Welcome to Primary 4M!

I am delighted to say that the class have settled into the routines of P4M and everyone is enjoying the new challenges of upper primary school at Abbey! I look forward to working with you throughout this session!

This week…

= We have been learning about creating a class community. We have enjoyed taking part in the ‘Brown Bag Challenge’ and sharing our personality traits and hobbies with our peers.

= We started a new class text called ‘What We’ll Build’ by Oliver Jeffers. This book is all about ‘building’ a community in our classroom. We enjoyed designing, planning and creating our own building project.

= We have been working on our class charter. We looked at the Rights of the Child and linked these to our Abbey values – Love, Fun, Respect, Friendship and Kindness. We continued this discussion around Ready, Respectful and safe and what this looks like in our classroom. As a class we decided on three class rules linked to our theme ‘Our class is a family’.

  1. To help and support others.
  2. To build friendships.
  3. To follow listening and attention rules.

= We have enjoyed taking part in Art & Design by creating unique circle art. The class explored repeating patterns and shape to create these creative designs! Take a look at the photographs.


= We will visit the school library on a fortnightly rota. The class received their first books on Monday. Please return these books on Monday 5th September.

= P.E. session – Wednesday. Please bring appropriate P.E. kit including plain shorts, t-shirt or polo shirt and gym shoes or trainers.

= Outdoor learning day – Thursday. Please come to school appropriately dressed for hail, rain or shine! This includes school jumper, polo shirt, comfortable joggers/trousers, trainers/wellington boots and waterproof jacket.

***Our second P.E. session will also take place on our outdoor learning day. Please remember to pack P.E. kit in school bag.

Homework Grid will be sent out in the next couple of weeks. See login details for Epic Reading app.

Class Log-In Instructions for Epic Reading

Your class code:



Have your students open their web browser and

  1. Go to kids.getepic.com/students
  2. Enter class code JVZ5911
  3. Select their name

iOS & Android

After opening the Epic app, ask students to:

  1. Tap on “Students”
  2. Enter class code JVZ5911
  3. Select their name

Thank you,

Mrs Maitland & P4M


 Updated 2/9/22

This week…

Health & Wellbeing

= We started to create our learning goals for health and wellbeing. These are linked to our feelings and managing emotions. The class have responded positively to our HWB check-in each morning.

= We have continued to explore the text ‘What we’ll Build’ by Oliver Jeffers. This week we have created a recount of a memorable moment in our happy place and created artwork with our collaborative partners about our interests and hobbies.

= We have enjoyed our first P.E. sessions outside in the sunshine! The class have been learning some athletic skills as part of a class rotation.

“I love the soft start activities in the morning,” said Eve.

“I love doing the fit trail because I enjoy walking and being outside in nature,” said Neive.

“I like making my own targets,” said Tegan.

Numeracy & Maths

= We have been learning about the greater than and less than symbols, adding/subtracting using a 100 grid square and addition and subtraction up to 20.

= We always have an active whole class session where we play games such as bingo and number patterns.

= We enjoyed our active games session on Wednesday. We learned to play a variety of new games including dominoes, times table card game, 1-100 bingo and First to 100.

“I enjoy playing maths game with my class,” said Hayleigh.

“I like playing bingo with my friends because I like playing it at home,” said Iona.

“I loved using the 100 number grid to calculate my answers,” said Tegan.

“I love playing Uno,” said Jasper.


= We revisited our first SHORS strategy for reading – Prediction. We looked at a range of strategies to help us make predictions about a book. The class loved creating their very own book titles linked to the front cover illustrations.

= Reading books started this week in class. Linked activities will be taking place over the next couple of weeks.

= Word boost – We explored our first six words from our class novel, Billionaire Boy by David Walliams. Please discuss these words with your child and talk about the meanings at home.

= poky

= preposterously

= tentatively

= discarded

= contraption

= tottered

“I loved learning about our boost words,” said Laycee.

“I like reading our class novel,” said Eve.


= We will visit the school library on a fortnightly rota. The class received their first books on Monday. Please return these books on Monday 5th September.

= P.E. session – Wednesday. Please bring appropriate P.E. kit including plain shorts, t-shirt or polo shirt and gym shoes or trainers.

= Outdoor learning day – Thursday. Please come to school appropriately dressed for hail, rain or shine! This includes school jumper, polo shirt, comfortable joggers/trousers, trainers/wellington boots and waterproof jacket.

***Our second P.E. session will also take place on our outdoor learning day. Please remember to pack P.E. kit in school bag.

Homework task will be set on a Tuesday. Jotters will be collected on a Monday.


Thank you,

Mrs Maitland & P4M


Updated on 9.9.22

This week…

Health & Wellbeing

= We loved our virtual kindness workshop with ’52 Lives’ on Thursday. We were set a task to design and create a card or gift for Harry to celebrate his 14th birthday.

= We started to develop our basketball skills this week. The class worked in pairs and groups of fours to develop their passing and communication skills…ready for some mini games next week!

The class said…

= “I enjoyed soft start this week because I like the games we play,” said Hayleigh.

= “I like playing Uno at soft start because it is fun,” said Jasper

= “I enjoyed making pictures for Harry at the Kindness workshop because it made me feel fantastic,” said Murray and Ellie.

= “I liked speaking to Greg on ‘52 Lives Kindness workshop’ because it reminds you to be kind,” said Sophie.

= “I liked the basketball skills at gym,” said Aydin.

Numeracy & Maths

= We continued to explore adding and subtracting using a 100 grid square, greater than and less than symbols and counting patterns in 2s.

= We started our maths topic on information handling. We will learn how to collect, sort and display data in a variety of ways.

= “I enjoyed counting in 2s with Macie,” said Eve.

= “I enjoyed setting our learning goals this week because they are fun,” said Laycee

= “I liked using the 100 grid to work out the answers to my calculations,” said Millar and Iona.


= We created a descriptive menu linked to our class novel. We were learning about the use of alliteration in our writing.

= We worked in collaborative partners to create a reading strategy poster on prediction. We developed our presentation skills by sharing our learning with Primary 1.

= “I liked making the prediction posters to show to the P1s,” said Neive.

= “I loved writing the disgusting menu,” said Jasper (Linked to our class novel, Billionaire Boy)

= “I love Free Write Friday because I get write about what I like,” said Kassius

Remember… Closing date for junior house captains is Thursday. Check out the school app to apply!


= We will visit the school library on a fortnightly rota. The class received their first books on Monday. Please return these books on Tuesday 20th September. Monday is an In-service day.

= P.E. session – Wednesday. Please bring appropriate P.E. kit including plain shorts, t-shirt or polo shirt and gym shoes or trainers.

= Outdoor learning day – Thursday. Please come to school appropriately dressed for hail, rain or shine! This includes school jumper, polo shirt, comfortable joggers/trousers, trainers/wellington boots and waterproof jacket.

***Our second P.E. session will also take place on our outdoor learning day. Please remember to pack P.E. kit in school bag.

Homework task will be set on a Tuesday. Jotters will be collected on a Monday.

Thank you,

Mrs Maitland & P4M



Updated on 16.9.22

This week…

Health & Wellbeing

= We explored the next section of ‘Take a Moment’. We explored the feeling of being ‘stressed’ and talked about how this would feel, look like and sound like. We started to discuss strategies to use when feeling this way. Our HWB target also links to finding ways to cope with life’s ups and downs!

= We loved our mini basketball game this week. We used a range of skills and applied these to a game situation. Communication is key when playing a team sport!

The class said…

= “I enjoyed playing Uno at soft start,” said Hayleigh.

= “The basketball game was fun,” said Murray and Millar.

= “We learned to work as a team during our basketball game,” said Ellie C.

= “I enjoyed doing the breathing exercises at our HWB lesson,” said Neive.

Numeracy & Maths

= We are enjoying our information handling topic this week. We carried out a survey to find out the favourite fruit choice in each class. We created a tally mark table and presented this information on a bar chart. We have been working hard on our jotter layout and remembering to use a ruler when drawing a graph or table!

The class said…

= “I enjoyed doing the survey and presenting to other classes,” said Leon.

= “I liked learning how to create a tally mark table,” said Kassius.

= “I liked when we visited the other classes to find out their favourite fruit and vegetables,” said Hayleigh.


= This week we started our first ‘Writing Workshop’ to explore the use of adjectives in our writing and the different ways to up-level a sentence. We are trying to add detail and description to our writing!

= We had an exciting wordboost session. We created a 3D chocolate bar linked to our boost words CONFECTIONERY and EDIBLE. We also celebrated the famous author, Roald Dahl on Tuesday 13th September. We enjoyed reading an extract from ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ to set the scene for our paired project.

The class said…

= “I liked taking part in the visualising task about Willy Wonka,” said Kassius

= “I liked making the 3D chocolate bar because it is fun and looks great on our display,” said Neive.

=”I liked designing the chocolate bar and stuffing it to make it look 3D.” said Jasper and Jacob.

=”I enjoyed learning about adjectives this week,” said Iona.

Wordboost words… Please discuss these with your child!








= We will visit the school library on a fortnightly rota. The class received their first books on Monday. Please return these books on Tuesday 20th September. Monday is a HOLIDAY.

= P.E. session – Wednesday. Please bring appropriate P.E. kit including plain shorts, t-shirt or polo shirt and gym shoes or trainers.

= Outdoor learning day – Thursday. Please come to school appropriately dressed for hail, rain or shine! This includes school jumper, polo shirt, comfortable joggers/trousers, trainers/wellington boots and waterproof jacket.

***Our second P.E. session will also take place on our outdoor learning day. Please remember to pack P.E. kit in school bag.

Homework task will be set on a Tuesday. Jotters will be collected on Tuesday this week due to the holiday.


Thank you,

Mrs Maitland & P4M



Updated on 23.9.22

This week…

Health & Wellbeing

= We have continued to develop our collaboration and communication skills during our basketball sessions. The class have enjoyed learning the basic rules of the game. We have played warm-up games to develop passing skills like ‘Sharks and Minnows’.

= We have evaluated our HWB learning goal of managing ways to cope with life’s ups and downs. The class reflected on their own experiences and shared ways to help lift their mood, regulate emotions and use calming strategies in the classroom.

The class said…

= “I liked playing the games at basketball,” said Jacob and Millar.

= “I enjoyed presenting at the junior captain assembly because I have the chance to actually feel important. I think having a big responsibility makes me feel important,” said Jasper.

=”I liked our basketball session when we were aiming at the hoop to try and score,” said Hayleigh.

= “I enjoyed basketball because we worked as a team,” said Sophie.

Numeracy & Maths

= We have been exploring new themes this week including counting in 10s patterns to support addition and subtraction calculations, rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and fact families (Making the link between addition and subtraction calculations)

= We have enjoyed our active Numeracy and Maths session as part of our outdoor learning day. We played multiplication games, developed sorting skills by creating our own criteria and recording using tally marks, number splat – creating a question to match the answer and counting sticks – number patterns.

The class said…

= “I liked the rounding to 10 activity because it was fun,” said Neive.

= “I liked when I was learning to count in 2s,” said Eve.

= “I liked when we were playing number splat with Mrs Allison,” said Sophie.

= “I liked counting the bear collection and recording the tally marks,” said Leon

=”I enjoyed using the counting sticks to explore number patterns,” said Iona


= We have been exploring our new reading strategy – Visualisation. This is part of our learning goal for the next couple of weeks. We talked about how the five senses can be useful to support visualisation. We listened to a sound clip and discussed the theme of the story. Our sense of hearing helped us to predict the story theme and visualise the text.

= We have continued to develop our sentence construction and spelling skills. We will be using our writing resource ‘Mighty Writer’ to support our sentence and story structure.

The class said…

= “I enjoyed Free Write Friday because I like to write about things I love,” said Hayleigh and Millar.

= “I like Free Write Friday because I get to write instructions about farming,” said Jasper.

= “We were learning to up-level sentences to add more detail,” said Neive.

= “We were learning about creating questions linked to a picture,” said Leon.

= “We were learning to find nouns and adjectives in our sentences,” said Mia-Rose.


= We will visit the school library on a fortnightly rota. Please return new library books on Monday 3rd October 2022.

= P.E. session – Wednesday. Please bring appropriate P.E. kit including plain shorts, t-shirt or polo shirt and gym shoes or trainers.

= Outdoor learning day – Thursday. Please come to school appropriately dressed for hail, rain or shine! This includes school jumper, polo shirt, comfortable joggers/trousers, trainers/wellington boots and waterproof jacket.

***Our second P.E. session will also take place on our outdoor learning day. Please remember to pack P.E. kit in school bag.

Homework task will be set on a Tuesday. Jotters will be collected on a Monday.


Thank you,

Mrs Maitland & P4M



Updated on 30.9.22

This week…

Health & Wellbeing

= We have been learning about a range of coping strategies. The class generated an extensive list including using our Zen Den and chill out zone in the classroom. We learned about our ‘Peace button’ and how this can support us when we feel frustrated, upset or stressed.

= We continued our basketball theme this week and the class enjoyed a variety of skill based games including a basketball relay and a team tag.

The class said…

= “We are getting better at shooting the hoops and dribbling the ball,” said Neive.

=”We have been learning to pass to everyone in our team so we all have a chance at taking a shot,” said Hayleigh.

= “Basketball is very tricky and I am not a big fan of it. Although, I enjoyed the group tag game, “said Jasper.

= “If you are really angry or upset and you don’t have a coping strategy then you won’t feel calm again,” said Iona

=”I like setting my own learning goals because I like to know what I am going to be learning about,” said Tegan.

Numeracy & Maths

= We celebrated Maths Week in class by creating an ‘All About Me’ poster. We included lots of important numbers about our lives. These included our age, favourite number, shoe size and height.

= We were learning about rounding to the nearest 10. We played games on the Ipad and completed some jotter tasks.

= We were learning to use an empty number line to add numbers together. We split the numbers into 10s and this was a helpful strategy.

= We continued to count in 2s and we were learning about fact families (Making the link between addition and subtraction calculations)

The class said…

= “I enjoyed creating the number poster because we got to make up our own calculations,” said Sophie.

=”I enjoyed making the ‘All About Me’ poster because I like decorating it with my own design,” said Jasper.

= “I liked rounding to 10 and 100 because it was easy,” said Neive.

= “I liked using the number splat mat to add and subtract during outdoor learning,” said Kassius.

=”I liked sorting using 3D shapes and using set criteria,” said Laycee.


= We were learning to create a fact file linked to our current reading book. We skimmed and scanned for facts and recorded these in our jotter.

= We were developing our writing skills this week by using our resource ‘Mighty Writer’. We used it to make up our own sentences and finally our own mini stories. We recorded our ideas on a whiteboard with our friends and then created a sequence of sentences on a ‘Mighty Writer’ guide sheet.

= We explored new vocabulary in wordboost this week. We always discuss the definitions of each word and complete tasks linked to each one. The words this week are cradle, scurry, whimper, subtly, smear and lurk.

The class said…

= “I enjoyed wordboost this week and I liked doing the question games,” said Lily-Mae.

= “I liked using the mighty writer because I liked when someone got picked to choose a picture and then make up a sentence,” said Kassius.

=”I liked doing the morning prediction challenge because it is fun and gets my brain working,” said Ellie C.

=”I liked talking about prediction and discussing what would happen next,” said Hayleigh.

=”I enjoyed making my fact file because it is fun,” said Logan.


= Please return new library books on Monday 3rd October 2022.

= P.E. session – Wednesday. Please bring appropriate P.E. kit including plain shorts, t-shirt or polo shirt and gym shoes or trainers.

= Outdoor learning day – Thursday. Please come to school appropriately dressed for hail, rain or shine! This includes school jumper, polo shirt, comfortable joggers/trousers, trainers/wellington boots and waterproof jacket.

***Our second P.E. session will also take place on our outdoor learning day. Please remember to pack P.E. kit in school bag.

Homework task will be set on a Tuesday. Jotters will be collected on a Monday.

Thank you,

Mrs Maitland & P4M



Updated on 7.10.22

This week…

Health & Wellbeing

= We have introduced our ‘Pupil voice’ scrapbook. All pupils have the opportunity to add their comments, thoughts and ideas about their personal learning journey. We have started to use our ‘Hopes and Dreams’ section where pupils are noting areas of interest and ideas for class themes next term. The scrapbook will be available every day at our soft start session.

= We took part in rotational athletic stations at P.E. The class worked collaboratively to develop their balance, speed and co-ordination at each activity.

The class said…

= “I like writing about what I want to learn about,” said Jasper.

=”I enjoyed the warm-up at our P.E. session because I like getting tired out and it is fun,” said Eve.

=”I liked basketball this week because it is fun and you get to shoot the ball,” said Tegan.

=”I liked playing sharks and minnows at gym because it is great fun,” said Logan.

=”I liked passing the scrapbook and writing about what I want to learn,” said Ellie.

Numeracy & Maths

= We were learning about a new Numeracy strategy called ‘Spiderman Shuffle’. Ask your child about how this strategy can help to solve addition and subtraction calculations.

= We enjoyed accessing Sumdog this week on the ipads and laptops.

= We were learning about counting in patterns of 5 and 10. We represented these patterns on a 100 grid square.

= We used Lego bricks to represent our addition calculations. We continued to learn about fact families (Making the link between addition and subtraction calculations)

The class said…

= “The spiderman shuffle is very easy because it is just moving numbers around,” said Jasper.

= “I liked playing a 100 grid game on Topmarks,” said Logan.

= “I liked learning about the spiderman shuffle because I found it easy,” said Iona.

= “I liked using the Lego bricks and making fact families,” said Macie.

= “I can use Lego bricks to create calculations,” said Eve.


= We were learning to answer questions in sentences linked to our new reading books. This was a tricky task but we worked hard to use the text to support our learning,

= We were developing our writing skills this week by using our resource ‘Mighty Writer’ as a warm-up activity.

= We started a new writing project called ‘Walking in their Shoes’. We looked at a variety of shoes and we discussed the characters behind the shoes. We started our planning stage and created a detailed character profile. Next week, we will write about our character.

= We explored a new sound ‘ow’ in spelling. Words included now, eyebrow, cowboy, owl, how, howl and crown. We took part in many activities including reader and maker using the magnetic boards, spelling games and writing words using elkonin boxes.

The class said…

= “I liked when we researching about Denmark and creating a poster,” said Hayleigh.

= “I liked predicting and visualising about my character,“ said Leon.

= “I liked making a character because I thought about what they would look like,” said Jacob.

= “I liked the spelling game when one person was the writer and the other person was the reader,” said Kassius.

= “I liked learning about shoes from a different country during our writing project,” said Millar.


= We will visit the school library on a fortnightly rota. Please return new library books on Monday 10th October 2022 before the end of term.

= P.E. session – Wednesday. Please bring appropriate P.E. kit including plain shorts, t-shirt or polo shirt and gym shoes or trainers.

= Outdoor learning day – Thursday. Please come to school appropriately dressed for hail, rain or shine! This includes school jumper, polo shirt, comfortable joggers/trousers, trainers/wellington boots and waterproof jacket.

***Our second P.E. session will also take place on our outdoor learning day. Please remember to pack P.E. kit in school bag.

Homework task will be set on a Tuesday. Jotters will be collected on a Monday.


Thank you,

Mrs Maitland & P4M



Updated on 14.10.22

This week…

Health & Wellbeing

= This week we have working on our HWB target about presenting information to an audience. We have been developing our confidence in order to communicate effectively. We were set a homework task to prepare a short presentation about why we would be a responsible person for litter picking or light monitor duty. It was a very close vote. I am happy to announce that Kassius and Leon are the light monitors. Maisie, Kassius, Leon and Iona are the litter picker team.

The class said…

= “I have enjoyed learning to shoot in basketball,” said Sophie.

= “I liked making the speech because it was fun and it is an opportunity to do a big job,” said Kassius.

= “I liked it when we had to take part in a vote and reveal the winners.” Said Hayleigh.

Numeracy & Maths

= This week we have completed our Numeracy and Maths topics of term 1. We enjoyed taking part in collaborative game sessions.

= We used playing cards to revise the ‘Spiderman shuffle’ strategy.

= We developed our knowledge of the 10 times table by playing some dice games.

= We made our own fact families and made the link between addition and subtraction calculations.

The class said…

= “I liked making my own fact families in Numeracy this week,” said Macie

= “I liked learning about the Spiderman shuffle strategy,” said Iona.

= “I was learning about the 2 and 5 times table on an iPad game,” said Millar.


= We were learning to transfer our planning notes and start our writing this week. We found it very tricky to transfer our notes into sentences. We will continue to work on our sentence construction in term 2.

= We developed our comprehension skills by answering questions using our reading books.

The class said…

= “I have to remember finger spaces between each word,” said Kassius.

= “I must remember to use capital letters and full stops in my sentences,” said Laycee.

= “The writing toolkit is helpful to spell common words and remind you of the top tips for writing,” said Hayleigh.

Thank you,

Mrs Maitland & P4M

___________________________________________________________________________TERM 2 P4M

Updated on 27.10.22

Health & Wellbeing

= We have started our new building resilience topic called ‘Talk Things Over’. We have created our learning targets about how to deal with our worries and reflecting on how we felt.

= We enjoyed our collaboration session with P1. We shared a story and asked questions about our new friends. We are preparing for our outdoor learning session together next week.

= We are preparing for our ‘Celebration of Learning’ assembly. We are starting to create our content and rehearse our parts! Wish us luck!

The class said…

= “I enjoyed reading a story to the P1s because it was fun,” said Hayleigh.

= “I liked reading the books to the P1s because I was creating questions for my friend,” said Maisie.

= “I loved seeing how the P1s could sound out some simple words,” said Kassius.

Numeracy & Maths

= We started our new Maths unit on time. We took part in an assessment session using our ‘Plickers’ resource to find out our starting points. We watched a video about time and started to talk about 5 minute intervals on a clock. We played a class game of matching pairs to identify analogue and digital times.

The class said…

= “I liked playing the clock game to figure out the different times,” said Hayleigh.

= “I liked answering the questions using the Plickers cards,” said Mia-Rose.

= “I liked playing the Plickers game because it was fun,” said Ellie.


= We started our term 2 theme on narrative writing. Our focus this week was on setting. We worked in trios to highlight key vocabulary on a descriptive piece of writing to try and figure out the setting. We analysed a setting of a haunted house and we created our own word bank to describe it. We were set a challenge to create our own descriptive settings about a haunted house.

The class said…

= “I enjoyed writing the setting description because it was fun,” said Orla.

= “I enjoyed writing about the setting because I made it about an old war scene,” said Jasper.

= “I liked writing the haunted house description because it was fun and I liked hearing everyone’s ideas,” said Neive.

Thank you,

Mrs Maitland & P4M


Updated on 4.11.22

Health & Wellbeing

= We enjoyed our outdoor collaboration session with P1. Thank you to all the parents/carers who came along to our session.

= We have been continuing to prepare and rehearse for our class assembly. We have been learning our speaking parts and singing our songs all week.

The class said…

= “I enjoyed reading out my speaking part for our assembly,” said Jasper.

= “I enjoyed reading out the introductions for our assembly,” said Laycee and Neive.

= “I enjoyed rehearsing for the song,” said Tegan.

= “I enjoyed working with my brother during the day at school,” said Orla.

= “I liked working with the P1s outdoors because it was fun,” said Ellie C.

Numeracy & Maths

= We have been working on our new maths topic this week. Time is a tricky topic and we are finding this challenging. Some groups are working on o’clock and half past, quarter to and quarter past and the last group are starting to explore 5-minute intervals. We are using analogue and digital displays.

= We enjoyed our games rotation this week. We were using the mini clocks to represent times, ordering times throughout a day, using timers at the challenge station and playing a new game called ‘clock splat’ on the iPads.

The class said…

= “I like learning about time because it will help me in real-life,” said Neive.

= “I find telling the time very easy like ‘quarter to’ on analogue and digital displays,” said Jasper.

= “I am finding ‘quarter to’ hard on the analogue and digital displays,” said Tegan.

= “I am like representing ‘quarter to’ times on both displays and it is fun using the mini clocks,” said Sophie.


= We started our term 2 theme on narrative writing. Our focus this week was on story structure. We used a story starter and we had to create the middle and ending of the story. We found this task a little difficult, as we had to continue the same theme including plot and characters. We are all continuing to work on our punctuation and sentence construction.

= We have enjoyed reading new books this week. We have new reading connector books and everyone picked a new library book.

The class said…

= “I started a new reading this week called ‘Rats’ and I am getting better at my reading,” said Murray.

= “I enjoyed my new book called ‘Almost Gone’ because I like animals and I like to learn about new ones,” said Hayleigh.

= “I love my new book ‘Shark Nets’ because I love to read about sharks,” said Tegan.

= “I liked learning about story structure because I made my story funny and I used my favourite punctuation mark – an exclamation mark,” said Jasper.


Thank you,

Mrs Maitland & P4M


Updated on 28.11.22

Health & Wellbeing

= It has been extremely busy in school! We have been rehearsing for our learning assembly on Friday. We are all feeling the nerves but excited to share our learning and sing our songs!

= We have been talking about positive relationships. We have been sharing how we can collaborate with our peers effectively during group challenges. We understand this can be difficult but we are starting to think of ways to support each other.

= We have been very lucky this term to receive a 6-week block from Kilmarnock football coaches. The experience has been fantastic and the children have enjoyed developing their passing and shooting skills.

Numeracy & Maths

= We are continuing to work on our time theme. Groups are working on half past, quarter to and quarter past (analogue and digital clocks)

= Groups are also working on making the link between the 3 and 6 times tables, patterns in the 5 and 10 times tables and number bonds up to 20.


We have been exploring narrative writing this term. This week we used a Christmas advert as our stimulus for a comic strip. We transferred the significant events into a comic strip and included captions, dialogue and illustrations.

We have been enjoying our new reading books and discussing key facts from the text with our peers. We have been reading our class novel ‘Matilda’ and using our reading strategies to interpret the text.

Please remember homework is due in on a MONDAY and sent home on a TUESDAY.


Thank you,

Mrs Maitland & P4M


Updated on 5.12.22

Health & Wellbeing

= Thank you so much for the amazing support at our learning assembly! The class loved sharing their learning and enjoyed performing for an audience! A new experience after the last couple of years!

= We are also happy to share that we sold out at the school fayre last Friday. We sold all 30 xmas gift bags! Thank you!

= We received our last session with the Kilmarnock football coaches. The class got the opportunity to apply their skills in a mini game session with their peers. I can see a huge difference in their confidence and football skills!

= We have been very busy making and preparing props for our Christmas concert. We are on our final stretch of rehearsals now and we are looking forward to welcoming family and friends to enjoy our show next week!

Numeracy & Maths

= We are continuing to work on our time theme. Groups are working on half past, quarter to and quarter past (analogue and digital clocks)

= Groups are also working on making the link between the 3 and 6 times tables, patterns in the 5 and 10 times tables and number bonds up to 20.


We have been exploring narrative writing this term. This week we have started to explore play scripts. We talked about the features of scripts and looked at examples of our Christmas concert script.

In pairs, we have created our own script linked to our favourite shows or using a Christmas theme.

Next week we will be completing these scripts and taking part in a feedback session to evaluate our learning of this type of writing.

Please return all library books at the end of this week (16/12/22)

Please remember homework is due in on a MONDAY and sent home on a TUESDAY.


Thank you,

Mrs Maitland & P4M


Updated on 12.12.22

Health & Wellbeing

= Wow! What a week! The class loved taking part in our Christmas concert and it was great to see such a super turn out for our evening show! A huge thank you to all parents/carers for their continued support.

= We have set learning targets linked to our mental wellbeing. It is very important to make sure you check-in with loved ones and take care of yourself. We have been talking about strategies that we could use to help support our own mental wellbeing especially at a busy time of year like Christmas.

Numeracy & Maths

= We are continuing to work on our time theme. Groups are working on half past, quarter to and quarter past (analogue and digital clocks) We enjoy using the mini clocks as part of our mental maths warm-up. We will be completing our time assessment next week in class.

= Groups are also working on making the link between the 3 and 6 times tables, patterns in the 5 and 10 times tables and number bonds up to 20. These targets will continue in the New Year.


The class made a huge effort with their own scripts. They were able to co-create a success stairway linked to our success criteria. This was used to peer assess scripts. Each partnership exchanged feedback with another pair. This was an excellent way to share feedback and check that key features of a script were all included.

We have also completed our narrative writing assessment linked to play scripts.

Please return all library books and all homework jotters on Monday 19th December 2022. No set homework next week.

This will  be the last blog update before Christmas! Have a wonderful holiday with your family and friends! See you all in 2023!

Thank you,

Mrs Maitland & P4M


w/b 9/1/23

Happy New Year!

I hope you had a lovely Christmas break with your family and friends.

Over this term the blog will be completed by class members each week!

We have settled back into routines this week and have been enjoying seeing all our friends at Abbey.

We have set-up our new ‘Routines to Rewards’ board at our visible planning wall. We have been talking about our responsibilities within the classroom including updating the proud cloud and class duties like book bug and litter picking.

We have enjoyed starting our new class novel ‘Charlie changes into a Chicken’ by Sam Copeland. It has been very funny so far! We will use this novel as part of our Wordboost programme this term.

Over the next couple of weeks we will be exploring Scotland’s history, traditions and learning a Scottish poem ‘Willie Wastle’ by Robert Burns. This has been set as a homework task.


Please return all homework jotters and any outstanding school library books.

P.E. – Wednesday  & Thursday

Outdoor Learning Day – Thursday

Thank you,

P4M & Mrs Maitland


Friday 20th January 2023

This blog entry has been created by Neive and Laycee. We have a blog update book in our classroom and every week two pupils are chosen to complete the weekly update.

We have been developing our gymnastics skills at P.E. We used the horse to try different balances, jumps and rolls. We are going to work on our backward roll.

We took part in a dodgeball competition this week with 4 teams. It was good fun!

We have started a new topic in Maths – Symmetry. We enjoyed taking part in a variety of activities to explore symmetry in patterns and shapes. We had to make symmetrical shapes with our partner and create patterns using loose parts. We went on a symmetrical hunt around the school but we also found a few asymmetrical pictures. We discussed the differences with Mrs Allison and Mrs Maitland.

We are taking part in a collaboration session every Thursday afternoon with P1M. This week we were helping the P1s to learn new games in class including bingo, word making and rhyming . It was great fun!

In Numeracy, we are working on our times tables including the 4,5 and 6. We have been getting better at learning the patterns!

We have been enjoying our new class novel! We are already on chapter 8! We have been learning some new vocabulary from the book including silhouette, agape, appetite and optimist.

We have enjoyed two assemblies this week. We went to a talking circles assembly and shared our opinion and ideas.

P.E. kit – Wednesday and Thursday

Outdoor learning day – Thursday

Homework return on MONDAY – sent out on Tuesday.

Thank you,

Neive & Laycee

(Helped by Mrs Maitland)


Friday 27th January 2023

In P4M this week we have had lots of fun. During French we have been learning how to pronounce our colours properly and putting them onto a rainbow. We also went on a fitrail with P1s and then got a chance to use the mud kitchen with them. On Wednesday as it was Burns day we have been practising our Scottish poem. We are learning Willie Wastle by Robert Burns. We have also been continuing to read our class novel which is called ‘Charlie Changes into a Chicken.’ During P.E we are still working on our gymnastic skills such as rolls, jumps and balancing.

By Orla and Mia-Rose


Friday 3rd February 2023

Blog Update

w/b 6/2/23 and w/b 13/2/23 Please bring P.E. kit everyday as we will be taking part in different sports as part of Mental Health Week.

We enjoyed making the cereal advert. It was good fun to work with our partners and design a new brand.

P1 Collaboration Afternoon – Games session, construction station and mud kitchen. I didn’t like the building very much but I had fun with the P1s.  We enjoyed helping the P1s on the fit trail.

We loved learning about our new boost words this week including evidence, suspicion and morsel.

We have been learning a new reading strategy called inferring. We used clues from the text and prior knowledge to talk about different images and we created speech bubbles for different characters.

We have been enjoying our gymnastics sessions. I did different balances on the apparatus and I had fun on the bars.

Blog by Jasper and Ellie Y.



Friday 17th February 2023

Reminders – P.E. on a Wednesday – Please bring kit and change at school.

Outdoor learning day – Thursday – Plain, dark joggers and school polo shirt and jumper. Old trainers/wellington boots.

Please return library books on Monday – new books being issued!

Homework due on Monday, jotters will be sent back out on Tuesday.

We loved our Mental Health Fortnight. We were lucky to take part in many activities including Karate, HIIT training, wellbeing activities and a mindfulness session. We enjoyed creating the connection hands. This task taught us how we are all connected in different ways!

This week were learning about persuasive writing. We had to agree or disagree with a statement and justify our reasons. It was a great opportunity for discussion with lots of excellent reasons for limiting screen time. We enjoy assessing our work using the success stairway and thinking about our strengths and areas of improvement.

We have been learning about the reading strategies – Inferring and summarising. We have started to summarise simple texts using traditional tales. Next week we will use our connector texts, class novel and topic books to summarise key events.

We have started working on our 9 times table and made the link to division calculations. We are also learning about numbers to 1000 and partitioning into hundreds, tens and ones. We love using Sumdog to develop our numeracy skills!

At P.E. we completed our gymnastics block of learning. We are able to create a movement sequence using different jumping, rolling and balancing techniques. We have developed our confidence when trying different skills on a range of equipment.

We have started our new IDL topic on Egyptians. We have started to learn about where Egypt is on a world map. We are creating a pic collage of The River Nile and sourcing facts about one of the world’s longest rivers.

Blog by Mrs Maitland, Iona, Kassius and Jacob.

Week beginning  20/2/23

This week…

In Numeracy, we have been learning about hundreds, tens and ones. We have been learning to build and partition numbers up to 1000. We have started to add and subtract using 3 digit numbers. We must make sure our digits are in the correct columns to make it easier to add and subtract accurately.

We are continuing to explore our summarising reading strategy this term. We have been summarising events from a video clip and using this technique to discuss specific chapters within our class novel ‘Charlie Changes into a Chicken’.

We have been developing our knowledge of persuasive writing this term. We enjoyed creating the movie review and using another technique to try and persuade or influence the reader. We love ‘Free Write Friday’. This last part of the term we have started to use our Egyptian topic books to support our writing themes.

We loved creating our pic collage fact files on the River Nile and designing our very own Egyptian pharaohs. I wonder if you would recognise any familiar faces in class?

Take a look at this picture! We used this as our inspiration!

We love working with the P1s. We enjoyed collaborating  with our friends in room 1 and developing our block play skills.

We enjoy our soft start sessions in the morning. We love playing ‘Guess Who?’. Next week, we are hoping to add some new activities to our sessions linked to our learning in class.

We have been enjoying our new P.E. theme of athletics and developing our hand-eye co-ordination. We also enjoyed some group work on hockey skills this week.

Blog by Mrs Maitland, Aydin and Connie.


Blog Update – Friday 10th March 2023

Reminders – Please bring library books on Monday 13th March for exchange.

P.E. – Wednesday and Thursday

This week…

We have enjoyed developing our knowledge of the 9 times table. We are learning to add and subtract using 3 digit calculations. We can use the ‘carrying’ technique when adding hundreds, tens and ones. We have been using a variety of materials to create and partition numbers up to 1000.

We love learning about our sound of the week and new boost words. This week we will be revisiting boost words from our class novel ‘Charlie changes into a Chicken’ . In spelling, we have been developing our skills by using the reader and maker challenge with magnetic boards. This helps us to build each word using the 5 steps – say, make/break, blend, read and write.

We started a new masterclass session this week with P6. All groups are linked to Expressive Arts.  Mrs Reid will be exploring drama, Mrs Busby will be exploring Music and Mrs Maitland will be exploring Art & Design. We love going to our chosen masterclass sessions to develop new skills.

We have been enjoying our Egyptian topic. We have learned about different pharaohs and the use of pictorial writing – hieroglyphics. We all created our own name labels!

We are looking forward to the learning cafe on Friday!

Blog by Laycee, Lilly-Mae and Mrs Maitland

————————————————————————————-Blog Update w/b 13/3/23

We have been loving our term 3 topic on Egyptians. We have been completing our pic collage designs on ‘The River Nile’.  We used our library topic books and the internet to source facts. We collaborated with our peers on this task.

We have been learning about the daily life of Egyptians. We talked about their homes, schooling and work. We are looking forward to creating ‘A day in the Life’ poster to share our knowledge.

We enjoyed creating traditional Egyptian jewellery using paper plates and making a collar design. We used watercolour paints and created the jewels using black outline pen. They look really effective and were fun to make!

We enjoyed our second masterclass this week with P6. The class have all chosen a different skills to master over a three week period. At art this week we were celebrating all things Spring with blossom painting inspired by the artist Vincent Van Gogh. The groups at Music and Drama are also enjoying their weekly experiences.

We enjoyed the learning cafe on Friday. It was great to see many parents/carers join in our celebration of learning. We hope you enjoyed taking a look through our selection of jotters and discovering our learning journey so far.

Blog by Leon, Kassius & Mrs Maitland


Friday 24th March 2023

This week we have been working on our persuasive writing assessment linked to our Egyptians topic. We created a balanced argument of reasons for and against living in ancient Egypt compared to modern life.

We have created posters to show our learning about Egyptian life.

This week we were working on the spelling sound ‘ss’. We were able to create our own list of words using this sound like scissors and pointless.

We have been learning to compare 3 digit numbers and order from smallest to largest. We will also be completing some assessments this week. One group has also been developing their knowledge of the 3 times table.

We all took part in games club this week to develop our communication, turn taking and listening skills.

We enjoyed a P.E. session this week with two active leaders. We developed our basketball skills!

We have been developing our sentence construction this week. We have been learning to use a variety of connectives. We have also been learning to order words alphabetically and sort by the 2nd letter.

We love taking part in the masterclass sessions. Here are our thoughts…

‘I like learning my parts at home’ (Drama)

‘I like drawing and creating my sound creature’ (Art)

‘We have been learning to keep the beat using cups and drums’ (Music)

We have enjoyed working with the P1s. We have enjoyed becoming sensible role models! We explored our creativity at the mud kitchen today!

Blog by P4M and Mrs Maitland


Blog Update 30/3/23 by Mrs Maitland

We have enjoyed our final week before the Easter holidays in P4! We have been working with Mrs Maitland and Ms Ryland over the course of the week.

We have enjoyed working with our active school leaders at P.E. and we had our final basketball game on Thursday!

We have enjoyed making some Easter crafts this week and we hope you like our Easter baskets! A huge well done to Maisie for winning the Easter competition. She designed and created an Easter egg character with a funky name! Well done!

I would like to say a huge thank you to all parents/carers for their support over this year. It has been a pleasure to work with your children! I wish Ms Ryland all the best as she prepares to take over P4 after the Easter break.

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter holiday and a well earned rest!

Thank you,

Mrs Maitland

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