Welcome to P5A
Primary 5A have had a fabulous start to the year and have enjoyed the new challenges that being in P5 brings.
We have been working on Persuasive Writing this term and have produced some great writing about whether palm oil should be banned.
We have also been focussing on including more exciting punctuation in our writing. We have continued to work on our spelling and are exploring new ways to learn our spelling words.
In Numeracy this term we have been exploring Fractions. We have been creating and ordering fractions and discovering how to create equivalent fractions and find fractions of an amount. We are beginning to learn about Measure and are becoming confident in calculating Area and Perimeter of shapes. We have continued to increase our skills in multiplication and division as well.
In Health and Well-Being, we have been enjoying both indoor and outdoor P.E. We have continued to develop our Football skills outside, and have been learning new Badminton skills at indoor.
We have also enjoyed kit-bag sessions this term and have been working on new strategies to regulate our emotions and create an enjoyable learning environment for everyone in our team.
Our IDL this term has been about climate change and the impact this is having on our local area and the wider world. We have looked at the Rainforest and how deforestation is having an impact on wildlife and the world in general. We have also been enjoying our enterprise project for Festive Fun where we created our own company and product to sell at our Christmas Fayre.