Tag: literacy

Collaborative Literacy: Early Years

4th May 2021 at 3:30pm

We look forward to welcoming you to our third ‘Early Years Exchange’ event for Early Years practitioners in our series of Literacy focussed sessions providing the opportunity for FVWL colleagues to share good practice and build a collaborative network.
In this session we will hear from two colleagues on how they have helped develop Literacy through considering the impact of their role and working with families.

My role as EEL in promoting literacy in ELC -not the icing on the cake but part of the mix.
Through sharing my experience of my evolving role as EEL I plan to explore some of the commonly used words and phrases used to describe my role and discover what they actually mean in practical terms in the playroom and what impact they have in helping to develop children’s Literacy skills.

Literacy Together
Closing the literacy attainment gap through partnerships, supporting families through language workshops and rhyme time challenges. Working closely with Speech and language therapists to improve environments and educator’s understanding of how to support communication. Enabling connections that help all children reach their full potential.

Join us either via CPD Manager or by emailing RIC Literacy PT Chiara Sportelli: sportellic14s@glow.sch.uk

Collaborative Literacy: Early Years

16th March 2021 at 3pm

We look forward to welcoming you to our first ‘Early Years Exchange’ event for Early Years practitioners which will kick off a series of Literacy focussed sessions providing the opportunity for FVWL colleagues to share good practice and build a collaborative network.
In this session we will hear from two colleagues on how they have helped develop Literacy outdoors and build a culture promoting reading for enjoyment.
Literacy Outdoors: Reading areas are not all about cosy cushions, ivy and fairy lights. Sometimes they are repurposed tyres, swaying grass and a big dose of fresh air!
Building a Reading Culture: Developing children’s early literacy skills through play-based learning, combining practitioners’ knowledge and understanding with fun-filled family engagement.

Join us either via CPD Manager or by emailing RIC Literacy PT Chiara Sportelli: sportellic14s@glow.sch.uk

Primary Practitioners Literacy Facebook Group

A new Facebook group has been set up for FVWL RIC primary practitioners who have a responsibility for or a particular interest in all aspects of Literacy. As well as being able to share all FVWL RIC Literacy related news on the site it is intended to be a forum for sharing ideas, resources and supporting the learning and teaching of Literacy.
To join search for ‘FVWL RIC Literacy Primary Practitioners’ and please remember to answer the questions when you request to join!
For further information please contact Chiara Sportelli at sportellic14s@glow.sch.uk

Paired Reading

CLPL webinar on 15th February at 2pm
This session which is aimed at support staff will equip you with skills designed to engage reluctant readers and improve confidence. A structured approach to paired reading will be provided from choosing reading material through to discussing the text after reading.

Sign up via CPD Manager or contact Chiara Sportelli at sportellic14s@glow.sch.uk for further details.

Reciprocal Reading CLPL – Literacy Academy Online

Reciprocal reading is a structured approach to teaching strategies (questioning, clarifying, summarising and predicting) that students can use to improve their reading comprehension. The strategy is based on robust research examining what effective teaching and learning in literacy looks like and practitioners will develop a deeper understanding of pedagogical approaches that engage learners and lead to improved outcomes.

Video support for NQs


This website was created by Philip Ford, an English Teacher from Glasgow. A few years ago he started making YouTube videos for the kids in his classes, to help them revise and retain the knowledge that they needed to succeed in their SQA exams. When he discovered that his students were also being helped by lots of other teachers across Scotland who were doing the same thing, he thought that it would be a good idea to bring all these useful videos together on one website.

On this site you will find links to short videos that explain key concepts for the most popular National 5 and Higher qualifications. They have all been made by Secondary School teachers to help students to understand their chosen subjects, and ultimately get the best possible grades.

Disciplinary Literacy

Dr Jessie Ricketts spoke to TES as part of their ‘Podagogy’ series on literacy. She explores early literacy, but also the shift in focus for literacy in secondary school, including the role of vocabulary – find the podcast HERE

Science teacher, Amanda Fleck, part of the ‘Improving Literacy in Secondary Schools’ EEF panel, has written a blog post on ‘Why Words Matter in Science’ – see HERE.

Hayley Mallinson, geography teacher at Blackpool Research School, has written a blog on the importance of vocabulary in Geography, entitled ‘Poles Apart’ – see HERE.