Our learning this week

Welcome back to P6’s class blog.

we have done sooooooo much learning this week and we are excited to share it with you.

In maths we have been revising addition and subtraction and using our literacy skills in maths to solve word problems.

We were split into groups and has to solve different problems in a specific time.

my favourite station was the chilli challenge station because we had a mix of sums and I got to challenge myself- Hanna

i like the ladder sum challenge because they were tricky and you had to get them all right for the ladder to work- Zayan

i loved the matching the answer to the question station because I found it the easiest station and I got to answer lots of questions- Aliyan.

we are also looking at data handling and identifying different types of charts and graphs. We were studying pie charts, line graphs, pictographs and bar charts. The ones we were loooking at were all about farming around the world- just like our topic.

In literacy we are continuing our work on report writing by studying different topic sentences. We got to use different. Non-fiction books to help us find facts and information about different topics and create different topic sentences about each.

In PE we have been perfecting our chest passes on basketball. We also started looking at overhead passes. Miss Mowatt introduced to a game called Knock Out that we are obsessed with! You have to chest pass across the circle without dropping it!

Finally Miss Cohen came to our class to talk to us about social justice. We had to look at different pictures and decide what they were about: class, faith, race, gender and employment. It was very interesting! We also got to think of our own opinions about lots of things.

thank you for reading our blog and don’t forget to leave a comment!

from P6 and Miss Webster 🙂

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