
As a class we have been learning about hibernation.  We read a story about a special hedgehog who was preparing to go to sleep for the Winter.

This is us looking for good places for animals to hibernate in the school grounds.  We also found materials that animals might use to make their beds warm and comfortable.

“A” thought it would be a good idea for hedgehogs to sleep under a hedge. “Then they can hide under there”.

“M” decided that under the twigs would be better, “then they can have a roof”.

We found twigs and leaves to make a house for a hedgehog.  “The leaves will keep them warm”, decided “F”.

The pitch had lots of leaves at one end but “L” said that “someone might run them over.”

While we were outside, we looked for signs of Autumn.  We noticed that more leaves have fallen from the trees and that they have changed colour.  It was also very windy and it was colder than it was before the October break.