward to accessing our website, Facebook page and Twitter to ensure you have lots of ideas to keep your wee people busy at home.

A letter has been sent home today with information sheets about how to access the class blogs


Useful Websites

As mentioned in our newsletter, we are sharing links to encourage home-link learning.

Useful Resources for parents:

ALN Home School – Links and Resources

The A-Z of Sensory Learning Activities

Praactical AAC – Resources dealing with the COVID-19 Pandemic

PA Autism – Social Distancing Social Story

See our Websites for Pupils page for more.

Newsletter Week beginning 16th March

March update Newsletter

The newsletter was sent home in bags yesterday highlighting how we will be communicating information in the event of a school closure.  Our website will be actively used by teachers to share information about what you can do to support learning at home.  We are currently refreshing the tab that contains information on useful websites for your child or young person to use at home.

As the situation is changing rapidly, we will continue to communicate with you on a regular basis through the use of our text messaging service, Twitter, Facebook and the website.  Remember to call the school to speak to myself or Lorraine if you have any worries or concerns.


Welcome Back

A very warm welcome back following the very long summer holidays.  We are still awaiting consent forms for Twitter and blogs therefore we have not been able to tweet our usual number of photos with events.  However, that is not to say we haven’t been busy …  here are some of our highlights:

Already classes are settling into core routines with our new children in Primary 1 doing very well establishing new relationships and learning about their new environment.  Similarly those children who participated in planned transition have settled very quickly into their new classes.

Tony Bonning came along as part of the celebrations for Marymass to deliver a story-telling session and as usual all of our children and young people enjoyed the experience.

Makaton continues to be a huge focus and Mrs Carson has booked a series of workshops for September, we look forward to seeing you there and if you are interested in attending please contact the school as we still have a few spaces.  I have uploaded a poster about a Makaton Treasure hunt that is taking place at Whitelee Visitor Centre. Our Communication Hub has started but this now takes place on a Monday.  If you would like to access this please contact either Susan Rose or Anne McCune who lead the hub.

Our Haysholm school elections have begun and 2 of our seniors started their campaign at this week’s assembly.  Voting closes on Friday.  We are also having pupil council elections so lots of choice-making!

We are very excited about working together for our first joint campus collegiate tomorrow evening to progress priorities for our new school.

Lots happening – please keep following us via the Twitter app and check our GLOW blogs for an update.
