
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

September 18, 2016
Comments Off on Is Scottish history the only history that matters in the classroom?

Is Scottish history the only history that matters in the classroom?

Scotland. BUT WHY OH WHY ARE WE BEING TOLD TO ONLY TEACH ABOUT SCOTTISH HISTORY? Recently, I started back at University (what a shock to the system – let me tell you) and my elective module is history. This got me thinking about something that was said to me in my first year of training, […] Continue reading

September 14, 2016
Comments Off on Why teaching?

Why teaching?

I want to teach because being an effective learner is fundamental to growing up in this rapidly changing world. My time volunteering in classrooms gave me the confirmation that I love helping people learn. To me there is no other feeling like it; the sharing of information between pupil and teacher, pupil and pupil, teacher […] Continue reading

August 25, 2016
Comments Off on Experiences of Placement

Experiences of Placement

My first year placement was rather enjoyable. I had an excellent Primary 5 class with a teacher who was more than willing to help whenever I needed it. The school itself was incredibly supportive of everything that I had to complete. What did I learn? This placement was definitely a huge learning curve for me. […] Continue reading

May 28, 2016
Comments Off on Glow Blogs – One Year On…

Glow Blogs – One Year On…

As the end of the academic year draws to a close, I thought now would be the perfect opportunity to post about my experience as a ‘blogger’. As the new blogging system was introduced to us in September, I have now been blogging for a whole academic year! It is very rewarding to see how […] Continue reading

May 23, 2016
Comments Off on Reflection on 1PP1

Reflection on 1PP1

Going into my first placement, I was quite nervous as I was given a primary 7 class. I had never experienced a primary 7 class before. I was always with an infant or middle class so this was slightly out of my comfort zone. However, once in the class, getting to know the children and […] Continue reading

May 22, 2016
Comments Off on L4L Placement: Reflection

L4L Placement: Reflection

Following what seemed like a never-ending pile of paperwork for my placement portfolio and an unfortunate trip to A&E, I have had little time to write a blog post that I felt did my placement justice. My intention was to blog throughout my time at the school however I was so busy that I needed […] Continue reading

May 16, 2016
Comments Off on Placement Reflections 1PP1

Placement Reflections 1PP1

Having just come to the end of my first year placement, I would like to share some of my reflections from the last 4 weeks. In the first week I was quite overwhelmed by the workload faced by every teacher. This was on top of being solely responsible for and managing a class of 29 […] Continue reading

May 3, 2016
Comments Off on My personal philosophy of teaching

My personal philosophy of teaching

My personal philosophy of teaching…I want to make a difference! This might be making a difference to a young person’s understanding of a school subject or making a young person believe in their ability to do something better or just making sure that a young person knows that someone is listening but ultimately I want […] Continue reading

April 8, 2016
Comments Off on Enhancing Digital Technology

Enhancing Digital Technology

Would you accept children being failed to be educated on maths or language?  Although they are being brought up/growing up surrounded by it and to have a successful, positive experience within and out with school they must have developing knowledge and skills of these subjects.  I’m assuming your answers would be no, therefore, why do […] Continue reading

March 26, 2016
Comments Off on L4L Placement: Goleman, Gardner and ELSA?

L4L Placement: Goleman, Gardner and ELSA?

As mentioned in my previous post, I am utilising my blog as a reflective tool for my Learning from Life placement. My placement is based in an integrated mainstream and special school and I have had the opportunity to work with the pastoral team over the past two weeks to begin my work experience. Working […] Continue reading

March 18, 2016
Comments Off on Transforming Learning

Transforming Learning

“Digital technology can enhance learning and teaching across the curriculum and equip all of our learners with the essential digital skills they need to succeed in life, learning and work.” – Angela Constance, MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning. The world we live in is surrounded by digital tools and spaces that everyone is consuming […] Continue reading

March 14, 2016
Comments Off on Dyslexia: A Break Down

Dyslexia: A Break Down

After an input from one of our lecturers, Will, where he state that if we aren’t aware of the different Additional Support Needs (ASN) then we were being ignorant. Two of my friends and I have decided to look into Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Dyscalculia. As normally if you have one of these ASN then there …

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March 4, 2016
Comments Off on LFL Placement: What am I ‘Learning from Life’?

LFL Placement: What am I ‘Learning from Life’?

“What? Why? That doesn’t make sense when you’re training to become a Scottish Primary Teacher?” – A common response when I explain to my friends and family that my second year placement cannot be within a Scottish primary school. At first I shared a similar opinion, studying Languages and Science and Mathematics modules, then going […] Continue reading

February 25, 2016
Comments Off on To VARK or not to VARK, that is the question

To VARK or not to VARK, that is the question

There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to teaching! Throughout planning, implementation and reflection, it is essential for a primary teacher to recognize that every pupil is an individual. This means that there are numerous learning approaches and preferences throughout any class. In 1987, Niel Flemming devised categories of learning in order to encourage teachers and students […] Continue reading

February 24, 2016
Comments Off on Keep It Short

Keep It Short

Language is a key element of our surrounding culture and it is vital that we get this message across to our pupils. Literacy is one of, if not, the most important subject of Curriculum for Excellence. I found today’s workshop on writing very interesting and loved this idea of writing a micro story on our Twitter pages. […] Continue reading

February 23, 2016
Comments Off on Health and Wellbeing, the Physical Education/Activity side.

Health and Wellbeing, the Physical Education/Activity side.

Today’s health and wellbeing input on Fitness brought quite a few things I’ve learned throughout school into practice. Why is oxygen important when exercising, and what methods of training are linked. There are also the individual fitness factors; Cardiorespiratory Endurance (CRE), muscular endurance, strength, speed, power, and flexibility; which are all tested by different means […] Continue reading

February 23, 2016
Comments Off on Bloom’s Taxonomy

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Tricia asked us as part of our questioning and discussion to come prepared to the second workshop with a context and questions to follow this context.  When looking at this I felt extremely nervous as it looked a lot more difficult than she had explained.  However as I got started it was such a straight […] Continue reading

February 22, 2016
Comments Off on Excited…


In the technology workshop with Richard we discussed the crossing of curricular areas.  This was something that I hadn’t put much thought into in terms of lesson planning however after this workshop I can’t wait to try this more often.  We discussed food textiles and how one of the experiences and outcomes could be chosen […] Continue reading

February 21, 2016
Comments Off on We Need More!

We Need More!

Health and Wellbeing. This is a subject which I strongly, strongly believe should be introduced more throughout every single year spent within school.  I understand that a lot will be covered within this as it is a main focus within the curriculum however personally I find that many teachers are too shy or uncomfortable with […] Continue reading

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