All posts by Dr Cannon

Food Bank Friday – Christmas

As we approach Christmas our food bank Friday was changed to include donations of selection boxes and sweets. The school community donated a fantastic 102 selection boxes and 22 boxes of chocolates. In addition to a huge collection of food to be dropped off at our local food bank this week. Every child has the right to nutritious food (article 24)img_1539

Anti-Bullying Week

During anti-bullying week (14th – 18th of November) we had a number of activities taking place across the school raise awareness of bullying and how to deal with it. Our S1 & 2 pupils took part in a workshop, lead by S6 pupils, looking at different aspects of bullying. This was a really worthwhile activity, allowing our S6 pupils to develop their leadership skills and increasing awareness of bullying and how to deal with it for our junior pupils.
Throughout the week, pupils in personal support discussed what they would do if they saw someone being bullied and the distinction between fear and respect. Pupils were able to watch an interactive video showing a school pupil being bullied, they were able to chose what to do at key stages, report it or do nothing, and then discuss how this affected the victim in each case.
Our rights respecting schools group sold anti-bullying wrist bands throughout the week to raise money to support victims of bullying and organised a non-uniform day on Friday too. We joined the “wear blue campaign” to support victims of bullying in the UK.
Mr Milligan’s S2 student council members demonstrated the benefits of kind words and actions by encouraging pupils and staff to “take a compliment” strip and pass it on. Mr Burrett was particularly pleased when he was told he was “On Fleek.” The S3 student council members also produced a presentation about bullying which was displayed on our school TV all week.
On Thursday had a visit from the band “White Eskimo” who entertained pupils from S1-3 and spoke to them about the importance of making your own life choices and not being influenced by others. Money raised from the event was donated to RespectMe, Children in Need and BullyingUK.
In classes we used discussion points as lesson starters and during personal support we also discussed the difference between fear and respect. This helped us to talk about what we knew about bullying and discuss our opinions.
Article 19 states that every child has the right to protection from harm and abuse, we are supporting this through raising awareness of signs of bullying and discussing what to do if you or someone you know are being bullied.



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Personal support – Syria and Haiti

From the 24th to the 28th of October we discussed the recent issues in Haiti and Syria during personal support time.

Haiti was seriously affected by Hurricane Matthew, the loss of life and destruction caused by this natural disaster has been devastating for a country still recovering from an earthquake in 2010.

Syria has been severely affected by conflict for several years, many people have died, homes and schools have been destroyed and people are fleeing the country.

I both Haiti and Syria people need access to fresh water, food, medical care and shelter. These are basic rights of every child and at Ardrossan Academy we have tried to support those who need our help. We held a coffee morning for staff and sold Halloween cakes and sweets to raise Money to send to Haiti and Syria. The money raised was added to our charities committee fund and made donations of £400 to the Syria appeal and £400 to the Haiti appeal




Article 12

  Article 12 (respect for the views of the child) Every child has the right to say what they think in all matters affecting them, and to have their views taken seriously.

Ardrossan Academy respects the opinions of the young people in our school.

In Early November interviews took place for Junior House Ambassadors in S1-S3. The applicants were asked

What qualities do you have that would make you a good House Ambassador?

Why do you think it is important to have houses in school?

What would you do in your role to promote your house and the school?

The house ambassadors will work with House Captains at school events and as representatives of their peers. Each Ambassador will ensure that opinions, suggestions and news from their class group are shared within the wider school community.

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In our Astra Base we aim to seek our pupil voice at every available opportunity – as part of developing self awareness and appropriate social and emotional skills as well as respecting their human rights.
We are working on different ways of gaining this information but some examples are attached. The scale provides support for pupils with ASD to identify their emotions and is used regularly.  The “Yes No Maybe Don’t Know” sheet is a prompt to support pupils to express their views when they are finding it difficult to verbalise their thoughts.  And the record of work asks for pupil evaluations after each activity.

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In our library pupil feedback and suggestions are used routinely. The Manga and comic book club asked for suggestions to add to stock and as a result added around 20 new titles based on suggestions. There is a Suggestions box  in the library and new titles are ordered based on these suggestions (if suitable).There is also a Library Development Group who are working on the Library Improvement Plan,one suggestion that has already taken place is better signage,which was implemented over the summer. A survey of pupils before the summer holidays 2016 suggested some improvements pupils would like to see in the library. High on the list was more past papers, which have been ordered, and new PC’s. This suggestion has been passed to our HT to investigate funding.

Our pupils take part in regular focus groups to discuss different aspects of the school and how it can be improved to benefit the pupils. An example of one of our focus groups is attached.


The science department uses pupil feedback to help them refine and develop coursework to ensure that pupils have the best experience and that teaching and learning helps them develop their skills for the future.

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House Ambassadors

The call for house ambassadors has encouraged 90 pupils from S1-S3 to volunteer to be the voice of their class and support the school. Everyone interested in becoming a house ambassador completed an application form and selection will take place after the October break. We look forward to our House Ambassadors working to ensure that the voices and opinions of all pupils at Ardrossan Academy are heard.

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Global Goals Week 17th – 21st of September 2016

This week was Global Goals week and some classes have been linking learning to the global goals.

In science Dr Cannon’s class have been learning about agricultural chemicals and food production- this links into the Global Goal of Zero Hunger. The class discussed the problem, what the causes were and how we could address the problem as a country and as a school. Some of our ideas are shown here.

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Another class who have been learning about metals spent some time during Global goals week talking about responsible consumption. They looked at metals in short supply and how we use them. Pupils came up with ideas to reduce consumption, recycle metals and replace metals with other materials which are more sustainable. ctc9mmkxyaawg6k ctc9mnmwaaa8a0a ctc9mprweaa_wjj ctc9mt-waaexqtz