Tag: choosing apps

Creative iPad Apps for the Classroom by Jonathan Wylie

creativeappsforipadjwCreative iPad Apps for Classroom by Jonathan Wylie – a post which lists a host of apps tried and tested in the classroom by an experienced teacher. Jonathan has selected the apps which he has found most useful in the classroom, and has grouped the apps by the type of creative output being sought, namely video, photograph, graphic design, audio, digital storytelling, and sketching. Jonathan then lists each app and provides a short description.

What creative iPad apps have you found most useful in the classroom?

App task challenges

imageApp Task Challenges – helpful free step-by-step sheets from Craig Badura @mrbedura and others, for downloading and printing out, to guide learners (or teachers) in the use of a number of popular mobile apps, such as Pic Collage, wordcloud creator, camera app, shadow puppet edu and many more. Each sheet guides a user through the steps to make use of an app for a specific task. And there are suggestions about how the app can be used in the curriculum

We have mobile devices – now what?

Creating a Content Strategy for Mobile Devices in the Classroom – is a comprehensive document by Karen Mahon which starts with the question many schools which have invested in the purchase of mobile devices: “We have the mobile devices, so now what?”

Regardless of whether a school purchases devices or incorporates personally-owned devices in a BYOD environment the document sets out to guide schools in how to go about choosing what to use with the devices, and why, as well as criteria for choosing apps or content for educators.

The document provides a useful summary for educators about the different mobile device platforms and the implications for choosing apps or content to use on the devices.