Tag: Apps

App task challenges

imageApp Task Challenges – helpful free step-by-step sheets from Craig Badura @mrbedura and others, for downloading and printing out, to guide learners (or teachers) in the use of a number of popular mobile apps, such as Pic Collage, wordcloud creator, camera app, shadow puppet edu and many more. Each sheet guides a user through the steps to make use of an app for a specific task. And there are suggestions about how the app can be used in the curriculum

What Apps would you Add to the BYOD Set of Classroom Apps

BYODClassroomSetAppsThe BYOD Set of Classroom Apps a visual poster of apps collated by Dr Bruce Ellis which lists apps available for both iOS and Android devices, most of which are free. The question is posed as to what apps you would want to add to that – which apps have you found which work across platforms? You can make suggestion direct to Dr Bruce Ellis and you can make suggestions for the list on this blog’s Device-Neutral Assignments page here too – click on this link to see what’s already there, and how you can add additional tools.

Supporting Guided Reading with Mobile Devices

Monica Evon has produced a grid (shared on the te@chthough blog) in which ideas for supporting guided reading are matched to apps on a tablet device. Although these ideas are matched to a specific device and apps available on that operating system (in this case iPads) the ideas can be applied to other devices or operating systems and appropriate apps, programs or online tools. So there are ideas and suggested apps shown for practising vocabulary, listening, reading aloud to someone else, writing, and reading to self. Although each activity and suggestion is only for a specific device and operating system, there are alternative apps, programs or online tools available to achieve the same learning intention – Monica Evon’s post may help prompt ideas to use what is available.

One Tablet Classroom

12 Apps for the One iPad Classroom – if your school or classroom is in the early stages of using mobile tablet devices there may well be only one tablet device per class at the beginning stages. If that’s the case then this post by Monica Burns may be helpful as it provides suggestions for apps which will be useful where there is only one iPad tablet device in the classroom.

iPads4Schools The One iPad Classroom – this post on the iPad4Schools blog describes some apps and some guides to workflow (storing and sharing work done by multiple pupils through the one iPad) which will work where a class has access to only one iPad tablet device.

Playing with Media on the iPad – #CUERockstar – ideas and links to resources for use with an iPad (though ideas can translate to other devices) including ideas for when a device is a shared device to manage class folders of images. Describes various tasks and suggested apps which can be used to undertake the tasks.

iPad as the teacher’s Pet v2.0 – a post by Tony Vincent which sets out how a teacher can use a single iPad ior tablet device in a classroom, even where pupils do not have devices, for many different purposes. Each is described and illustrated with visual infographic posters.