Skills in Practice

Education Scotland has recently published a practical guide to support the development of the key messages surrounding Building the Curriculum 4: Skills for Learning, Life and Work. It will provide teachers and other practitioners with support to help them ensure that skills development is an integral part of learning throughout the Broad General Education stage of Curriculum for Excellence.


Highlights include:

  • Examples of innovative practice from a variety of educational establishments
  • Short film clips providing practitioner, employer, parent and learner perspectives on skills
  • Downloadable CPD activities to support practitioners to reflect and develop their practice
  • A focus on developing thinking skills with activities and film insights with Keir Bloomer (Chair of the Higher Order Skills Excellence Group)
  • Activities exploring planning and progression in skills through the Experiences and Outcomes
  • Links to a range of GLOW resources including Watch Again GLOW Meets


Find the Skills in Practice resource here on the Education Scotland website:

Advice and Guidance to support National Qualifications in Sciences

Yesterday, we published new advice and guidance associated with National 5 Biology associated with Inheritance.

There are a number of areas in this advice and guidance which would lend themselves to discussion in the classroom. What does this look like? What is the difference between learners talking, and discussing? Arguing and debating? What tools and approaches can be used to ensure learners are developing their skills in discussion, argumentation, and debate?

The teacher’s handbook from the English-Speaking Union (ESU) Scotland may be of use in planning for learning and teaching for the senior phase. 2012 is the year of the ESU’s Speak up Scotland! Science Debating project. Within the easily digestible, practical teacher’s handbook are a range of techniques and approaches which can be used to structure debate within the science classroom, and include all learners within the class. It explains how to plan and structure a formal debate, if that is what you are looking for, including how to structure a speech, a format for judging the content and skills of the participants – useful for teacher observation or peer evaluation. Other approaches described include balloon and role play debates. Exemplification is given for role playdebates in bio-prospecting and badger culling.

The booklet also contains starters for debates such as:

“this house would ban research on embryonic stem cells” – ties in with the National 4/5 qualifications in Biology and our published advice and guidance on Health and Disease.

Each section includes “fast facts”, and suggested questions to ask – does an embryo have human rights? how do we know how old the universe is? how do we control nanoparticles in our environment; or artificial organisms we create?

All of this is also available on the project website where you can find out how schools are using the debates and the feedback from learners.

If your learners need support in building confidence to speak in front of others, why not look back to our Debating in Schools resources published in 2007 which include Building Speaking Confidence: Guidance for first-time speakers.

Special Delivery: The William Wallace Letters

The National Records of Scotland (NRS), in partnership with the Scottish Parliament, is mounting this exhibition in the Parliament from Wednesday 15 August – Saturday 8 September 2012.

Join us live from the Parliament on Thursday 30th August at 2pm when pupils will get an opportunity to explore the exhibition and quiz the experts – Dr Alan Borthwick, Head of Medieval Records, National Records of Scotland and Dr Fiona Watson, independent researcher and author of ‘Under the Hammer: Edward I and Scotland, 1286 – 1307’.

A short film about the exhibition will be uploaded onto Glow and available to view from Monday 27th August – we recommend your class watches this before the event to get ideas about what questions to ask.

More information, including a timeline putting events into a historical context, is available online on the Scottish Parliament website.

The centrepiece of the exhibition will be two surviving original documents with a direct link to William Wallace.

The first is the so-called Lübeck Letter, issued by Wallace and Andrew Moray as Guardians of Scotland after their success at the Battle of Stirling Bridge in 1297.

The second document is a letter of 1300 from the French King Philip IV to his agents at the Papal Court asking them to assist Wallace in his business before the Pope.

Sign up and join us in Glow TV!

SLF 2012: Forensic Rookies, Transition and the AstraZeneca Science Teaching Trust: Scottish Islands and Mainland ICT and Science project

We’ve been keeping you up to date with this inquiry based science project since last December. Don’t forget that you can find out more by joining us at session N1A at SLF 2012, presented by Professor Susan Rodrigues and Neil Taylor. A vodcast overview of the project can be found on the scienceedresearch channel on YouTube.

The workshop will share the findings of a recent project involving 3 pairs of primary & secondary schools from several different local authorities, and the sustained impact in those local authorities where this project is being rolled out further. Learners and practitioners views and feedback will be shared. This project was supported by funding from AstraZeneca Science Teaching Trust and led by Professor Susan Rodrigues and Neil Taylor as part of the suite of ‘Partnerships in Primary Science’ (PIPS) CPD projects.

The workshop will include an opportunity for delegates to have hands on experience of the six investigative tasks, using the kit provided to schools, funded by AstraZeneca Science Teaching Trust. There have been a series of videos made using learners and practitioners which will be used within the session, and these will are also available via the ScienceEdResearch channel YouTube.

The individual vodcasts for each school:

Brae HighBlairgowrie; Coupar AngusInveralmond Community HighUrafirth; Westfield

Visitor registration for SLF 2012 is now open!

Choices for Life the Next Evolution – Advanced Viewing for all Teaching Staff

Last year Choices for Life successfully moved from the large scale concert style event delivered to Primary 7 children at venues around Scotland to an online environment delivering live webcasts to pupils in Primary 7 through to S6 on substance misuse issues and making positive lifestyle decisions. A key feature of the live webcasts was short TV-style dramas highlighting the difficult choices faced by young people and the possible consequences of substance misuse.

So that the messages of Choices for Life can reach a larger audience and help get the information out in a way that people can access at a time and place and in a manner that suits them, the Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency (SCDEA) and Young Scot are developing a new Choices for Life website which will be a one stop shop for young people, teachers, parents and carers and youth workers to gain relevant and credible information and advice on various topics including tobacco, alcohol, drugs and internet safety.

The website will be fully launched on the 12th September from the Glasgow Science Centre and will be broadcast live on Glow and YouTube to give as many people as possible the opportunity to view it.

However you can have an advanced preview of what the new website looks like here live in Glow on Wednesday 29th August at 4pm. Find out what the site has to offer you and your class and how you can use it to take forward Curriculum for Excellence plans in your school in the new session. Sign up and join us in Glow TV.

STEM Central Games context and a festival of games in Dundee

If our recently published STEM Central Games context, celebrating Scotland’s position in this diverse and creative industry, has sparked your interest, an ideal opportunity to find out more this weekend at the three day computer games festival in Dundee. Running from today until Sunday 12th August, this event at Dundee’s Caird Hall provides an opportunity for visitors to try out some games, including those developed especially for the games.

SCCYP- Your Shout – Right Now

Join Tam Baillie, Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People, on Monday 3 September from 11 to 12pm for a Glow Meet hosted by pupils from Trinity Academy. Sign up and join us in Glow TV.

We are asking you to make a two minute presentation on one or more of the speech bubbles on the right. These were the four areas which you told Tam were the most important things he should be working on when you voted in a RIGHT blether.

For example do you think everyone is:

  • Included in your school?
  • Have you got things to say about children and young people being respected in your community?
  • Is everyone treated fairly with opportunities to learn and develop or do some children and young people face barriers?
  • Do you feel safe and secure in your home or are there things that you would like to change?

Let us know what you think could and should be done in one of these areas and we will show as many presentations as we can during the Glow Meet. As well as presentations there will be time to discuss and debate with Tam and everyone who joins in on the day.

Send your presentations to or by Friday 31 August and we will load them on to the blog. For more information about the four areas go to :

Glow At The Edinburgh Book Festival

The highly acclaimed Edinburgh International Book Festival begins in Charlotte Square on Saturday 11th August and runs until the 27th August and Glow will be there for one week bringing to you a selection of some of the best of the children’s events!

Join us from Monday 20th August at 10.30am where we start our week with Twists, Turns and Thrillers with Ally Kennen as she introduces her teen novels including her latest, Bullet Boys, a gripping, thought-provoking story filled with twists, turns,guns and danger. She shares how she goes about researching her novels and describes what inspired her to start writing. Bring plenty of questions! (Suitable for S1-S3)

On Tuesday 21st August join us again at 10am as Steve Barlow & Steve Skidmore present Action Dogs! In addition to being prolific writers of books for children, Steve Barlow and Steve Skidmore have entertained audiences worldwide with their crazy double act for over two decades. Their events are always fun so make sure you get involved if you are P4 -7.

Wednesday 22nd August sees a double session coming live from the EIBF the first at 10.30am being suitable for P4 -7. Join International Rescue with Sally Grindley for a lively, interactive event all about International Rescue, her brand new series of adventure books written in collaboration with the Zoological Society of London. Meet the Brook family and hear about their exciting travels globe as they strive to save endangered animals.

The second event on the 22nd begins at 1pm and is aimed at S4 -S6 – Keith Gray on Lord of the Flies. Keith discusses William Golding’s remarkable and provocative novel, Lord of the Flies. Find out how he first discovered the story, how it influenced his own writing and how he believes it has left a lasting impression on a generation of authors writing.

On Thursday 23rd August join us at 10.30am for Rhyme, Rhythm and Rap with Brian Moses. Suitable for P3 -6 to have fun in an exhilarating exploration of the different forms of rhythm and rhyme.There will be musical instruments and some movement too, so come in good voice and bring your dancing shoes!

The week draws to a spooky close on Friday 24th August with Ghosts and Ghouls with Andrew Hammond. A roller-coaster ride through the grim and gruesome history of the world’s most famous cities with the author of the hugely popular new horror series CRYPT. Ghosts and ghouls guaranteed!

As a special finale to our week at the Book Festival we will be returning on Monday 27th August, this time at 10am with Drawing Inspiration with Tony Ross. Drawing inspiration from the Little Princess series and from the weird and wonderful stories that whizz around his head all day, Tony Ross gives you a masterclass in creativity. This is a unique opportunity for you to be inspired by, and ask questions of, one of the most popular and successful illustrators around.

All events are accompanied with Curriculum for Excellence teaching ideas on the Edinburgh International Book Festival website.

All these events will also be recorded so you can catch up later in Glow TV’s Watch Again. Find out more about the events, sign up and join us in Glow TV!

Youth Music Initiative

Creative Scotland recently announced the launch of the Scottish Government’s £10million Youth Music Investment (YMI) programme for 2012/13.

The YMI programme intends to:

  • Create access to high quality music making opportunities for young people aged 0 – 25, particularly for those that would not normally have the chance to participate;
  • Enable young people to achieve their potential in or through music making;
  • Support the development of the youth music sector for the benefit of young people.

There are 3 investment programmes available for organisations and individuals to apply for investment:

1. School based music making (invited applications from Local Authorities);

2. Access to music making;

3. Strengthening youth music .

For all the information on the investment routes and for details on how to apply please visit here.

CfE – An Introduction for Youth Work

A new set of dates for CfE – An introduction for Youth Work training course events have been confirmed. These events are free to attend thanks to support from Education Scotland and Scottish Governement. Thanks also to the four Local Authorities that are hosting them.

Three dates for staff to develeop their skills in linking youth work practice to CfE can be viewed here.

One Training the Trainers date to support you to deliver these courses yourself can be viewed here

Contact  if you would like to host an additional event. 0131 554 2561

Youth Survey from the United Nations

Youth Survey from UN

The United Nations is developing a System-Wide Action Plan (SWAP) on Youth. This Action Plan will affect the way the whole UN system will work with and for youth in the coming years. The Action Plan will focus on the five priority areas identified by the Secretary General:
Education, including education on sexual and reproductive health
Citizenship and protection of rights
Political inclusion

Before developing this Action Plan, the United Nations is reaching out to youth, youth-led organizations and others to seek their inputs.

Please take a moment to fill out the questionnaire.

The questionnaire is online here

STEM Central: supporting you to enhance learning and teaching

Our STEM Central Electric Transport context is currently aimed at third and fourth level. In the next school year, we will be publishing an extension to the context for second level. Offering opportunities to embed sustainable development and give insight into STEM in everyday life, the second level extension will highlight green buses on Scottish roads. Last year 15 buses engineered at Alexander Dennis Ltd in Falkirk took to the streets of Edinburgh, with partial funding from the Scottish Government’s Green Bus Fund.

The video Electric Vocabulary from TEDEd’s YouTube channel tells the story of how “charge” and “battery” became part of our everyday language of “electricity”. Useful for your own background and understanding, or for learners at second level.

STEM Central

Is the BBC Focus Magazine using STEM Central’s contexts for inspiration? In this month’s edition, two articles which might be of interest if you are planning for learning and teaching using STEM Central.

In February 2012 we published our Bioengineering context. Something to extend this context is an article “Grow your Own Body” about advances in regenerative medicine, and use of our own stem cells to grow new body tissue to order.

Coming soon is our early years to fourth level journey through Sound. “Souped-Up Sound: Are these the most high-tech headphones ever” suggests another use for the learning within our fourth level journey.

STEM Central Sound context…a holographic link

Holoxica, a company based at the University of Edinburgh, has used sonar scan data to build a 3D hologram of the HMS Royal Oak, where it sank on the seabed near Orkney having been hit by torpedoes in October 1939. The 3D holographic image is expected to go on display to the public around Scotland. A perfect link to our soon to be published EY to fourth level context on Sound.

West Lothian External School Hub – Partnership Working

West Lothian has set up a forum known as the External School Hub to enable all partnership agencies to come together in a solution-focussed approach to supporting vulnerable young people who require more choices and more chances into a positive pathway. The External Hub adopts a holistic approach to providing maximum support which involves close partnership working (including young people and parents) to enable the young people to benefit from a personalised education and support package either within or outwith the school setting.

more information

Early Years case study published – Family literacy project: Brucehill tots speak Scots

Using the Scots language as a context for learning, this project aimed to help parents/carers to support their child’s literacy development with particular emphasis on talking and listening skills.

Find out more here.

West Lothian External School Hub – Partnership Working

West Lothian has set up a forum known as the External School Hub to enable all partnership agencies to come together in a solution-focussed approach to supporting vulnerable young people who require more choices and more chances into a positive pathway. The External Hub adopts a holistic approach to providing maximum support which involves close partnership working (including young people and parents) to enable the young people to benefit from a personalised education and support package either within or outwith the school setting.

Inquiry into decision-making on taking children into care

Education and Culture Committee of the Scottish Parliament is holding an inquiry into the decision-making processes involved in determining whether a child should be removed from the family home and taken into care; and whether these processes are delivering the best outcomes for children and their families.

The Committee is interested in undertaking informal fact-finding visits as part of the evidence-gathering process. Please contact if you are interested in hosting one of these visits.

Deadline for written evidence: 28 August 2012


Children and Young People Bill

The Scottish Government is consulting on its vision for children and young people’s rights and services. The Bill’s measures include:

  • embedding the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child across the public sector;
  • extending the powers of the Scottish Commissioner for Children and Young People to enable the Commissioner to undertake investigations on behalf of individual children and young people;
  • increasing the funded annual provision of pre-school education for 3 and 4 year olds and looked-after 2 year olds;
  • fully implementing the Getting it right for every child approach across Scotland so that all children and young people have a Named Person;
  • introducing a single planning process to support children and young people needing the involvement of a range of services;
  • raising the age at which young people leaving care can ask for help from a local authority from 21 to 25; placing a clearer definition of corporate parenting is put on statute. YouthLink Scotland will consult with our membership on a response to the Bill. Further details will be available in due course.

Further information can be found on the scottish government Website

English as an Additional Language (EAL) – CPD Resource

The new EAL section offers practitioners guidance on supporting bilingual learners. It covers recent developments in EAL, addresses key issues for each sector area, provides reflective questions and links to new examples of good practice from early years, primary and secondary establishments. There are also links to relevant resources across Education Scotland and beyond, including a collection of useful Journey to Excellence videos offering support in dealing with the wide range of issues that can affect bilingual learners.

North Ayrshire-Extended Outreach Case Study- Supporting Young People into Positive and Sustained Destinations

This filmed case study with reflective questions to support planning for choices and changes, MCMC and 16+ Learning Choices is now available on the Education Scotland website.

The case study highlights the support available from a range of partners in planning for choices and change (including 16+ learning choices) to post 16 transition stage. The case study is located in the planning for choices and change/16+ Learning Choices areas of the website. Key themes covered are inclusion, GIRFEC and support for young people with additional support needs. This case study will benefit all partners working with young people in the senior phase and post school.

Have you seen Beads, Bawbees and Banknotes?

This free resource about money can now be ordered from the Museum on the Mound, Edinburgh. The Glow-based version has been available for many months – but the disc provides even more material…

Use it to discover:
What is the oldest form of Money?
Why do we use coins?
What can you find on a banknote?
How do banks keep money safe?

For further information download the Beads, Bawbees and Banknotes PDF flyer.

The resource has been designed for flexible use by teachers and pupils, and can be linked to many areas of the curriculum. Ensure that you visit the Beads, Bawbees and Banknotes Glow Group!

Schools IT Excellence Group set up

The Scottish Government has announced that Education Secretary Michael Russell has appointed the Chief Scientific Adviser Professor Muffy Calder to convene an ICT Excellence Group to consider the future development of the schools’ intranet ‘Glow’.

 The new ICT Excellence Group will draw on the experience and expertise of end-users, and educational technology experts to scope the long-term user-centred future of Glow.

 Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, Michael Russell said:

 “It is crucial that the next generation of Glow allows schools to harness the power of technology for learning, to keep pace with rapidly evolving developments and speak the language that young people speak online.

 “Professor Calder’s group will have the challenge of imagining a future for the service that can be customised to the individual requirements of our young people, is dynamic and can remain relevant for years to come. I look forward to receiving their advice later this year.”

 The group members are now announced as follows: Prof Muffy Calder, Prof Ian Sommerville, Prof Mike Sharples, Mr Ewan McIntosh, Mr Charlie Love, Prof Bill Buchanan, Mr Hamish Budge, Prof Jeff Haywood, Mr Neil Winton, Mr Tony Rafferty, Mr Fraser Speirs, Ms Jaye Richards Hill and Mr Martin Dewar who will facilitate the involvement of two school pupils in the group.

See announcement on Engage for Education.

Edinburgh Festival of Spirituality and Peace 2012

The Edinburgh Festival of Spirituality and Peace is now online and covers a wide range of exhibitions, conversations, workshops and performances. Please go to the the following link anfd have a look:

New advice and guidance published for Maths National 2

The advice and guidance document on personal mathematics gives practitioners support in developing relevant learning experiences for learners covering this National 2 Mathematics unit. It is intended to provide support for practitioners in developing cross-curricular projects.

New advice and guidance published for Skills National 2

This advice and guidance is designed to support practitioners working with learners at National 2 level. It provides guidance to practitioners to support the development of learning experiences which will incorporate both knowledge and the development of skills and provides examples of how skills can be formatively assessed and progression planned for and profiled.

Edinburgh International Book Festival and Glow TV

This year’s Edinburgh International Book Festival RBS School Programme is bigger than ever before. It runs from 20th – 28th August in Charlotte Square Edinburgh and many events are live in Glow TV! It’s also truly international with writers from Australia, Canada, the USA, France and Poland as well as from all parts of the UK.

Our guests selector is Vivian French who has designed a series of events with the theme of story creation for those who are reluctant readers. Viv struggled at school with the mechanics of reading and writing and so understands the challenges some young people face. She also understands the challenges this can pose for teachers and her event is designed to engage the children whilst giving simple, yet effective, ideas for the classroom. Friday 24th August

2012 Programme Debuts
Although we know that there are some authors who are hugely popular every year, we also aim to introduce you to new and emerging writers. This year, we have a number of School Programme debuts:

• Alex T Smith: both an illustrator and writer, Alex’s event will involve storytelling and drawing – perfect for P1-P3. Monday 20th.
• Gill Lewis: Described as the next Michael Morpurgo, Gill’s novels beautifully describe nature, wildlife and the Scottish coast. Monday 20th.
• Nicola Davies: Former presenter of the Really Wild Show, Nicola will talk all things natural history. Tuesday 21st
• Gill Arbuthnott: Biology teacher and novelist, Gill will be talking about her first picture book all about a trip to tthe zoo. Friday 24th.
• Atinuke: African storyteller and author, Atinuke conjurs the sights, sounds and smells of African village life. Friday 24th.
• Barroux: French illustrator and writer, Barroux will be taking a trip to the streets of Paris. Ideal for planning fun French week activities. Monday 27th.

• Sue Reid Sexton: Sue will talk about her novel set during the time of the Clydebank Blitz. Monday 20th.
• Margo Lanagan: Flying in from Australia, Margo will be discussing her dark, disturbing yet compelling novels. Tuesday 21st.
• Shaun Tan: Perfect for senior art students, Shaun will discuss his wordless novel and his Oscar winning film. Wednesday 22nd.
• Alexander Gordon Smith & Susanne Winnacker: Delve into the world of zombies with two leading horror writers. Thursday 23rd.
• Andrew Hammond & Paul Dowswell: Two writers who explore the impact of the war on ordinary people. Friday 24th.
• Amy Plum & KJ Wignall: History is so much fun when told by vampires and immortals who have actually ‘lived’ through it. Forget Bella & Edward, come and meet the undead with real bite. Monday 27th.

So check out the full programme on the Edinburgh International Book Festival website and also check out the Glow TV schedule and sign up for events that you want to join in virtually!!

New advice and guidance published for English National 2

The National 2 English and Communication course builds on the experiences and outcomes of the literacy and English curriculum area and enables learners to develop the ability to understand and use language. 

This advice and guidance will support practitioners as they plan their approaches.

See list of latest advice and guidance.

STEM Central and Ready for Emergencies?

The Ready for Emergencies? Glow meet on Friday 15th June featuring Stewart Borthwick (Strathclyde Emergency Coordination Group), Sally Dempsey (Red Cross) and Paul Hendy (Director of the Scottish Flood Forum) was interesting and thought provoking. It provides an ideal starter for looking ahead to our forthcoming STEM Central context on Rescue Vehicles.

How do we rescue people in the event of major emergencies such as floods? This time last week up to 150 people were rescued from flooding in Wales, some of them by RNLI lifeboats and by rescue helicopter. In ourSTEM Central Rescue Vehicles context, aimed at second level, we will explore the science of lifeboats and rescue vehicles. The full Ready for Emergencies? resource is available on the Education Scotland website.

Exercise 'Flipper', Carbisdale Castle, Sutherland, Scotland. British Red Cross Emergency Response Training Exercise. Credit Derek Gordon, British Red Cross

New advice and guidance published for Computing Science – Added Value Unit

This advice and guidance demonstrates the practical application of skills and knowledge developed within the units of Software Design and Development and Information Systems Design and Development.  The guidance indicates how problem solving  can be applied and transferred in differing contexts.

View the new advice and guidance here.

New advice and guidance published for Computing Science – Hardware

This advice and guidance provides an exemplar project and suggested learning and teaching approaches that may give learners the opportunity to carry out research and gain an understanding of computer systems and hardware technology.

View the new advice and guidance here.

Wise up Wednesday – Play Opportunities


News from Play Scotland, the organisation which works to promote the importance of play for all children and young people, and campaigns to create increased play opportunities in the community.

Play Scotland have created an online Petition calling for a Statutory Duty for Play, which would ensure that local authorities are committed to providing sufficient and satisfying play opportunities for children of all ages and abilities, to be included in the new Children and Young Peoples Bill.

You can access the petition here:

Thank you

The Early Years Team

Sound Context Goes Live on STEM Central

STEM Central makes connections between sciences, technologies and mathematics through the context of engineering allows learners to broaden their understanding of the applications of concepts and skills developed in curriculum subjects. It allows learners to develop solutions to problems and demonstrate creativity through inquiry.

We are delighted to annouce that our Sound Context for learning is live on STEM Central.

Sound is an important part of our lives and we are constantly surrounded by it. From talking in the classroom, to animal sounds in the forest, from listening to music to hearing a fire engine siren, different sounds can make us feel different emotions; they can trigger memories and remind of us of key events in our lives. It can also affect how we remember different events. Animals and humans use sound to communicate with each other in a variety of forms including song, voice, ultrasound, and the telephone. Sound can be about survival and can warn us of danger but it can also be used for relaxation and entertainment through the medium of music.

The learning journeys with a Sciences and Technologies focus within early and first levels will give learners the opportunity to investigate a variety of sound making materials. They will recognise and produce different sounds through constructive play, design and construct their own instruments and create and record sounds. There will also be second and fourth level learning journeys coming soon.

Click here to visit the new Sound Context on STEM Central.

Games Context on STEM Central

STEM Central makes connections between sciences, technologies and mathematics through the context of engineering allows learners to broaden their understanding of the applications of concepts and skills developed in curriculum subjects. It allows learners to develop solutions to problems and demonstrate creativity through inquiry.

We are delighted to annouce that our Games Context for learning is live on STEM Central.

The games industry in Scotland is thriving. Providing jobs for skilled professionals of all nationalities, games companies are at the forefront of Scotland’s electronic technologies and software industry. Games have been used throughout the ages to teach, entertain and amuse. In some respects games have changed over time with changes in technologies, tools and materials, yet in other ways simple games that resemble those from past societies are still played.

In the Games Development Second Level Learning Journey learners are offered stimulating experiences and the opportunity to develop their understanding not only of the history of gaming in Scotland, but will also encourage them to explore technological developments in society, and ultimately how to design, create and market their own game.

The Electrifying Games Second Level Learning Journey offers a range of opportunities for learners enquiry based learning and to develop and apply knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to circuits and components, and to engineering of a 3D game which demonstrates energy transfer and movement.

Click here to visit the new Games Context on STEM Central.

New advice and guidance published for Administration and IT – Emerging Technologies

This support consists of three video case studies which will help identify current innovations impacting on the working practices of administrators within the modern, dynamic workplace. These current innovations will be further explored with links to free web-based material to give practitioners and learners the opportunity to experiment with emerging technologies which may be of benefit to the administrative function. 

View the new advice and guidance here.

New advice and guidance published for Science National 4

This resource for National 4 Science exemplifies the teaching of scientific skills. It is set within the context of health and demonstrates the transferrable skills that are required within science. The skills demonstrated can equally be used by practitioners of Biology, Chemistry and Physics at National 4.

Visit latest advice and guidance published.

Check out the next evolution of Choices for Life!

Last year Choices for Life successfully moved from the large scale concert style event delivered to Primary 7 children at venues around Scotland to an online environment delivering live webcasts to pupils in Primary 7 through to S6 on substance misuse issues and making positive lifestyle decisions. A key feature of the live webcasts was short TV-style dramas highlighting the difficult choices faced by young people and the possible consequences of substance misuse. Also included were interviews with bands, singers, athletes, Scotland football manager Craig Levein and an inspiring message from Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond. Interactive panel discussions were held as part of the webcast.

So that the messages of Choices for Life can reach a larger audience and get the information out in a way that people can access at a time and place and in an manner that suits them the Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency (SCDEA) and Young Scot are developing a new Choices for Life website. It will be a one stop shop for young people, teachers, parents and carers and youth workers to gain relevant and credible information and advice on various topics including tobacco, alcohol, drugs and internet safety. In addition there will be a mobile site allowing people to check in while on the go. The materials for educators will be fully aligned with the Curriculum for Excellence.

A consultation with young people in the target audience has been undertaken by SCDEA and Young Scot. The purpose of this consultation was to find out what information and content young people would like and need on the Choices for Life website and how they would like it presented. Young people, teachers and youth workers have also participated in user experience testing, inputting their thoughts and ideas to the design and content of the website. A taste of what you can expect from the website can now be seen at

The website will be fully launched on the 12th September from the Glasgow Science Centre and will be broadcast live on GLOW and YouTube to give as many people as possible the opportunity to view it. There will be a mix of music, special guests and VIP’s. Keep checking out the webpage for further updates and information.

New advice and guidance published for RMPS National 4

Added Value Unit: As part of the National 4 Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies (RMPS) Course, learners are expected to complete a mandatory Added Value Unit. The Added Value Unit at National 4 level in RMPS will be assessed through an assignment.  This support has been provided for practitioners to support the teaching and delivery of the assignment.

Visit NQ latest advice and guidance.

A national celebration of reading: Culture Secretary announces Book Week Scotland 2012

Scotland will host its first ever national week-long celebration of reading in 2012 – The Year of Creative Scotland.

The Cabinet Secretary for Culture and External Affairs joined author Ian Rankin and Scots Makar Liz Lochhead at the Writer’s Museum in Edinburgh to announce that Book Week Scotland will be held from Monday November 26 until Sunday 2 December 2012.

People the length and breadth of Scotland will be encouraged to engage in the first ever week-long national celebration of reading, and to participate in a range of free events to be held throughout the week.

Initiated by the Scottish Government, Book Week Scotland will be delivered on behalf of Creative Scotland by Scottish Book Trust, the leading agency for the promotion of literature, reading and writing in Scotland.

New advice and guidance published for Literacy National 4

The following support materials are intended to guide those preparing learners for reading and writing skills in Literacy at National 4 (6 SCQF credit points). Although these materials are more relevant to the college sector, practitioners in schools may find some interesting ideas in them to explore and develop.

Community Learning and Development: Strategic Guidance for Community Planning Partnerships

The CLD strategic guidance was launched on Monday 11 June on the Engage for Education website. Watch the video blog by Michael Russell, MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning.

Throughout the week of the 11th June there was a series of themed blog discussions covering areas such as: the impact of CLD and how the Guidance will support this work, Curriculum for Excellence, community engagement and empowerment, young people’s transitions from school and the implementation phase of the Guidance.

Following the initial launch, further discussion about the Guidance will take place on our Strategic Guidance Blog on Connect.

Today is….the longest day, so get out and play!

Here are some links to fabulous resources to help you explore the outdoors, even if it is raining!

International Mud Day:

Play Scotland’s site with lots of play ideas:

15 ideas for play outdoors (and more mud!)

Early Years Glow Meet on ‘Play on the Longest Day’

Have fun!

Early Years Team

New advice and guidance published for Music

New advice and guidance published for Music

These materials support Music at National 3, 4 and 5 levels.   There are a range of tools available to support the monitoring and tracking of learning in instrumental teaching sessions. An additional proforma has been added to support the tracking of pupil progress in a chosen instrument. It enables the highlighting of appropriate concepts which are taught during a lesson and the skills being developed by learners.

The International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport

The International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport (ICSEMIS) will take place at the SECC Glasgow from July 19 to 23, bringing together world-leading scientific minds, experts and policy makers involved in sport and physical education. Researchers, students and practitioners from every branch of sports science and education can attend to benefit from the showcase of the latest publications, equipment, expertise and master classes. Please visit

EA Assessment Forum

Education Authority Assessment Coordinators gathered yesterday for the EA Assessment Forum in the Grand Central Hotel, Glasgow.  A range of presentations and workshops generated discussion, as the experience and insight of Assessment Coordinators from across the country was shared.  Presentations from the event can be found on the National Assessment Glow Group.

Invitation to the Fibonacci Project

The Europe-wide Fibonacci Project promotes and supports Inquiry-based Learning in Science Education (IBSE). It aims to help pupils develop concepts that enable them to understand the scientific and technological aspects of the world around them through their own thinking, using critical and logical reasoning about evidence that they have gathered. This involves group work, making arguments, dialogue and debate, as well as direct exploration and hands-on experiments. Meaningful contexts are provided by making links with the local community (companies, museums, science centres, associations, etc), where parents, scientists and industrialists can be involved.
During 2011 a number of primary teachers developed Engineering Challenges, in collaboration with members of the University of Glasgow Fibonacci Project team.
Inquiry-based approaches are at the heart of the Curriculum for Excellence Sciences and Technologies curricula and contribute very strongly to developing the four “capacities” which Curriculum for Excellence aims to promote.

The Project Team would like to invite primary school practitioners to participate, in collaboration with the team, in implementing Inquiry-based Learning in Science and/or in developing further activities/materials.


You are invited and encouraged to take up the opportunity to continue (or begin) to put inquiry-based approaches into practice from August 2012 and/or to develop new activities, with support from the Fibonacci team.

For more information or to discuss the project, please contact Ernie Spencer


How you learn and what you learn play a big part in shaping who you are. Learning should be fun no matter where it happens: at school, at home or with friends. Introducing the BeXcellent website, created by Children in Scotland and the Scottish Youth Parliament  for children and young people to make learning more exciting. The website is made up of 4 categories packed with simple information that’s simply fun, more in-depth ideas including Curriculum for Excellence explained.

Log on to the BeXcellent website today and take part in the competition for a chance to win some fantastic prizes including 6 prizes of family membership to the National  Trust for Scotland and 6 group prizes of a live Super Spy Camp game with Polybius Games.

One school’s path to sustainability

Lawthorn Primary has applied for its fifth green flag from Eco-Schools Scotland and has also received a gold award from the Woodland Trust, the United Kingdom’s leading woodland conservation charity. Over the last ten years, Lawthorn School has worked hard to earn these accolades, with support from UNESCO, WWF Scotland and other organisations such as Education Scotland and the Carbon Trust. Now the school’s success is being featured on UNESCO’s website ahead of the United Nations canference on Sustainable Devcelopment being held in Rio de Janeiro,  20-22 June 2012.

A major part of the school’s work has been to reduce its global footprint. Schools across Scotland now have access to the School’s Global Footprint resource – a handbook for teachers – and an interactive footprint calculator, which, through a series of questions relating to buildings, energy, food, transport, water and waste, gives an indication of carbon footprint and ecological footprint.

Action has come in many forms but most importantly the children are enthusiastic and passionate, with principal teacher Amanda Milne talking of having to rein the children in. “They wanted to ban all cars from coming into the playground” she says. “And they were convinced we weren’t planting enough trees.”

Visit the UNESCO site to read more, see the video and get the full case study>>

Wise up Wednesday: Our latest Glow Meet


Thank you to Alastair Seaman and Julie Buchanan from Grounds for Learning for taking time out of their busy schedule to join us for our Glow Meet, Play on the Longest Day on Monday. Also a big thank you to those of you who tuned in on the day. If you missed the live event the good news is that you can ‘watch again’!

Our new video featuring Julie and her excellent work at Shotts Nursery Centre as well as the  PowerPoint from the day and some useful links are now on the ‘share’ section of the Early Years CPDCentral site.

If you are not a member of our Early Years CPDCentral site, visit the site and ‘add’ your details it is really easy and quick.

Thank you

The Early Years Team

Click here to see details about the Glow Meet.

Organ Donation and You

Join us on Wednesday 20th June at 11am live from Holy Cross High School South Lanarkshire to hear how schools have been using the ‘Organ Donation Teaching Resource Pack’ and find out how important organ donation can be with a live panel including;

John Forsythe – Scotland’s Lead Clinician for Organ Donation and Transplantation. He has worked in the field of transplantation since 1991 when he was appointed as a consultant surgeon at the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle before transferring to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh in 1995 where he is currently a Consultant Transplant Surgeon. Mr Forsythe will outline the facts about organ donation, as well as address any myths which learners might believe on the issue e.g. ‘organ donation will hurt’.

Neil Healy – a Specialist Nurse for Organ Donation (SNOD). SNODs work closely with intensive care and emergency department staff to identify potential donors as well as supporting bereaved families through the organ donation process. Mr Healy will talk about facts surrounding organ donation, including the process itself.

Gill Hollis – Gill received a single lung transplant in 2004 due to a rare lung disease. She lives in Edinburgh and regularly visits schools across Scotland to talk about the importance of organ donation and transplantation. She will be able to talk from the point of view of someone who has had a transplant and how it has changed her life.

Find out about their different experiences in the field of Organ Donation, ask the panel any questions that you are curious about on a very thought provoking subject.

Sign up and join us in Glow TV.

STEM Central: Have you heard about our new Sound context?

By the time the new school year starts in August, you’ll find our newest STEM Central context “Sound” available!

Helping practitioners to understanding learning around the science of sound as it progresses through early to fourth level, these learning journeys incorporate sciences and technologies, with everything from listening walks to the X-factor! So if you’re looking for materials to inspire you, or help you to understand the levels and progression within the broad general education (BGE) check back here, or on the STEM Central website for publication info.

Don’t forget that the Glow Science videos and fantastic mind map tool can provide inspiration and CPD.

SLF 2012: Forensic Rookies, Transition and the AstraZeneca Science Teaching Trust: Scottish Islands and Mainland ICT and Science project

We’ve been keeping you up to date with this inquiry based science project since last December and we are delighted to confirm that you can find out more by joining us at session N1A at SLF 2012, presented by Professor Susan Rodrigues and Neil Taylor.

The workshop will share the findings of a recent project involving 3 pairs of primary & secondary schools from several different local authorities, and the sustained impact in those local authorities where this project is being rolled out further. Learners and practitioners views and feedback will be shared. This project was supported by funding from AstraZeneca Science Teaching Trust and led by Professor Susan Rodrigues and Neil Taylor as part of the suite of ‘Partnerships in Primary Science’ (PIPS) CPD projects.

The workshop will include an opportunity for delegates to have hands on experience of the six investigative tasks, using the kit provided to schools, funded by AstraZeneca Science Teaching Trust. There have been a series of videos made using learners and practitioners which will be used within the session, and these will also be available via YouTube after the session for delegates to follow up.

Visitor registration for SLF 2012 is now open!

An exciting Glow meet…Play on the Longest Day !

 Parents and children explore outdoor play  

Monday 18th June, 3.30pm – 4.00pmIn the lead up to Play on the Longest Day on the 21 June 2012, a celebration of play, we will be thinking and talking about practical ideas and activities for outdoor play. We will also be sharing the outdoor play initiative developed at Shotts Nursery Centre, North Lanarkshire in partnership with Grounds for Learning.

The Meet will consist of a panel discussion and panel members will include Julie Buchanan and Alistair Seaman from Grounds for Learning. Film footage taken of the development at Shotts Nursery Centre will be aired during the Glow Meet and discussion time will focus on how parents were actively involved in the initiative. Alistair will also give a flavour of some of the other projects Grounds for Learning are currently taking forward.

Participants will have the opportunity to ask the panel questions and share ideas. Please tune in to be inspired and get ready to Play on the Longest Day!

Hope to see you there. Click here to sign up.


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