BGE Music

S1 and S2

S1 and S2 act as an introduction to music, where pupils will spend the first term in S1 exploring the instruments before choosing their area of focus. Music serves many purposes and develops a variety of skills, particularly confidence, creativity, resilience and independent learning. The courses are always being updated to stay relevant; giving us opportunities to play the hottest of hits from Disney to TSwift.

In S1 and S2 Music, pupils will learn about:

  • Performing on instruments – Pupils will have the opportunity to explore the instruments in the music department before choosing two that they would like to focus on for the remainder of the BGE course.
  • Exploring styles of music from around the world and in Scotland – This is a fantastic opportunity to look at different cultures as well as our own culture here in Scotland.
  • Building confidence through singing, performing and collaborating with others
  • Creating our own music through Composition


This course is a fantastic preparation for the National 5 course, and is a great opportunity to look at other styles of music and concepts in greater depth. This also focuses more on music literacy (reading music) and opportunities to perform with others. We are always looking for opportunities to experience live music and so far each S3 cohort has been lucky enough to attend live music performances in Dumfries and Glasgow.

In S3 Music, pupils will learn about:

  • A curriculum of listening topics – Blues & Jazz, Pop, Orchestral, Scottish
  • Performing pieces of music to a high level
  • Composing our own music

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