All posts by Mr Olyott

Safer Internet Day

Primary 4 pupils had a group discussion about their online responsibilities and rights. Then we compared our online rights and responsibilities to our class charter only to find out that they are very similar! Next Primary 4 pupils completed ‘ A safer internet day quiz’ for which they got all the questions right!  It’s safe to say that P4s are very knowledgeable about how to keep themselves safe when using the internet!

Eco Committee Trip to Dynamic Earth

The Eco Committee visited Dynamic Earth’s Natural Curiosity Exhibition on the 5th of November 2013. Children enjoyed learning from a variety of different speakers at the exhibition stalls.

 Children then went back in time on the Mother Earth of all Adventures on a tour around Dynamic Earth.

 We finished our day trip by entering the Snowdome and watching a film called, ‘We are Aliens’. This was a fantastic experience for all. They couldn’t believe the special effects! They were so shocked when snow poured over us!

Provost Award Winners

Earlier in the year our school was nominated as part of the Learning to Achieve Falkirk Council Awards 2013 and received the runner-up prize for Enterprise and Careers work relating to the ‘One Planet Picnic’ Eco Schools Scotland work. We were then nominated and were absolutely delighted to win the Provost Award for the fantastic efforts of our pupils. Eddie McLean and Amber Sinclair attended the ceremony and received the award on behalf of the school. They were beaming with pride!

P3 Rain Gauges

We made rain gauges in class.  We go 3 bottles and cut them in half.  We put stones in the bottom so the bottles don’t blow away.  We turned the top around and put inside the bottom, like a funnel.   We made a scale on the side of the bottle using pen and tape.

We put gauges outside, one in the eco pod, one in the quiet area and one outside Miss McAulay’s office.  We are worried the pen might rub off, the bottles might blow away or the rain might over flow.  We will check on our experiment everyday to make everything is ok. 

We checked on our gauges today.  There was no water because it hadn’t rained yet.  We think it might rain at the weekend and we will have some water in our gauges next week. 

Health Week

We have been enjoying health week in Primary 3.

We had talks about toothbrushing and handwashing.  We found out that haribos have 3 tubs of sugar in them.  We have to brush all of our teeth, twice a day, especially the back ones.  We learnt how to wash our hands properly.  We have to wash our hands after we have touched animals, after we have been to the toilet, after playing outside, after coughing or sneezing and before eating.

We tried taekwondo and karate.  \we learned all different kinds of kicks and punches.  We also tried some blocking moves.  We tried to flying kicks, they were fantastic fun.

We did some dancing.  We all did our best hip hop moves.  We did basketball dancing and boxing dancing.  The dancing was awesome.

We had a football training session.  We dribbled around the cones.  We had to walk backwards around the cones.  Then we all played a real game of football.    It was brilliant.

Health week is excellent fun!

Our Evaporation Experiment

This is our evaporation experiment.  It is a glass of water; we leave on a sunny windowsill all the time.  The water has been turned green with food colouring.  Every week we check the level of the water.  We draw a circle around where the water is.  Each week the water goes down a little bit, it is evaporating.

Our topic is weather so we have learning about the water cycle.  Evaporation is an important part of the water cycle.

We are going to leave it for the whole of the October holidays to see what happens!

P6/7 at Muiravonside

P6/7 went to Muiravonside on Thursday 3rd October.  We took part in four different challenges and made dens using sticks, logs and leaves from the woods.  We had our lunch round a fire and then dismantled each other’s dens.  We worked in three different groups throughout the day.  We did these activities as part of our Highland Clearances topic.  It was very mucky work but it was amazing!