Visit to Glasgow Allotments and Potato Day

I took a trip up to Glasgow Allotment Forum’s Potato day with the three towns growers to pick up some seed potatoes for our school allotment. Whilst I was there I went to a workshop on school gardens and planning accordingly, and square foot gardening. Both workshops were really helpful and I will be uploading the resources soon. There was a band there that only sung songs about fruit and vegetables, and all the people I talked to were very helpful. After that we went to Kelvinside allotments, which are well established, to get some ideas for our own plots. I took plenty of pictures which I will also post!

GAF Potato day

Minutes 17-02-16


Sophie Gribben, Rhanna Guilfoyle, Robyn Gurney, Erin Wigton, Rachel Skimming, Ben Campbell.


Claire Monaghan, Rachael Waddell, Marie-Ann Wales, Kalle Smith.

Potential Roles

We discussed having a rotation for the minutes secretary , and Erin would like to be one of our new secretaries.

Ben wishes to be the recruitment officer, while Rachel is happy to take on the role of Relations Manager.

Sophie wishes to continue to be chairperson.

Planning Ahead

We have devised a plan for the coming weeks

  • 18/02/16- Meeting with Mrs Futamata, Organise Competition, Assign roles
  • 24/02/16- Start Environmental Review
  • 25/02/16- Continue Environmental Review
  • 02/03/16- Finish Environmental Review, Update notice board
  • 03/03/16- Devise an action plan


  • The competition for the Eco Code has not been decided upon yet.
  • Conor Monaghan has now left the committee as he is at college. Good Luck Conor!

Minutes 10-02-16


Sophie Gribben, Rhanna Guilfoyle, Robyn Gurney, Erin Wigton, Ben Campbell.


Clare Monaghan, Rachael Waddell, Marie-Ann Wales, Rachel Skimming, Kalle Smith

Potential Roles

We discussed what roles we should allocate members of the committee. So far we have:

  • Minutes secretary
  • Bloggers (We also considered that everyone should be responsible for this)
  • Recruitment Officer
  • Project Manager/Chairperson
  • Topic project managers
  • Relations Manager

We agreed that everyone should be responsible for evidencing their projects.

Eco Code

This must be renewed. The suggestion was to run a competition in PSE classes to create a new one, which would allow for whole school involvement. It was also said that we could use some of the money from Rag-Bag to fund a prize for the winning eco code.


We have agreed to get a meeting organised with staff to discuss whole school involvement in Eco Schools and Learning for Sustainability.

We are planning on running a focus group with pupils from different year groups to discuss the Environmental Review and get their input.

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