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104. Blue Bulletin – Monday 17.02.25
MONDAY 17 FEBRUARY Hot Meal: Soup of the day, Chicken Fried Rice in Chinese Style Curry Sauce or Beef Burger in a Bun with Chips. EXTENDED LEARNING PARTNERSHIP – PLEASE READ TO PUPILS (Mrs Spence) If you have been invited to be part of a focus group today, please make sure you get a slip from your Period 1 teacher which will remind you when and where you are to go. You must register with your period teacher before making your way to meet your group. You should return to class afterwards. Yoga for Managing Exam Stress – Senior School …Week Beginning Monday 10th February 2025
Monday 10th It has been a busy start to the week with some of the children heading straight to the art area to start creating. There has been some beautiful models and paintings. They experimented using the powder paints mixing different colours, the easel was used to discover the consistency “too runny”. In the garden some children used blocks & sticks to create models/building’s, using positional language and problem solving. As it is internet safety week we finished our day with a story about internet safety. We chatted about how we keep ourselves safe online. Tuesday 11th Some of theGreat Geography Learning with Mr. B!
#KHSSupported SLD1 were very engaged in their Geography lesson with Mr Broadway. Whilst consolidating their learning on compass directions, they built on last weeks lesson of Scottish cities by identifying the location of some English cities including Liverpool! The learners …Pizza Success for the Supported Learning Class!
SLD1 pizza making! Think they were eaten in record time! 🍕Continue reading Pizza Success for the Supported Learning Class!
KHS Science Stars
Well done to our #KHSScience Stars! 🧬🧪🔭🌟 🌟Mason, Ellie, and Beer. 🌟Sam and Beer 🌟Harry B. 🌟Charlie D. 🌟Matthew G. 🌟Ethan K. 🌟Anam N.Week Beginning 10th February
This week learning is… creativity, motor skills, team work, communication, balancing skills, hand/eye coordination, numeracy, literacy, self confidence, exploring, predicting, being curious, sharing, self-esteem, technology, outdoor learning and problem solving. Monday 10th February Today Jackson and Lachlan requested to have the same hair style today as they used bands to put their hair into pony tails with support from an adult. Today Gregor engaged in an intentional promotion about seasons and weathers using labels and objects. Gregor confidently could name all of the weathers shown and with a little bit of support names the seasons. Gregor could independently discuss why …Latest News
Featured Images information
We have just added some information and instructions about Featured Images, These are a rather neglected ‘feature’ on Glow Blogs. They are really useful for making your posts stand out on both your own site and when you share them. There are especially useful if you share posts and can enhance your own site by […]Additional CSS Issue
In the most recent update to Glow blogs we updated the version of Jetpack that we use. Jetpack no longer supports Additional CSS. This is no longer available from the customiser or in the Styles of the Site Editor. CSS already added to sites continues to function. Native WordPress support Additional CSS but not in […]Jet Pack Settings Issue
Some sites with the Jetpack plugin enabled do not have a link in the Dashboard Sidebar. Our developers are aware of the problem and are working on a fix. Workaround The Jetpack settings can be accessed from the Plugins screen: Clicking on the Settings link under the Jetpack listing will take you to the Jetpack […]Glow Blogs October 2024 Update
Glow Blogs has just had a fairly large update. Glow Blogs is now using wordPress 6.6.2. This bring quite a lot of new features, especially to the Block & Site Editor. Quite a few plugins have been updated too.H5P Issue Some content types cannot be installed
An issue with H5P content types has arisen. If you try to install some content types you will get an error. The problem seems to be because the H5P API has been updated but the version used by theWordPress plugin does not now match it.