Tag: Career-Long Professional Learning

Q: I’m a secondary teacher – what online resources are there to support learning in the BGE? A: This SWAY should help.

We have created an easy to use SWAY which collates some useful online resources to support learning in S1-3 Broad General Education. There are also resources for learners with complex additional support needs. Please get in touch with any feedback or if there are other resources you would like support with.

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Q: So many online resources so where do I start for Early First or Second Level? A: With this SWAY

We have created an easy-to-use SWAY which collates some useful online resources to support learning at Early Level, First Level and Second Level. There are also resources for learners with complex additional support needs.

Please use the contact form below to get in touch with any feedback or if there are other resources you would like support with.

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Reciprocal Reading CLPL – Literacy Academy Online

Reciprocal reading is a structured approach to teaching strategies (questioning, clarifying, summarising and predicting) that students can use to improve their reading comprehension. The strategy is based on robust research examining what effective teaching and learning in literacy looks like and practitioners will develop a deeper understanding of pedagogical approaches that engage learners and lead to improved outcomes.

Video support for NQs


This website was created by Philip Ford, an English Teacher from Glasgow. A few years ago he started making YouTube videos for the kids in his classes, to help them revise and retain the knowledge that they needed to succeed in their SQA exams. When he discovered that his students were also being helped by lots of other teachers across Scotland who were doing the same thing, he thought that it would be a good idea to bring all these useful videos together on one website.

On this site you will find links to short videos that explain key concepts for the most popular National 5 and Higher qualifications. They have all been made by Secondary School teachers to help students to understand their chosen subjects, and ultimately get the best possible grades.

Building a Reading Culture

Our Reading Culture working group met recently to plan the third of our reading professional network events in February. So far, we have had the opportunity to engage in professional dialogue around developing a reading culture with colleagues from across the Regional Improvement Collaborative and also benefitted from the expertise of Dr Sarah McGeown, Senior Lecturer Developmental Psychology​, University of Edinburgh. Dr McGeown​ joined us for a workshop looking at promoting positive reading motivation and engagement. We considered the research in this area; the relationship between reading motivation, reading frequency and reading skill; some key factors which influence differing reading motivation and attitudes; and implications for practice.

Some of the research shared can be accessed here.

Building a collaborative approach to Career-Long Professional Learning that will provide quality engagement and learning development for practitioners

Why is this being prioritised?

Central to the success of the Forth Valley and West Lothian RIC will be the opportunity for practitioners to learn, share and develop together to achieve standards of excellence in learning and teaching so that our children and young people achieve their full potential.

Overarching Aims

To address expectations of the National Improvement Framework which are being taken forward by each of the work-streams.

To empower our teachers, head teachers, parents and communities to deliver excellence for our children and young people
What do we want to achieve?

Career-Long Professional Learning (CLPL) experiences and resources which will have a direct impact on improving outcomes for children and young people in our classrooms

A cohesive programme of CLPL across the RIC that supports practitioners in contributing to reaching improvement targets for numeracy, literacy, ELCC, curriculum design, quality of learning and teaching, and collaborative partnerships

Develop leadership capacity at all levels with consistent access to CLPL opportunities

Actions and Indicators of Progress

Short term (February-June 2018)

1. Identify leads from each authority (CLPL Team) to form a working team to develop a plan based on feedback from teachers and practitioners
2. Analyse data and information from across the RIC
3. Identify common areas for targeting interventions
4. Identify drivers for improvement (CLPL Strategic Plan Appendix 4)
5. Develop a professional learning programme based on the CSP model to include input from Stirling University
6. Create an overview of the RIC (power-point) to support Inset 1 discussions

Medium term (August 2018 – June 2019)

1. Gather overview of the CLPL input from the other work streams to provide alignment with the RIC plan
2. Clearly outline baselines across RIC and measure progress
3. Consider how sessions may be delivered with a RIC brand/approach
4. Research and bring together national expertise, university and international research and practitioner experience
5. Work with the National Improvement Methodology Advisor to underpin CLPL activities using an improvement model in supporting all work streams
6. Engage with new work streams to agree CLPL offer and ask (Curriculum design and development, Learning, teaching and assessment, and Collaborative partnerships)
7.The CLPL Team will discuss measurement of progress and analysis of data with thePerformance Improvement Team
8.Engage with the Communications Team to design a strategy to share practice anddevelop a practitioner network for CLPL
9.Provide input to the Autumn FV & WL RIC Consultation on the ‘Ask and the Offer’
10.Review CLPL plans in light of the outcomes of the RIC consultation
11.Share localised CLPL to the collaborative where appropriate and manageable
12.Alignment initially of one in-service day to facilitate collaboration

Longer term

1.Evaluate the effectiveness of staff development approaches
2.Explore and facilitate sharing best practice from PEF CLPL strategies across the RIC
3.A wider collaboration strategy will be developed with partners and stakeholdersincluding CLD, H&WB groups and parents

Intended Impact of the CLPL Plan

The measures of success will be:

  • Teacher feedback demonstrates engagement with professional learning opportunities offered by the RIC work streams
  • Take up and evaluative feedback of collaborative CLPL opportunities and models of collaboration
  • Participation by class teachers and regional network input
  • Engagement and participation with the digital communication platform
  • All performance measures will be impacted by CLPL and will show an upward trend
  • Identified attainment gaps are reduced for children and young people