FVWL RIC Self Evaluation Results November 2021
Please click on this pdf download link to view the results of our Self Evaluation report that was carried out between October/November 2021
FVWL RIC Self Evaluation Results November 2021
Please click on this pdf download link to view the results of our Self Evaluation report that was carried out between October/November 2021
Just a reminder of our equity themed December SWAY Newsletter which showcases some of the amazing work going on across our Forth Valley and West Lothian Regional Improvement Collaborative (FVWLRIC). You can see the work across our FVWLRIC workstreams, locally and nationally. This is #OurRIC so please get in touch if you would like more information, have any suggestions or if there is something you would like to share for upcoming February newsletter.
We have set out our vision and priorities. In this document workstreams provide a detailed overview of their aims, priorities and plans set out in short, medium and long term timescales for implementation.
FV&WL RIC Workstream plans 2019-2020
The underpinning workstreams are Improving Performance, and Career Long Professional Learning (CLPL), which support the work of the core priority work streams: Numeracy, Literacy and Early Learning and Child Care (ELC). New workstreams have also been introduced this session: Health and Wellbeing (HWB), and Curriculum including STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
We work in close partnership with colleagues in Community Learning and Development (whose plan is included in this document) and the RIC Educational Psychology team who are supporting the CLPL plan. The
RIC Education Scotland team have worked collaboratively with the RIC Strategic Board and the Connect workstream leads to develop an offer of support that ties with local authority and national plans.
In line with the 2018 National Improvement Framework, a basket of measures will be used to assess progress of RIC priorities. This will provide a comprehensive and consistent approach with key performance indicators being tracked across the Forth Valley and West Lothian Improvement Collaborative in relation to the four key strategic priorities of the NIF.
In addition to the Measurement Plan, the Performance Team will consider key performance indicators from each Local Authority and establish a common set for the RIC to better inform areas for development.