P3b.1 have been learning all about how a baby is welcomed in different countries and religions. We would love to share in class the reasons why our names were chosen. The children have been asked to find out this information if they can before our lesson next Tuesday.
School Show Application 2020
Welcome Back!
A warm welcome back to school, it has been a lovely start despite the weather ☔. We have been busy starting our new topic, the 80’s.  If anyone has any 80’s toys, games, annuals etc we would be so grateful if we could borrow them to help bring the topic to life.
Party Time!
Primary three had an amazing time at their party yesterday!
Coming to a Christmas Tree Near You!
Christmas Baking
Today Primary 3b.2 baked some yummy shortbread biscuits. We have been learning about weight and different types of scales so this was the perfect way to put our learning into practise! There was a little ‘technical hitch’ in the kitchen so some children didn’t get the chance to decorate their biscuits today. I will make sure this gets done tomorrow 🙂
Christmas Party snacks
This Thursday afternoon, Primary 3b will have their Christmas party. If you wish, you may provide your child with a snack and a drink to enjoy at the party.
Thank you!
P3 Gingerbread House Challenge and Christmas Jumper Day
Friday, 13th December
 Inter House Day Technology Challenge Christmas Jumper Day
Please read below for information about our class technology challenge and discuss with your child what they may need to make the gingerbread house. The children will work in groups therefore please limit the amount of recycled junk which they bring in to school.
Through discovery, natural curiosity and imagination, I explore ways to construct models or solve problems. TCH 0-14a
Through discovery and imagination, I can develop and use problem solving strategies to construct models.
TCH 1-14a
Primary 3 Technology Challenge
Design Brief:
Santa’s elves need help to design a Gingerbread house from recycled Junk material.
Design Criteria:
The Gingerbread house must have windows, door roof and chimney.
The Gingerbread House should be decorated
e.g. candy canes, gingerbread people and/or sweets.
 Please note that we would like empty sweet/chocolate wrappers for this activity.
Christmas Jumper Day
The children may wear a Christmas Jumper to school on Friday.
P3b Homework
This is a gentle reminder to return homework jotters to school as we only had a few returned today.
Thank you for your continued support!