
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

September 24, 2018
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Reflection of Values Workshop

From participating in the values workshop surrounding inequalities, it became evident how we are so unaware of the impact. We can become so involved in our own personal situations we are unaware of those around us. This was highlighted throughout this workshop. We started by being seated at 4 different tables with 8 peers. The […] Continue reading

September 24, 2018
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Values Workshop Reflection

The first values workshop provided a very thought-provoking experience with the core focus surrounding structural inequalities. Unaware of this, we participated in a very cunning practice which unknowingly allowed us to experience these inequalities first-hand.  Upon arrival the class was split evenly into 4 groups of approximately 8. Within these groups we were presented with […] Continue reading

September 24, 2018
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Values Reflection

The values workshop taught me how your mood and behaviour can negatively or positively impact children, their behaviour and learning. The activity we done consisted of us being split into four groups and being given a pack of resources. We each received a different amount of resources and were all treated differently. Group one received …

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September 24, 2018
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Reflecting Upon Resources

In schools children come from all different backgrounds and circumstances and in this became very real to me during the task. Every group being given different resources wasn’t immediately noticeable to me but after presenting our ideas, for something to make for a first year student, I realised that my group had a lot less […] Continue reading

September 24, 2018
Comments Off on Should children be treated differently from each other? The answer is ‘no’.

Should children be treated differently from each other? The answer is ‘no’.

During the Values: Self, Society and The Professions module, we took part in an eye opening workshop where the class was split into 4 groups and were given an envelope full of materials. When the envelope was placed onto our tables, we were told not to touch or have a look to see what was […] Continue reading

September 24, 2018
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Identifying Skills and Abilities

Activities for unit 1 Personal and Interpersonal Skills and Abilities Identifying Skills and Abilities Activity 1 Below are a list of skills and abilities. Complete an audit of where you are now. Record this in your learning journal/portfolio. Rate yourself (1=Not very well developed; 3=very well developed) Skills and Abilities 1 2 3 Self confidence […] Continue reading

September 24, 2018
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Workshop on inequalities which grabbed my attention.

My first workshop I took part in from my Values: Self, Society and The Professions module, with my classmates and lecturer, was on structural inequalities. The workshop was done in a very clever way. We all were split into groups with approximately 6 people in each group. We were given an envelope with certain resources in […] Continue reading

September 24, 2018
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Identifying my skills and abilities

Activities for unit 1 Personal and Interpersonal Skills and Abilities Identifying Skills and Abilities Activity 1 Below are a list of skills and abilities. Complete an audit of where you are now. Record this in your learning journal/portfolio. Rate yourself (1=Not very well developed; 3=very well developed) Skills and Abilities 1 2 3 Self confidence […] Continue reading

September 23, 2018
Comments Off on Thinking outside the envelope…

Thinking outside the envelope…

During the Values class on Tuesday, the class was split into 5 groups, each group receiving the same big brown envelope (or so we thought). We were then all given the same task of thinking of and creating something that we would have found useful as new university students, using only the supplies given to […] Continue reading

September 23, 2018
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Values Workshop Reflection

The Values workshop on Tuesday was an interesting and thought provoking experience which shed a great deal of light on structural inequalities in society and how easy it is for us to not even notice them. The group I was part of had the most resources and encouragement from the tutor, making me totally oblivious […] Continue reading

September 23, 2018
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Structural Inequalities and the Dreaded Half Mark

Our first Values seminar was a brilliant deceit and I ate it up. It began with our tutor giving each group a envelope of goodies- and by goodies I mean a load of random stationary- which we had to use to come up with a concept that would have helped us when we first started […] Continue reading

September 22, 2018
Comments Off on How to overcome structural inequalities…

How to overcome structural inequalities…

On Tuesday afternoon, I attended an interactive seminar; the class was split into four groups and each group was given an envelope with resources in it. The task was to plan and make a product out of the items within the envelope; and then finally pitch the product to the class. The task for my […] Continue reading

September 22, 2018
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Professional Values Workshop

On Tuesday, I got to experience myself just how much of an impact a child’s background has on their ability to do well in school. I have read many articles on closing the attainment gap and how children from deprived areas are not as likely to be successful in school, I know that this is […] Continue reading

September 22, 2018
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Structural inequalities in the classroom

During our first seminar with Brenda, we were split into 5 groups. She told us that with the resources she was going to provide us, we had to create something that would make ‘our first week on campus easier’. She handed us out envelopes with the equipment we were to use to make this idea […] Continue reading

September 21, 2018
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four envelopes… one lesson.

Within our first values workshop, we were divided up into four equal groups. Each group was then handed out the same looking envelope, but what was unknown to us at the time was that each same looking envelope had different contents…… but why? The task was to create something that would be handy for a …

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September 21, 2018
Comments Off on Workshop with a Twist

Workshop with a Twist

This week I took part in a workshop with my lecturer and classmates which gave me a deeper understanding of structural inequalities in a very interesting way. In the workshop, there were four groups, each given an envelope of resources and the task was to create an item that would help a new first year […] Continue reading

September 21, 2018
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Structural Inequality

This week we participated in an interactive workshop as part of the values module, which really opened my eyes and got me thinking about the subject of inequality. We were split into five groups and were presented with our task. In our groups we were to invent and make something which would have been of […] Continue reading

September 21, 2018
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Values Workshop – Week 2

On Tuesday of week two, we had our first workshop for the Values module. When we arrived we split into four groups and were set a task of creating something useful to new students, using the materials provided within our packs. Each group got given a different set of materials in their pack, some containing […] Continue reading

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