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Our Lockdown Journey as ESO for Digital Learning

Guest Bloggers D Keenan and M Brough DCC

Our Lockdown Journey as ESO for Digital Learning By Meg Brough and Dave Keenan In January 2020 we gained the title ‘Education Support Officers for Digital Learning.’ After interview, it was decided we would job share for the duration of our secondment opportunity. We would each be allocated 2 days a week: one together, one …

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Mossend Primary School – Remote Learning Journey One Moment in Time – Assessment

screenshot of the four contexts

This unique period in our history needed to be captured. It was one moment in time that, we will not experience again in our lifetime, but without a doubt, our pupils will always remember the time that the country went into lockdown, schools closed, they couldn’t play with their friends and they watched their teachers …

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Mossend Primary School – Remote Learning Journey Lights, Camera, Action! Sustaining Engagement

mossend blended approach

“Today’s young people should be taught using video games because they have ‘much lower attention spans’ than in the past” Headline quote from Mohit Midha, the chief executive of Mangahigh that appeared in a recent TES Magazine edition (Hazell, 2018); although the merits of this statement can be debated, the fact remains that teachers are …

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Mossend Primary School – Remote Learning Journey – Team Mossend

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At the beginning of Lockdown, John Swinney stated that schools should, ‘respond in a variety of imaginative, creative and stimulating ways to support continuity in learning for pupils.’ We investigated Twitter and spoke to friends who were also teachers to see what their schools were planning to do in terms of Online Learning during Lockdown …

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Mossend Primary School – Remote Learning Journey Unfortunately, fortunate

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Unfortunately, on Tuesday 17th March 2020 we were told that we were classed as ‘clinically vulnerable’ to Covid-19 due to underlying health conditions and would have to work from home for the next 12 weeks. Fortunately, this gave us a unique opportunity to continue to make a valued contribution to our school community and on …

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Seesaw as a digital remote learning tool: Digital Tracking of Pupil Engagement and top tips for increasing engagement 

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  After receiving CLPL funding from the Education Scotland STEM Nation grant this year, training was offered across the Islay cluster in digital skills.  One of the key developments implemented in Port Ellen and Bowmore primary was to train staff in the use of Seesaw as a digital PLP tool to replace cumbersome and time–consuming learning logs. Under a joint headship both …

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Distance Learning Reflections with Primary 1 – Comely Park Primary School

Comely Park primary blog post header

Sharon McDavid and Aileen Ramsay are stage partners teachers at Comely Park Primary School and have been teaching primary 1 this year. This Sway highlights some of the different ways that they have engaged the youngest learners over the remote learning period It includes information around Virtual classroom Parental engagement Microsoft Teams Online teaching opportunities

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