
Why Study National Drama Courses? 

The new National Drama Courses provide stimulating and exciting experiences for all pupils entering S4, S5 and S6.  The course is designed around maximising opportunity for creativity, choice, enjoyment and success in a range of theatre production areas. In addition, pupils develop self-awareness, confidence and social skills as well as having opportunities to observe live theatre.

National 4 & 5 Drama Course

Pupils will learn about:

  • Drama Skills uses creative drama activities to respond to a variety of stimuli, including text, to devise, direct and perform in a piece of drama (internally assessed) 
  • Production Skills involves the study and use of a range of theatre production skills such as acting, designing and directing as well as theatre areas of set design, lighting, sound, make-up, props and costume (internally assessed) 
  • Production unit allows all pupils to work as a theatre company to stage a small-scale theatre production developed from a text or a devised piece of drama.  Pupils can choose to specialise as an actor or as a member of the production team in their chosen production skill (externally examined) 


This subject is very practical.  For all levels, the work is assessed and verified by a combination of internal and external assessment.  A folio of work will be generated by the creative process involved in all three units and will be assessed by the teacher.  A practical exam based on acting or a choice of theatre arts as well as written paper will be set and marked by the teacher at National 3 and 4 and by the SQA at National 5. 

Core Skills 

Problem Solving (Critical Thinking, Planning and Organising, Reviewing and Evaluating) and Working with Others.  Both these skills are crucial for life inside and outside school. 

Any useful links for parents to support young people.

Higher Drama Course

The new Higher Drama course celebrates creativity and transferable skills, being designed for anyone who has an interest in developing their potential in both practical and academic work by exploring drama and theatre. 

It focuses on extending acting, directing and design skills and gives pupils knowledge and understanding of text and performance. There are lots of fantastic opportunities for creativity and pupils will be able to investigate, devise and direct their own Drama.  They will also get the chance to observe live theatre performed by a professional company and then critically analyse the performance viewed.  

Higher drama consists of two internally assessed units: 

  • Drama Skills which uses creative drama activities to respond to a variety of stimuli, including text, to devise, direct and perform in a piece of drama.
  • Production Skills involves the study and use of a range of theatre production skills such as acting, designing and directing as well as theatre areas of set design, lighting, sound, make-up, props and costume. 

And two externally assessed units:

  • Practical Performance Specialisation: Acting, Directing or Design 
  • Written Extended Responses: Text in Context, Theatre production: application and Performance Analysis. 

Course Assessment 

The performance specialisation Course Assessment allows pupil to specialise in Acting, Directing or Design. 

Acting: Actors will prepare two interactive roles. 25 marks will be available for each role. Performances must involve interaction with at least one other actor. 
Directing: Directors will conduct a rehearsal with actors for their performance assessment from a chosen piece of script. 
Design: Pupils will design a set for their chosen text and choose one other production area from the following list to complement this: props and set dressing, costume, make-up and hair, lighting or sound. 

Any useful links for parents to support young people.

Advanced Higher Drama Course

Why Study Advanced Higher Drama? 

The Advanced Higher Drama continues the study of creativity at more intense level designed for those with an interest in developing their potential through an exploration of drama and theatre. 

It will focus on extending acting directing and design skills and gives pupils knowledge and understanding of practitioner’s approach to working with text and performance.  In addition, pupils will develop self-awareness, confidence and social skills as well as fantastic opportunities for pupils to investigate, devise and direct their own Drama. 

They will also get the chance to go on some great theatre trips to see the best of contemporary theatre. 

Advanced Higher Drama consists of two internally assessed units (A written portfolio for each of these is submitted): 

  • Drama Skills which uses creative drama activities to respond to a variety of stimuli, including text, to devise, direct and perform in a piece of drama using Practitioners to influence their work. 
  • Production Skills involves the study and use of a range of theatre production skills such as acting, designing and directing as well as theatre areas of set design, lighting, sound, make-up, props and costume using Practitioners to influence their work including the study of seeing a live theatrical performance. 

Course Assessment 

The performance specialisation Course Assessment allows pupil to specialise in Acting, Directing or Design. 

Acting: Actors will prepare two contrasting roles. 25 marks will be available for each role. (17 minute play with 2 – 3 other actors and a 3-minute monologue)  
Directing: Directors will conduct a rehearsal with actors for their performance assessment 
Design: Pupils will design a scale model of a set for their chosen text and choose on other production area from the following list to complement this: props and set dressing, costume, make-up and hair, lighting or sound. 
Instead of a written exam at the end of course, pupils submit a 2500 – 3000 word essay on a topic on theatre that they have investigated throughout the year, using primary and secondary sources.  They will need to research productions and practitioners to not only analyse their findings but articulate their own opinions on the subject as well. 

Any useful links for parents to support young people.