ESOL Initial Assessment Pack

This guide was produced by the Scottish Government’s Lifelong Learning Directorate to support practitioners to undertake initial assessment with their learners. Its aim is to help standardise initial assessment approaches, so that the learner can be placed in the appropriate provision.

It is recommended that providers adopt the principles, approaches and ESOL levels within the guide, and adopt or adapt the assessment materials to suit initial assessment

Alternatively, the entire contents of the Pack (with the exception of the video clips) can be downloaded in Word (22Mb) or pdf (4.3Mb).

Metacognition, self-regulation and the Challenge

carol_wood_profile_picThis is one of a series of presentations from Carol Wood of the Scottish Attainment Challenge team at Education Scotland.




This presentation should be used in conjunction with the EEF Toolkit summary of metacognition and self-regulation. This opportunity can be used in several ways:


  • Study the research and the presentation.
  • There are 3 challenge questions towards the end. Take part in the online discussion on Glow Yammer below

With a group of colleagues

  • Study the research beforehand
  • At a meeting, work through the presentation together
  • Discuss the challenge questions and post summary answers online

Whichever way you choose, it would be really beneficial if you could post examples of metacognition and self-regulation in action in your learning setting.

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