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As a class we have been learning about hibernation.  We read a story about a special hedgehog who was preparing to go to sleep for the Winter.

This is us looking for good places for animals to hibernate in the school grounds.  We also found materials that animals might use to make their beds warm and comfortable.

“A” thought it would be a good idea for hedgehogs to sleep under a hedge. “Then they can hide under there”.

“M” decided that under the twigs would be better, “then they can have a roof”.

We found twigs and leaves to make a house for a hedgehog.  “The leaves will keep them warm”, decided “F”.

The pitch had lots of leaves at one end but “L” said that “someone might run them over.”

While we were outside, we looked for signs of Autumn.  We noticed that more leaves have fallen from the trees and that they have changed colour.  It was also very windy and it was colder than it was before the October break.

Number work

We have been using materials like cubes and teddies to count

We can build towers of different numbers for example a tower of 10

We can also write numbers as well as counting them

Here we had to fill in the missing numbers and show odd and even numbers by colouring them in different colours

We have been counting the chocolate chips on the cookies and matching them with the numbers written on the jar

We have been counting and adding on 1 and 2.

These are just a few ways in which we have been learning our numbers!

Autumn Adventures

This afternoon Mr Tyler was talking to us about different kinds of weather.  He took us outside to measure the wind speed using an anemometer.

It was dry today but it was quite windy.  We also attached a themometer to our window so that we can see what temperature it is outside.

As well as looking at the weather, we were thinking about changes that take place in Autumn.

Our main ideas were : leaves falling, leaves changing colour and it getting cold and windy outside.

We chose some Autumn colours to create wreaths.  If you look closely you can see that we wrote the word Autumn and our ideas were noted down in the middle of our wreaths.

Book Time

At the end of our very busy morning, we had a little quiet time before we went for our lunch.  We chose picture books from our class library, picked a quiet spot in the class and looked at the pictures and tried to read our books.

We enjoyed looking at the pictures

Some were too hard to read but we enjoyed giving it a go and looking at the illustrations

We love stories about animals and their adventures

We were able to recognise some of the sounds that we have been learning and tried to read simple words.

Balancing and Teamwork

Here are some photos of us outside practising balancing, team work and problem solving.

We used the adventure playground to practise balancing on beams and platforms.  Some were very easy to balance on and others were tricky as they move or they are quite small.  We all manged to travel round the equipment completing the challenge.

Mrs James set us another challenge – we had to travel across the grass using the big logs.  We were not allowed to touch the grass with our feet as that was “the sea” where the sharks live!

This might sound easy but we had to work as a team to get the whole group across the grass safely.  We helped and encouraged each other to step, balance and move from log to log.

A Snapshot

Here is a quick snapshot of our learning.

Miss Doig brought in her shopping bag and we had to sort it into healthy and unhealthy foods.  Some items had to go into the both section, because if we ate too much of it, it could be unhealthy for us.

We have been learning about 2D shapes.  To compete this jigsaw we had to find all of the circles!

The construction area is still very busy! Look at this amazing structure that was created this morning!

We are lucky to have lots of books in our classroom for us to enjoy.  Some of the books are huge, like these floorbooks.  Some are smaller and we are able to get comfy in our book corner and look at the books ourselves.  We love stories.


We have been busy building in our class this week.  Many structures have been created, some have fallen down and others have been made into obstacle courses.

This is a bridge from one side of the pit to the other.  Great team work!

This is a fantastic water tower that takes the water from a tank and pours it into the sea.  Great imagination!

Here we have a super house, I hope the roof will be added shortly.

Some of us created an obstacle course using bricks of different sizes.

 A fantastic castle for a princess.

 A car garage!

Well done everyone!  Brilliant problem solving and team work.

Investigating Plants

Two weeks ago we planted runner beans.  First, we put some soil into our cups, then we made a little hole for the bean to sit in.

Some of the beans have sprouted and we can see the plant starting to grow.  Others are taking a little longer!

Mr Tyler brought along some plants that he had in the science room and we investigated the different parts of the plant by taking it out of the soil.  We were able to see the roots that had grown down deep into the soil.

We also drew diagrams showing the bean, the roots and the shoots.

Using loose parts and 2D shapes we created some flowers of our own.

We are enjoying watering and watching our plants grow.  Hopefully they will grow into healthy runner bean plants.

Learning Numbers and Shapes

We made shape pizzas using circles, triangles, squares and rectangles.

We were working on our fine motor skills and counting as we made cheerio bands.

Look at our numbers.  We have been practising how to form them correctly.

We even had a number 6 scavenger hunt to find 6 of each object.

Another busy day in 1.4.  We were learning number 7 this morning with songs, rhymes and activities.  We had an author visit from Chris Riddell who shared one of his picture books with us and showed us his drawing skills.

We then looked over our sounds for the week and in the afternoon we had our outdoor learning activities on the adventure playground and the logs.  The skills we were developing were balancing and travelling across equipment as well as teamwork and communication.