
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

October 2, 2017
Comments Off on I’m not racist

I’m not racist

I, like most people I hope, don’t think of myself as a racist. I define a racist as someone who makes decisions or judgements based on their preconceptions of someone and I don’t put myself in that category. However, during a lecture the other week we spoke about conscious and unconscious bias and I really like these terms. […] Continue reading

October 1, 2017
Comments Off on Three Powerful Words – Race, Ethnicity and Discrimination

Three Powerful Words – Race, Ethnicity and Discrimination

This post is a reflection from the Values: Self Society and the Professions lecture on Tuesday 26th September 2017 with Derek Robertson. Summary of Events Before the lecture began, we were all asked to write down our initial thoughts on the terms Race, Ethnicity, and Discrimination. These are all terms in which although I have heard numerous times, have never really looked up or […] Continue reading

September 30, 2017
Comments Off on Racism Input

Racism Input

Racism Input In approaching this week’s topic of “Understanding ourselves – values as embodied and culturally specific”, my initial definitions and thoughts were as follows:  Race – A group of humans who all share physical traits such as skin colour or facial characteristics. Ethnicity – A subdivision within race which centres around cultural traditions and […] Continue reading

September 30, 2017
Comments Off on Resource allocation workshop reflection

Resource allocation workshop reflection

In the workshop hosted by Derek, we were divided into 5 groups. Each group was given an envelope of resources, which we were told we should use to create a product for a new student attending Dundee University. I myself was in group 1, our pack was full of materials such as coloured pens, pencils, […] Continue reading

September 30, 2017
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Resource Allocation Workshop – Reflection

Our first workshop for MA1 Education withing the Values: self, society and the professions took place on Tuesday the 19th of September. It was one of the most confusing workshops to start off with but once we understood the reason behind the workshop it was a very good lesson, and a good way to bring …

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September 30, 2017
Comments Off on Discrimination is not a thing of the past

Discrimination is not a thing of the past

Racism still happens and pretending it doesn’t is only encouraging a discriminatory mindset to continue in younger generations. Its not just enough to know that racism happens we have to actively do something against it, as that mentality is still embedded in our legal systems, and many types of organisations. We don’t need to be […] Continue reading

September 29, 2017
Comments Off on Can I blame it on the novels…?

Can I blame it on the novels…?

When I was younger, my knowledge of racism and discrimination stemmed mainly from my novel reading. I found it disturbing but still exciting to read books like A Light to my Path by Lynn Austin. It was shocking to hear of the discrimination against African-American slaves. It was thrilling to read of their eventual victory […] Continue reading

September 29, 2017
Comments Off on Values as embodied and culturally specific – my thoughts

Values as embodied and culturally specific – my thoughts

Prior to watching the videos provided on MyDundee and attending Tuesdays lecture, my thoughts on the topics provided were; Race – Skin colour, your origins that are similar to others Ethnicity – your background, social group that you and others are alike in Prejudice – a preconceived opinion on something or someone for no apparent […] Continue reading

September 29, 2017
Comments Off on Resource Allocation – Meritocracy Within the Classroom

Resource Allocation – Meritocracy Within the Classroom

Our first seminar with Derek, saw us split into five groups. He told us to come up with the a ‘guide to fresher’s week’. He handed out envelopes full of equipment we were to use. Whilst doing so, we spotted that group 1 and group 2’s envelopes were much bulkier than the one we received. […] Continue reading

September 29, 2017
Comments Off on Racism


Prior to this week’s input on racism, I felt as though I was already very aware of the discrimination felt in todays modern society. The lessons did, in fact, showcase the disgusting acts of violence that have occurred in the past towards people of colour. Stories about Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. were […] Continue reading

September 29, 2017
Comments Off on Reflective Response to the Resource Allocation Task

Reflective Response to the Resource Allocation Task

The task we were asked to carry out in the first workshop of our ‘Values: Self Society and the Professions’ module, was to create something that would be useful to a new student starting University. We were split into five groups when we arrived. Each group was given an envelope which contained supplies to enable […] Continue reading

September 29, 2017
Comments Off on (26.09.17 Values) Only Human.

(26.09.17 Values) Only Human.

“Well, is it?” “Is it what?” “A myth?” Last week we had an input about race, ethnicity and discrimination. To begin with I thought it would be very straight forward: come in, get angry then leave. I was wrong, very wrong. Although I was aware that racism was still very active and a part of […] Continue reading

September 29, 2017
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Racism Input

Before engaging with the tasks and listening to the input, I thought I had a pretty good idea of what racism was and the effects it can have on our society.My previous understanding of race was that it is related to biology, and that differences in genetics were what formed the different racial groups. I … Continue reading Racism Input Continue reading

September 29, 2017
Comments Off on Thinking Outside the Envelope

Thinking Outside the Envelope

Resource Allocation Workshop – 19/09/17 After our first lecture on “Values: Self, Society and Professions” we were all intrigued to find out what our workshop would entail. As we arrived we were split into 5 different groups, I was in group 2, each group was given their own envelope. My group’s envelope contained: Coloured paper […] Continue reading

September 29, 2017
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An Eye-Opening First Task

Resource Allocation Task – 19/09/2017 Last Tuesday’s task was an eye-opening learning experience for all students on the course. When we walked into the classroom, we were split into 5 different groups. Each group received an envelope from our lecturer and were told not to open them yet. We were given roughly 5 minutes for …

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September 29, 2017
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Resource allocation workshop- Reflection

My first university workshop/tutorial was not what I had anticipated. I’m not too sure what I was expecting; maybe some planning of a lesson or a group task. Well, we were given a group task but the outcome and underlying meaning was not so clear to me at the beginning. The class were split into […] Continue reading

September 28, 2017
Comments Off on Nothing is as valuable as encouragement

Nothing is as valuable as encouragement

Last week we were faced with a task which had more to do with real life than first met the eye. Split into five groups, we were given envelopes with different resources in them and asked to make something with our items to give to a new student at university. The thing was, as the […] Continue reading

September 28, 2017
Comments Off on Values As Embodied and Specific- Racism and Patriarchy Lecture

Values As Embodied and Specific- Racism and Patriarchy Lecture

At the beginning of the Values lecture on Tuesday 26th September we were asked to note down our understandings of discrimination, race, ethnicity and prejudice. My understanding of these words before the lecture were as follows; Race Commonly linked to skin colour, religion and culture. Has played a huge part in a lot of worldwide […] Continue reading

September 28, 2017
Comments Off on Racism and Discrimination: My View Before and After

Racism and Discrimination: My View Before and After

After receiving an input on race, ethnicity, patriarchy, discrimination and prejudice as part of the Values module, my understanding of the topic has significantly changed. Before, I believed that was racism was becoming a ‘thing of the past’, which we had acknowledged as a society in order to see past the views of those less […] Continue reading

September 28, 2017
Comments Off on Social Hierarchy – Resource Allocation Task

Social Hierarchy – Resource Allocation Task

As part of the first Values Workshop, we were split into 5 groups, each of which received an envelope containing stationary items. The aim of the task was to produce a pack, using the resources in your envelope, for new MA1 students. This would be given to them at the start of their University journey. […] Continue reading

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