
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

November 19, 2015
Comments Off on Why are health studies and the arts being seen as feminine subjects?

Why are health studies and the arts being seen as feminine subjects?

As part of my assignment for my university course, I have to make a presentation and answer questions on specific topics relating to what we’ve learned in lectures. Whilst reading up on some topics one thing I read stuck in my mind more than anything else; Sue Sharpe (1994) saw schools steering girls’ choices towards […] Continue reading

November 17, 2015
Comments Off on Opening Our Arms

Opening Our Arms

  As the first plane of Syrian refugee’s touches down in The United Kingdom today, I feel it is important to reflect on how positive it is that our country has opened its arms to these people in their time of need. Britain has agreed to take in around 20,000 refugees over the next five […] Continue reading

November 17, 2015
Comments Off on Unimaginable Imagination

Unimaginable Imagination

Imagine an unimaginable imagination. One that no teacher, educator, facilitator, parent, caregiver or learner sets expectations for, standardises for, or… imagines. Sarah Maxine Green, an American educational philosopher, author, social activist and teacher, stated, “We want our classrooms to be just and caring, full of various conceptions of the good. We want them to be articulate, with […] Continue reading

November 17, 2015
Comments Off on There’s no avoiding it – Maths is everywhere!

There’s no avoiding it – Maths is everywhere!

Throughout my inputs in Discovering Mathematics, I’ve been thinking a lot about the links between maths are other curricular areas. I’ve been making connections more and more between maths and other subjects and, I have discovered something about maths that perhaps I hadn’t thoroughly thought about before… It is everywhere.  The idea to write a blog post […] Continue reading

November 17, 2015
Comments Off on Profound Understanding of Fundamental Mathematics

Profound Understanding of Fundamental Mathematics

Four Properties – to ensure a profound understanding of fundamental mathematics Liping Ma (2010) believes in four properties in teaching and learning which sum up the way in which a teacher’s profound understanding of fundamental mathematics can be represented in the classroom. By this, Ma means a teacher will demonstrate the four properties and if […] Continue reading

November 17, 2015
Comments Off on self-esteem


Self-esteem is something that in life, makes us who we are. Some people have a really high self-esteem where as others, struggle with their self-esteem. Self-esteem itself, is a person’s own emotional evaluation of their own worth. It is their confidence within themselves and also their attitude towards themselves. Self-esteem is something that as student […] Continue reading

November 16, 2015
Comments Off on Find Me a Family

Find Me a Family

I was recommended to watch ‘Find Me a Family’, a programme on BBC1 which followed seven children around Northern Ireland’s care system as they tried to find new families. One of the girls, called Shannon, was 18 and so was coming out of the foster-care system. She was on a residence order which meant that […] Continue reading

November 16, 2015
Comments Off on Developing Professional Skills and Abilities: Online Unit 3

Developing Professional Skills and Abilities: Online Unit 3

Words/phrases relating to professionalism: Competent Knowledgeable Calm Skilled Respectable Punctual Motivating Encouraging Enthusiastic Constructive criticism Passionate Collaborative working Going above and beyond I chose to watch One Born Every Minute and believe that the midwives displayed all the characteristics I associate with a professional. I believe that the midwives displayed a great deal of commitment […] Continue reading

November 15, 2015
Comments Off on ‘The Secret Life of 4 Year Olds’

‘The Secret Life of 4 Year Olds’

I recently watched ‘The Secret Life of 4 Year Olds‘ broadcast by Channel 4 on Tuesday 3rd November (Watch here – http://www.channel4.com/programmes/the-secret-life-of-4-5-and-6-year-olds). As the episode progressed, I found myself realising I have definitely been underestimating children as young as four years old. The hour-long duration of the programme was enough to capture the essence of the life of […] Continue reading

November 15, 2015
Comments Off on Let me speak!

Let me speak!

Yesterday, in my place of work, I found myself astonished by the sight and sound of a mother silencing her child. Allow me to contextualise the situation for you. I work in a restaurant located in our City Centre. It is always busy with guests coming in for the first time, the second time, or […] Continue reading

November 12, 2015
Comments Off on Professionalism in other Professions

Professionalism in other Professions

As part of the online unit I decided to watch ’24 Hours in Police Custody’  and I believe in a strange way it was a real learning experience for me. It has really shown me how important professionalism is across a range of different professions, not just primary teaching. I just felt that there was so much […] Continue reading

November 11, 2015
Comments Off on Basic Academic Skills

Basic Academic Skills

During primary school, I knew that I was stronger at Maths than I was at English. I was in top set Maths but in the second group for English. When I moved up to secondary school, the teachers just assumed that I was good at English as I didn’t struggle in any other subject. It wasn’t […] Continue reading

November 9, 2015
Comments Off on Reflecting on Reflection

Reflecting on Reflection

I had always primarily thought of reflection as looking back at an experience or an idea and developing on it. However, as I have read further into it, I have come to know that reflection allows an individual to take a step back and question your work. It gives you an opportunity to question your […] Continue reading

November 9, 2015
Comments Off on One (skill) Born Every Minute

One (skill) Born Every Minute

Being supportive, organised, calm, committed, competent, kind, dedicated, skilled, diverse, caring, flexible, passionate, understanding, co-operative, knowledgeable, a good-listener and reflective are skills that I have previously identified as being important to sculpting a good, well-rounded professional. While watching an episode of ‘One Born Every Minute’, it became clear that these skills were indeed required for […] Continue reading

November 6, 2015
Comments Off on How easy is giving feedback?

How easy is giving feedback?

The thought of having to read through someone’s work and comment on it critically is something which I found both beneficial and difficult. I think peer review is definitely a really positive thing however it’s hard to do publically for the first time. I found it hard to word things especially when it came to […] Continue reading

November 5, 2015
Comments Off on The Meaning of Mathematics – Maths defined

The Meaning of Mathematics – Maths defined

Numbers, sums, equations, patterns, sequences, problem-solving, formulas, confusion… What comes into your head when you think about ‘maths’? Should we think more about ‘mathematical concepts’ and look deeper into what maths is all about, rather than accepting maths as being solely about numbers and work books? ‘Mathematics’ is defined as, “The abstract science of number, quantity, […] Continue reading

November 5, 2015
Comments Off on 5 Attributes..

5 Attributes..

These 5 attributes are some which I believe are very important in terms of being  teacher. Integrity Official definition; 1- The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. 2- The state of being whole and undivided. My view of this is:  To be professional you must have integrity as it important to be open […] Continue reading

November 4, 2015
Comments Off on Enquiring Practitioner

Enquiring Practitioner

Enquiring Practitioner relates to life long learning, willing to listen and further questioning different issues around you. A summary of what it means to be an Enquiring Practitioner defined by Menter et al (2011), is a ‘finding out’ or an investigation with a rationale and approach that can be explained or defended.’ To ‘find out’ raises […] Continue reading

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