Another Busy Week in 5c!

This week in Literacy we created questions about a text, we responded to different types of questions giving evidence and we drew what we visualised when reading a text.

Jessica use her digital technology skills to research create a PowerPoint on our topic China, which she shared with the class.

As it it Maths Week, we had a visit from Mrs Capaldi, the owner of the Orchard Park Hotel. She gave us lots of insightful information about what it takes to run your own business. 5c had many budding entrepreneurs with some interesting ideas! Thank you Mrs Capaldi for taking the time to come speak to us.

Ali was awarded a certificate and medal for participating in the Summer Reading Challenge. Excellent effort Ali! Keep reading!

Lastly we have been using digital technology to develop our knowledge of  co-ordinates. We have been able to give directions, plot and record co-ordinates. We used ProBots and BeeBots to navigate our way through. We had great fun!

Check out what Primary 5a have been doing this week!

It is the end of another busy week in Primary 5a! We have enjoyed our second week of swimming lessons and have been enjoying a range of activities as part of Maths week!


We were very lucky to have a special visitor today- local business owner Mrs Capaldi. She spoke to us about how important Maths is within everyday life, particularly when running a successful business.

Outdoor Learning

We have been learning in Numeracy about symmetry of shapes and coordinates. We created our own coordinate grids using bark and sticks.

Cillian said “We looked for different materials and we saw different types of plants. We used them to make the grid.”


We have been focusing on developing characters to make our writing more interesting. We have been considering how we can make characters come to life. We had different stations. Some of us highlighted descriptive language by authors, some of us watched a video clip and took notes on the authors description while some of us created a life size character!

Christopher said: “We drew round Gavin and then created a huge character which we named and gave a personality to.”


Social Studies & Literacy 

We have been working in partners to research different aspects of Chinese culture as part of our topic. We have been note-taking and are in the process of creating a leaflet.

Eilish said: “We made a leaflet by first researching on the chromebooks information about China and then wrote down important information to include in our leaflet”.

VR Headsets

We loved trying out the VR headsets this afternoon!

Special Achievements 

Well Done to Orla for winning a trophy in Irish dancing! What an achievement!

Cameron visited the Emirates arena to watch professional tennis players training for their games this weekend. Cameron managed to get Jamie Murray to sign his top! Well Done Cameron.


P5d Reflect on another busy week!

This week has been another busy week with plenty of fun and learning.

Our Lady of the Missions 60th Birthday

This week we went to St. Vincent’s church for Mass. We celebrated our schools 60th birthday. “Brodie”

It was a beautiful Mass and we all enjoyed a day of celebration for our school.  It was very interesting to learn some facts about the school and when it opened.  It was funny to think that our school opened with four children!

P.E. St. Ninians – Sports Leaders

On Tuesday afternoon, we went to St. Ninian’s to do sports.  We did athletics circuits. “Maya”

My favourite station was the hurdling one. “Ellie-Angel”

I liked the speed bounce one because you had to try and jump over the hurdle from side to side. “Vincent”

It was a fantastic opportunity for us to develop our fitness skills in St. Ninians with the sports leaders.  The stations were great fun and everyone really enjoyed themselves.  Thanks to everyone at St. Ninians for organising it for us.


This week, in the STEM room, we learned about changes of matter; solids, liquids and gases. I liked the sorting activity.  (Mirin)


Well done Primary 5 on another jammed packed week.  Have a lovely weekend!

STEM Fun in 5c

It has been another busy week in 5c! We have been working hard in all areas of the curriculum to develop our skills. This week our blog is focused on STEM.

Robyn, April and Emily overcame a design challenge to create a Teepee out of natural materials. At first, they used sticks and grass to tie it together then decided it needed to be stronger so, using their knowledge of properties of materials, they substituted grass for string.

Daniel used a range of materials to create a Zip Flyer in our classroom STEM cupboard. He chose materials that could be joined together such as pipe cleaners and lollipop sticks. Daniel chose to join the lollipop sticks with sellotape and, joined the pipe cleaners to the lollipop sticks with paper clip. A great invention Daniel!

Rhys and Ali used our class camera to photograph 3D shapes around our outdoor classroom. They found hemispheres, cylinders and cuboids. Have a look!

We could not forget how Patrick wowed us with his accordion playing!


Primary 5c Back at Work!

Daniel used our STEM creativity room to design and construct glasses from various materials. He used lollipop sticks, paper clips and pipe cleaners. Daniel joined these together using a range of methods to strengthen his design. For example, he used sellotape and paper clips to strengthen the legs of the glasses.

Emily, Valentina and Zara used their artistic talents to create our Class Charter as our wall display. As we are a Rights Respecting School, we chose a few rights and responsibilities from the United Nations Children’s Charter (UNCRC). The girls selected ideas from their own designs and merged them to create a final product. They combined lettering and graphics which resulted in an engaging poster.




Welcome back Primary 5A!

Primary 5A have all settled well into the year and are enjoying the new routines of P5. Have a look what we have been up to this week:


We have been learning about materials and the way that they can change into different substances. This week we had 5 different stations that we visited to learn more about changing substances: melting chocolate, melting and freezing ice cubes, dissolving salt in water, a video station and a worksheet station!

Alice said: “I liked the chocolate station because we got to heat the chocolate and see it melting.” 

Marcus said: “I also liked the chocolate melting station because it was like cooking. I liked seeing solids becoming liquids!” 

Kamran said: “I liked watching the TigTags videos which were about dissolving and making substances change.”

Rachel said: “I liked the salt experiment because you got to see the salt dissolving in the water, it was quicker with warm water. The worksheet station was good because you had to discuss in your group what you thought made the substance change.” 

Have a look at some of the pictures below:



This week we have been learning to write a personal recount. We wrote about our favourite days and focused on using excellent sentence openers, wow words and including detail in our writing.


We have been enjoying using a range of technology since we came back to school! We have been learning how to use Google Classroom and having fun editing documents together and answering questions. We also have been incorporating Education City into each of our Numeracy lessons to reinforce the concept we are learning in a fun and interactive way.

Social Studies 

Our new topic is China! We are excited to learn all about the culture, schooling system and geography. We have decided as a class what we want to learn and so far have drawn the panda (as it is Native to China) in Expressive Arts and began researching China through Technologies.

Friendly Reminder

A friendly reminder that swimming begins next Tuesday morning!

Welcome back Primary 5!

This week was our first full week in Primary 5d.  We had a very busy week.  We were getting used to our new routine, our new classroom and our new teacher.

Image result for welcome back school clipart

This afternoon, we are reflecting on some of the things we did this week.

“We went to the STEM room, on Tuesday, with Miss Collins and Miss Gavin.  We did a science experiment.  We created a chemical reaction using vinegar and salt.  The solution cleaned a copper coin. I loved doing this because it was an active task and I had never done it before.” Lewis

“On Monday and Thursday we did the daily mile and PE outside.  We did lots of active games.  It was great because I like being sporty and active.”  Maya

“On Wednesday, we made cookies for our class charter, using Microsoft Word on Laptops. Everyone created a different cookie.  We voted to make our charter theme ‘Cookies’.  I loved using the laptops because it was fun and after we got a chance to play some games.” Rocco


Well done P5d! You worked very hard on your first full week back at school.  Have a great weekend.

A P4 Trip to the Science Centre!

On Wednesday Primary 4 had a FANTASTIC time visiting the Science Centre.  We spent the day travelling around all of the exciting challenges and experiments that the centre had to offer.
Some of our favourite parts were:

Building our very own Battery operated cars and racing them against each other to see whose could go the fastest.  We had to use recycled materials, pasta, hot glue and a TURBO wheel to create a vehicle that worked with the wind to go as fast as possible.

We also got to see how different effects were used to make things appear to be very different and unusual. Like heads sitting on tables, and rooms where some of us were giants – and some of us became tiny!

Another fun test was when we went inside the WIND GENERATOR and were blown away by different gale force winds! For some of us this was a real favourite.

All in all, we all agreed it was an absolutely superb trip – and one that we wouldn’t mind going on all over again!

Cluster Reading Challenge – Afternoon Tea

Sometimes, reading a book is all about sitting back and relaxing with some biscuits and juice.  Last Friday we all met up during lunch and had a mid-day feast using cups and plates borrowed from the Canteen.  Some of us read using kindles, and some with their hard cover books – but EVERYONE agreed that this was an idea that we’d like to give a go again!




Engineering in P4b

Primary 4b started their Master Classes this week in the STEM room.  The pupils were given a  design challenge which involved working together to overcome any problems and  communicating   ideas to each other during their planning. 

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