Launch of Instrumental Music Service e-Book

Comhairle launch of e-Book resource as part of Seachdain na Gàidhlig celebrations

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar are delighted to be launching an e-Book resource created by the Instrumental Music Service at a live online event on Friday the 25th of March at 11am. This can be viewed on the following link:

  eBook launch event

The event will be compered by Evelyn Coull-MacLeod and will feature pre-recorded videos and live performances from Willie Campbell and pupils from Laxdale and Stornoway Primary schools.

The Western Isles have a rich cultural heritage, and a wealth of musical talent exists amongst those living in our communities, from the Butt of Lewis right down to Barra, as well as many musicians from the islands now living on the mainland and further afield. A vast amount of musical activity takes place on a daily basis in the Western Isles: music lessons, concerts, sessions, various group rehearsals, choir practices etc. however, when the Coronavirus pandemic struck sadly this came to a halt. Despite this, musicians were still busy at home playing, singing, composing music and writing songs and instrumental lessons for our school pupils have continued online.

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar wanted to find a way to share the musical talent of our islanders, keep the music flowing and use it in a positive way to engage & unite our communities to lift our spirits during the difficult times. At the start of the lockdown in 2020, staff from the Instrumental Music Service, through the Education Skills & Children’s Services department, and together with our Multimedia Unit worked on the development of an e-Cèilidh project to meet these aims.

From this evolved e-Cèilidh nan Òg. The response to requests for contributions was so large that the e-Cèilidh nan Òg event was redesigned into six separate events which ran between May and October 2020. The emphasis for e-Cèilidh nan Òg was on inclusiveness, maximising participation, having fun and celebrating our Gaelic language & culture.

Following a successful application to Bord nan Gaidhlig, a funding award was made to the Comhairle to assist with the costs of producing a physical resource & further digital resources as a legacy of the e-Cèilidh nan Òg project.  This consisted of music and songs from the e-Cèilidh nan Òg broadcasts together with some of the songs and music commissioned for the Dileab: Air a’ Chuan concert at Celtic Connections in January 2020, which celebrated the cultural theme of Scotland’s Year of Coasts & Waters.

The e-Book contains sheet music and lyrics, suitable for performance by pupils in primary school onwards, and includes melody lines and chord notation allowing for performance on a wide range of instruments, including chanter/bagpipes and both solo and group performance. To accompany the sheet music, further downloadable digital resources have been produced. These consist of tutorial & play-along videos and backing tracks. The inclusion of backing tracks allows for the music to be played or sung solo.

In addition, all the instrumental items have been transposed for B flat & E flat brass & woodwind instruments and a link to these is included at the end of the book.

Information on each item is also included to give users of the e-Book an understanding of the background, cultural, historical and local significance of the material. In addition, cross curricular lesson plans have been produced to allow pupils and teachers to explore themes connected with the music. These lesson plans are available for Early, First & Second Level and will allow for whole class/school topic based mini- projects to be developed to meet areas of CfE.

More information on the e-Cèilidh and e-Cèilidh nan Òg projects, and Dìleab  can be found by clicking on the logos or the following links and details of how to access the eBook will be available on the event page and this blog after the event:

e-Cèilidh and e-Cèilidh nan Òg



A’ Chomhairle gu bhith a’ cur air bhog goireas e-leabhair mar phàirt de thachartasan Seachdain na Gàidhlig

Tha Comhairle nan Eilean Siar a’ dèanamh fiughair ri bhith a’ cur air bhog goireas leabhair didseataich a chaidh a dhèanamh le Seirbheis Ciùil Eilean Siar, aig tachartas beò air-loidhne air Dihaoine 25mh Màrt aig 11m. Gheibhear chun an tachartais an seo:

e-Book launch event

’S i Evelyn Coull-NicLeòid a bhios na bean an taighe agus bidh measgachadh ann de cheòl is seinn ga ghabhail beò agus ga chlàradh ro làimh, le Willie Caimbeul agus sgoilearan bho Sgoil Lacasdail agus Bun-sgoil Steòrnabhaigh.

Tha dualchas cultarail beairteach aig na h-Eileanan Siar agus chan eil gainnead de thàlant am measg na tha a’ fuireach anns na coimhearsnachdan againn, eadar Rubha Robhanais agus Barraigh. A bharrachd air sin, tha iomadh neach-ciùil a bhuineas dha na h-Eileanan a-nis a’ fuireach air tìr-mòr no nas fhaide air falbh. Bhiodh pailteas ciùil a’ dol anns na h-Eileanan Siar gach latha: leasanan ciùil, cuirmean-ciùil, seiseanan, còmhlain, còisirean amsaa. Nuair a nochd an Coròna-bhìoras ge-tà, thàinig stad air a h-uile càil a tha seo. A dh’aindeoin sin, tha luchd-ciùil fhathast trang le bhith a’ cluich, a’ seinn agus a’ sgrìobhadh fhuinn agus òrain anns na dachaighean aca agus tha leasanan ciùil airson nan sgoiltean againn air leantainn air-loidhne.

Bha Comhairle nan Eilean Siar airson dòigh a lorg gus na tha de thàlant ceòlmhor am measg nan eileanach againn a thaisbeanadh, airson an ceòl a chumail a’ dol agus ga chleachdadh ann an dòigh a chuidicheadh le bhith a’ brosnachadh agus a’ neartachadh coimhearsnachd agus a bheireadh togail inntinn do dhaoine aig àm duilich. Aig toiseach a’ ghlasaidh-sluaigh ann am 2020, dh’obraich luchd-obrach Seirbheis Ciùil nan Eilean Siar, tro Roinn Foghlam, Sgilean agus Seirbheisean Chloinne agus ann an co-bhonn le Aonad Ioma-mheadhain na Comhairle, ann a bhith a’ leasachadh pròiseact e-Cèilidh gus na h-amasan seo a choileanadh.

Dh’èirich e-Cèilidh nan Òg às à sin. Le meud na bha ag iarraidh a bhith an lùib e-Ceilidh nan Òg, chaidh am pròiseact a leudachadh gu sia tachartasan fa leth a ghabh àite eadar an Cèitean agus an Dàmhair 2020. Bha in-ghabhalachd, a’ leigeil leis a h-uile duine a bha air a shon pàirt a ghabhail, a’ gabhail tlachd agus a’ dèanamh fèill air cànan agus cultar na Gàidhlig, aig cridhe e-Cèilidh nan Òg.

Tro iarrtas soirbheachail gu Bòrd na Gàidhlig, fhuair a’ Chomhairle maoineachadh a chuidich le bhith a’ cruthachadh goireas fiosaigich cho math ri barrachd ghoireasan didseatach mar dhìleab air pròiseact e-Cèilidh nan Òg. Mar phàirt dheth, tha craolaidhean e-Cèilidh nan Òg cho math ri cuid de na h-òrain agus an ceòl a chaidh a sgrìobhadh airson cuirm Dìleab: Air a’ Chuan aig Celtic Connections anns an Fhaoilleach 2020, a bha a’ comharrachadh bliadhna Chladaichean is Uisgeachan na h-Alba.

Anns an e-leabhar, a tha freagarrach do sgoilearan bun-sgoile agus nas sine, gheibhear fuinn le ceòl sgrìobhte, facail nan òran agus còrdan. Mar sin, gabhaidh an cluich air farsaingeachd de dh’ionnsramaidean, nam measg am feadan agus a’ phìob-mhòr, agus bidh e comasach an cluich mar chòmhlan no mar neach-ciùil leat fhèin. Chaidh goireasan didseatach eile a leasachadh a chumas taic ris a’ cheòl sgrìobhte agus a ghabhas luchdachadh a-nuas. Tha seiseanan-oideachaidh ann, bhideothan leis an urrainn dhut cluich aig an aon àm agus cùl-cheòl ma tha thu airson cluich no seinn leat fhèin ach le taic ciùil eile.


Gheibhear barrachd fiosrachaidh mu phròiseactan e-Cèilidh agus e-Cèilidh nan Òg agus Dìleab  tro na ceanglaichean a leanas:

e-Cèilidh agus e-Cèilidh nan Òg


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