
Please check school bags for letters including World Book Day tokens.

Thank you for sending slips back for the Literacy Evening. We had a lot of replies so we had to choose names out of a hat. Children who have been chosen to help out have slips in their letter bundle.

Big Cats Reading Books

Please ensure your child has their reading book in their school bag every day as we need to use them in class and unfortunately, we don’t have spare copies.

Thank you for your continued support.

Fairtrade Fortnight

Dear Parent/Carer,

Our Fairtrade Pupil Group members have been working very hard to promote Fairtrade Fortnight which starts on Monday 24 February and finishes on Sunday 8 March 2020.

As preparation for Fairtrade Fortnight the Primary 4 pupil group members conducted a survey to find out which treats children would like to buy at the tuck shop we are planning to run. A subgroup of Primary 5s created posters to advertise the tuck shop around the school. The older members of the pupil group will be giving a speech and showing a PowerPoint to the rest of the school to raise awareness of Fairtrade. The Primary 7 members created a rota for the tuck shop (see below).

We would like to invite children to bring in cash to buy a Fairtrade treat from the tuck shop. We will be offering Geobake chocolate chip cookies, a variety of Divine chocolate bars and Fairtrade Jellybeans. The tuck shop will be running from Monday 2nd March until Friday 6th March. All items are £1.10 so please send your child with the correct amount if possible.

  • Monday 2nd March – Primary 1 and Primary 2
  • Tuesday 3rd March – Primary 3
  • Wednesday 4th March – Primary 4 and Primary 5
  • Thursday 5th March – Primary 6
  • Friday 6th March – Primary 7

Fair Trade Tuck Shop

Yours sincerely,

Fairtrade Pupil Group

Free App

Good Morning!

For a limited time, the app ‘Teach Your Monster To Read’ is free to download. This is a phonics and reading game that adapts to each child’s reading level.  If you haven’t got this app already you may want to have a look at it, lots of fun to be had 🙂



New homework grids will be sent home next week. Please stick them into homework jotters.

Thank you


Dancing in the 80’s with P3b.2

It may have been wet and miserable outside, but there was definitely a lot of fun inside especially when P3b.2 were learning some dance moves from the 80’s. Click on the link to see some cool moves. (Who needs a running man tutorial when there’s Harris!) 😂😂🎶







New homework grids will be given out on Monday 24th, please stick these into the homework jotters. You can use the remainder of this week to complete the previous grid.  Many thanks, Mrs L and Mrs K and Mrs D.


Primary 3b.2 are going to be learning about capacity in maths. To help with this could we please ask for any plastic bottles/pots/tubs to be sent in over the next week, a maximum of two per child!

Many thanks 🙂

P3b.1 Presentations

P3b.1 worked really really hard on their homework presentation and we loved hearing them this afternoon. We didn’t’ have time to hear them all so we are looking forward to more when we are back next week!

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P3b.2 80’s Presentations

Well done to the children for their hard work in preparing their homework projects. There were lots of fabulous facts and pictures.  The children were very confident and had fun presenting their projects. Well done!

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