Did Gender Affect Me as a Child?

From listening in lectures to other people’s experiences about gender in primary school, I heard a variety of different examples. Varying from female teachers favouring female pupils to boys being picked first for sports teams. But, looking back on my experience in primary school I can only remember a few examples of gender affecting anything that happened in my class- it was to do with sport.

From primary 3, I took part in netball. But, this sport only applied to girls and we never had a boy on the team. However, it was offered to boys two years after I left primary school. However, this was only for training rather than actually competing against other primary schools in Arbroath.

I also remember that there was a girl’s football team and a mixed football team, there was never one for just boys, which the boys found quite unfair.

When I transitioned to high school, I did notice a difference in my experience. My French teacher, who I had from first to fourth year, preferred girls over boys. She would always mention how girls could continue to write while she spoke, but boys must stop what they’re doing because boys can’t multi-task. She would often send boys out for talking, but would never do that to girls.

So, throughout my time at school I haven’t had many bad experiences with gender, and when I’m a teacher, I won’t ever single out pupils for their gender.

One thought on “Did Gender Affect Me as a Child?

  1. Why do you think that the netball team was only for girls originally then? Since reading this I have thought about this now too and I can remember from school that there was a girls netball team but nothing for the boys who wanted to play netball as well. I find that extremely unfair. They should have been able to join the team if they wanted to as well. I suppose it’s a good thing that the boys later on were able to take part in netball but it is still extremely unfair that they were not able to compete with other schools etc. Maybe this could be because the other schools were effected by gender as well?
    I find it very strange that they did not have a boys football team as you rarely ever see that happen in schools. The school that I currently work in have a boys and a girls team and they are both able to compete with other schools in competitions which I find is the best thing to have.


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