80’s fun

P3b.1 had fun trying out some toys from the 80’s as part of our topic. We loved seeing all the items which were sent in from home. Thank you!

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P3b.1 have been learning rolls, jumps and balances in P.E. We worked with a partner to create a routine which had a starting position, two balances, two rolls, a jump and a finishing position. As an extra challenge, some of us tried to move in opposite directions during our moves.

Artists At Work

Primary 3b.2 are doing a mini topic about Scottish artists. Last week we were learning about Avril Paton and ‘Windows In The West’. Lots of children in the class recognised this print and were excited to create their own version of this iconic painting. Watch this space for more amazing art work!


Some of the children in Primary 3b.2 have been learning their multiplication tables. Please can you practise these at home as much as possible. Your child will be able to tell you what tables they have been learning.




www.mathplayground.com (try Grade 2)

Here are some good maths sites to help with this. BBC Supermovers songs are also lots of fun! Enjoy 🙂

Image result for multiplication clipart"



Phonics Assessment

We will be assessing our sounds and common words over the next couple of weeks. Could we please ask that homework jotters are sent into school by this Friday to allow us to complete this. Thank you 🙂


Healthy Eating

Primary 3 were delighted to have some nurses from West of Scotland University in today to discuss healthy eating. We learned about the wellbeing wheel and different food groups. We were also shown the amount of sugar in fizzy drinks which was quite scary! The nurses also gave some good ideas for healthy snack choices. I am sure the boys and girls would be delighted to tell you some of these options 🙂

Image result for healthy food clipart"


School Show Auditions 2020

Lion King Auditions 2020

Homework Project

Over the next two weeks, Primary 3 are being asked to complete a project for their homework. Please find details in the attachment below.

Projects should be completed and handed in by Thursday 6th February.

We hope you enjoy researching aspects of the 80’s!


Going back to the 80’s with P3b.2

P3b.2 are enjoying learning about the 80’s! Last Friday, the children were shown a variety of toys from the 80’s and they had a wonderful time playing with the toys.

We had Merlin, Sindy, Sindy’s horse, buggy and sleeping bag, Barbie, a Fisher Price musical toy, a dancing flower, a womble and many more!

The children were very intrigued by the radio cassette player (as you can see in photo 4). We played an old Whitney cassette and had a dance in 80’s style. 😂🎶

P3b.2 are learning about right angles

Primary 3b.2 were learning about right angles for Numeracy. The children made angle testers and looked for right angles in the atrium.

Ruaraidh met his sister in the atrium and showed her how to use the tester to find right angles.

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