In Science, Primary 4 have been working out what can dissolve in water. We tried to dissolve salt, sugar, flour and soda. Some didn’t dissolve, but some did. Paige and Declan added 6 scoops of flour to their water. The first 3 mixed well, but then it went all lumpy and gloopy.
By Pazza and Ant
Monthly Archives: September 2011
P4 3d shape hunt
Yesterday, P4 went outside to find 3d shapes around the school. We found 3d shapes such as cuboids and cubes. One of the cuboids was a Blue Container.
Biodiversity by P5Mac
P5Mac have been learning about biodiversity. We were given a homework task to make our own mini garden. We asked classes to come and see our mini gardens. We also wrote instructions telling people how we made our gardens.
Primary 7
This term we are learning about World War 2. We have learnt about the war leaders, evacuations, which countries took part and which were neutral. We all researched an important figure from World War 2.
In science we are covering electricity. This week are going to build electrical circuits, last week we drew them in our books.
P6 learning about the Victorians
This term P6 are learning all about The Victorians. So far we have learned about Queen Victoria and her family, school life during these times and childrens working conditions. We have also created front covers for our topic jotters and we have started making Victorian toys.
P4 visit Muiravonside
On Thursday 15th of September, P4 went to see Muiravonside Country Park. We went to see the history of the park, which used to be owned by the Stirling family.
We went to see Dobbie’s house and a Witches house. They were deep in the woods, but near to the river. We also saw the Stirling family graveyard, and had to say a password to get in.
We also went to the farm and the play park. At the farm we saw big fat round pigs, a shetland pony, two lamas, loads of baby chicks and three big bulls with horns like viking helmets.
We really enjoyed it. By Primary 4.
P4 Biodiversity
We created the letters for B I O D I V E R S I T Y out of objects in the playground…
and turned them into this video.
Brand new blog!
We have just moved over from so please update your links and say hello!