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November 25, 2016
Comments Off on Reflection (Online Unit Two)

Reflection (Online Unit Two)

Within this post I will be describing reflection. Reflection is the act of looking over a past experience and then thinking about what you can learn for it. An example of when I recently used reflection was when looking back at the agency visit we completed, regarding the working together module, and considering what I […] Continue reading

November 23, 2016
Comments Off on Bookies or Bust

Bookies or Bust

One area the particularly interested me throughout my development within the module was the importance of math’s within gambling, something I myself occasionally partake in and something many of my friends do. Gambling consists of many forms including betting shops, casinos, and racing but for this I will focus on casinos in particular. A study by the […] Continue reading

November 22, 2016
Comments Off on Can animals count?

Can animals count?

Society has shown an interest in animals and their ability to count and understand numbers for centuries. However, clear documentation of this only emerges around the early 1900’s. The curiosity began with well-known stallion ‘Clever Hans’, this information is encapsulated form Alex Bellos’s ‘Alex’s adventures in numberland’. Hans’s owner ‘Wilhelm van Osten’, who was a […] Continue reading

November 16, 2016
Comments Off on Managing and Engaging With My Learning

Managing and Engaging With My Learning

For this blog post it is based on my Online Units where I will identify and reflect on factors which will help me manage my learning. Reflection/Recognition                                                         […] Continue reading

November 12, 2016
Comments Off on Myths of Mathematics

Myths of Mathematics

Using tools is cheating Fingers are there to help us! We have 10 fingers and a base system of 10. There must be some type of connection? Still to this day, I use my fingers to keep track of which number I am on. As a dancer and choreographer, I am constantly counting to 8. […] Continue reading

November 4, 2016
Comments Off on Reflection- Online unit 2

Reflection- Online unit 2

Reflection can mean many things and can be used in a variety of different ways. Today I will be discussing the types of reflection I will be using during my academic study and professional practice. First of all, I’d like to clear something up… ..simply describing the situation/event IS NOT REFLECTION. Reflection involves looking at an […] Continue reading

November 2, 2016
Comments Off on Take a Wonder into the Woods

Take a Wonder into the Woods

As the old favourite goes – if you go down to the woods today you’re sure of a big surprise. After missing my placement lifestyle of being so relaxed and enjoying nature, that and after reading ‘Nearby Nature: A Buffer of Life Stress Among Rural Children’ (Wells and Evans, 2003) – I decided to drag …

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October 31, 2016
Comments Off on Maths in Art

Maths in Art

Throughout the Discovering Mathematics module we have learned that there is a lot more to maths than just timetables and textbooks, maths is all around us! It’s in space, nature and even in art. Who would’ve thought? In our recent lecture about maths in art all I could think was wow, in a subject once […] Continue reading

October 28, 2016
Comments Off on The Only One Who Wins at the Bookies is the Bookmaker

The Only One Who Wins at the Bookies is the Bookmaker

Our most recent workshop was about probability and chance. This is most definitely something which we see every single day and affects people in both positive and negative ways. So, what is probability? Probability is defined as “the study of chance” in one of our key texts: “Alex’s adventure in Numberland.” Gambling is strongly connected […] Continue reading

October 27, 2016
Comments Off on Identifying my Skills and Abilities- Online unit 1

Identifying my Skills and Abilities- Online unit 1

After completing Activity 1 and 2 I feel I have a better understanding of my strengths and the areas I need to work on. The completed activities can be found in my  Personal audit and transferable skills page located along the top of the blog. The discussion task ‘What would you say are the most important skills/attributes/qualities […] Continue reading

October 26, 2016
Comments Off on My second attempt of the OLA and NOMA assessments.

My second attempt of the OLA and NOMA assessments.

Today, I attempted both online assessments for the second time. My results were as follows: Literacy – 83% and Maths 81%. I improved 3% in literacy and achieved the same score in maths. I was really happy with this, however I believe that I could have achieved a higher score in both tests. This was […] Continue reading

October 19, 2016
Comments Off on Non-Fiction Writing Ideas

Non-Fiction Writing Ideas

Today’s lecture was our second so far about non-fiction texts and delivering lessons around them in the classroom. After going through the different types of non-fiction texts we will be teaching about we were all given a book and asked to create our own lesson from this. The group I was working with was given […] Continue reading

October 18, 2016
Comments Off on Edushare blogging and conformity

Edushare blogging and conformity

A bit of a ‘stooshie’ kicked off on Twitter a week or so back, and I wasn’t sure about blogging on this topic. After some contemplation, given the fact that transparency is something I value and all this is in the public domain, I’ve decided to publish this post. Also I invite, indeed welcome, comment […] Continue reading

October 17, 2016
Comments Off on Chat Racism, Chat Sexism

Chat Racism, Chat Sexism

In May of this year, a young African-American videogame streamer was subject to a barrage of racist abuse in the chat stream that runs alongside the video footage of his game. He was competing in a videogame festival in the USA, playing Hearthstone, an electronic card game for two opposing players. He made it all […] Continue reading

October 10, 2016
Comments Off on Why Choose Maths?

Why Choose Maths?

When we were given the opportunity to pick our elective for MA2 I can easily say it was a tough decision for me. Throughout my time at high school I never really excelled in one particular subject, I feel as though this was mainly due to a general lack of enthusiasm, people are always saying […] Continue reading

October 6, 2016
Comments Off on Twitter for teacher CPD and STEM teaching in primary

Twitter for teacher CPD and STEM teaching in primary

As a teacher educator I’m really interested in the potential of social media for CPD. The way colleagues and students have engaged with this especially this year has been amazing. Recently I have been reading a PhD thesis on this very topic by Tim Jefferis. I was made aware of Tim’s work through my own […] Continue reading

October 6, 2016
Comments Off on Appreciate and Evaluate a Dance Piece or Show (Dance 3H)

Appreciate and Evaluate a Dance Piece or Show (Dance 3H)

Tchaikovsky’s story of The Nutcracker was the dance piece that I decided to evaluate as it is one that I personally enjoy.However, it would be very difficult to evaluate the whole performance, so the excerpt which I have chosen is from  8:28 to 23:22. My Evaluation Choreography Staging Lighting Sound Costume   Continue reading

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