Please find the minutes for the Glasgow City Parent’s Group below:
Minutes of Glasgow Parents in Partnership Meeting held on 13.11.18
Among the items discussed at the meeting, item 4 is a uniform exchange programme. Please see details below:
Apparel Xchange
Apparel Xchange is a social enterprise which tries to kit children out in an affordable uniform by reusing and recycling uniforms. They receive used uniforms from schools lost property and from parents. They check, wash and sell these garments at a small cost. The enterprise is trying to make children aware of the supply chain, their massive duty to preserve the planet, learn how to wash their clothes, put labels on them and hopefully with this knowledge make better choices. The enterprise has a Pop-up shop in the southside of Glasgow. For your information, attached is a flyer about the forthcoming Pop-up shop sale days.
Apparel Xchange’s contact details are:
Facebook: ApparelXchange CIC