About the DEN
Mrs Patterson supports our learners in the DEN which stands for Develop, Engage & Nurture.
Our DEN helps us to:
DEVELOP skills for life, learning and work.
ENGAGE in learning, in our community, in school, in the playground and provides us with opportunities for outdoor learning.
NURTURE: in the DEN we are nurtured in many ways including morning tea and toast, having our views listened to in a quiet space, sharing our big feelings and emotions, and having a space where we feel safe when things get on top of us.
This term we are learning:
- to value ourselves and the unique talents and qualities we bring to our school
- to build positive relationships
- to self-regulate when we deal with big emotions
- to name our feelings and emotions
- to celebrate our successes
- to work together as a team
Pupil Voice
” The DEN helps me if I am angry. I like to use the calming corner. The people in the DEN know what helps me when I can’t say it myself.”
“The DEN makes me feel safe. I trust the adults in the DEN who help me.”
“The DEN is like a family. We all help each other and try to give each other advice. I like my porridge in the morning.”