Tag: Assessment

Using Mobile Devices as Classroom Response Tools

ClassroomResponseToolsClassroom Response Tools for Assessment for Learning. There are several ways in which mobile devices can be used in a classroom setting to provide feedback to the teacher about every learner’s understanding of material being covered.

And there are a number of tools which can be used in tandem with mobile devices, regardless of the device (they can also be used by desktop computers, tablet devices or smart phones) – essentially an internet-connected device is all that’s required, though some also have device-specific apps which make their use even easier. So click on the link below to see the range of device-agnostic tools to support using mobile devices as classroom response tools, including Socrative, Kahoot, mQlicker, Tricider, Formative, The Answer Pad, Vizaroo, GoPollGo and Plickers (which works with only one device in the hands of the teacher):
