Sophie Gribben, Rhanna Guilfoyle, Robyn Gurney, Erin Wigton, Ben Campbell.
Clare Monaghan, Rachael Waddell, Marie-Ann Wales, Rachel Skimming, Kalle Smith
Potential Roles
We discussed what roles we should allocate members of the committee. So far we have:
- Minutes secretary
- Bloggers (We also considered that everyone should be responsible for this)
- Recruitment Officer
- Project Manager/Chairperson
- Topic project managers
- Relations Manager
We agreed that everyone should be responsible for evidencing their projects.
Eco Code
This must be renewed. The suggestion was to run a competition in PSE classes to create a new one, which would allow for whole school involvement. It was also said that we could use some of the money from Rag-Bag to fund a prize for the winning eco code.
We have agreed to get a meeting organised with staff to discuss whole school involvement in Eco Schools and Learning for Sustainability.
We are planning on running a focus group with pupils from different year groups to discuss the Environmental Review and get their input.