Category Archives: Physical Education

Welcome to the Physical & Outdoor Education Department

On these pages you will find information regarding the various sports courses that are on offer and the programmes of activities/course content for each school year.
There are also updates on the various sporting activities that are taking place both within school and extra-curricular and a summary of sporting achievements.
There is also section dedicated to the

John Muir Award
which is being delivered in S1 and S2

There is also a section dedicated to the

Skills for Work Adventure Sport and Recreation Course.

with a list of resources and tasks for home study.


** Sporting Achievement **


click on the page link below to access all of this years news.


We hope you find these pages informative and any feedback will be gladly received.

Sporting Achievements 2011
Sporting Achievements 2011/12

Lewis and Harris Cross Country Series ……

………the story so far!

Click on the link to read the latest report of all the athletes who are currently competing in this years X Country series. With one race to go many of our SES pupils are in contention for top 3 placings. Well done so far.

Physical & Outdoor Education Department

Curriculum for Excellence through Outdoor learning

Outdoor learning experiences are often remembered for a lifetime.

536598_sAt Sir E.Scott we integrate learning and outdoor experiences to provide relevance and depth to the curriculum in ways that are difficult to achieve indoors.


The PE Department’s vision is that the development of the whole person through an adventurous approach to learning are at the core of outdoor learning.

533901_sThese outdoor learning opportunities help young people to make connections within and across curriculum areas and enable them to become resilient, responsible citizens and successful lifelong learners.

536579_s It’s good for your mind and soul to be in the outdoor classroom. The elements of sea, land and sky are awesome and exhilarating. The wild places we are learning in bring you close to the natural world that we all see each day, but often only from a distance. It’s active learning and enjoyable, challenging and sometimes even fearful ‘ SES John Muir Award Teacher

Curriculum for Excellence

Click on the link to download the S1and S2 CfE PE courses

S1 Activities Outline

S2 Activities Outline

Curricular Matrix Plan