P3b.2 Robots

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P3b.2 are delighted to present their robots. The children worked so well together to create their own group robot. Look for jet packs, batteries and a golden crown in the slideshow.

P3b.2 Making Robots

Primary 3 are having a very busy morning! The children have organised themselves in groups and are working together to create a group robot. They are discussing the designs they wrote about last week and making decisions together.

P3b.2 Baking

Next Friday afternoon, P3b.2 will make apple crumble using the apples we picked from the apple trees in the school garden. Lorraine, our catering manager is going to open the kitchen especially for us and help us.

The children will bring the apple crumble home. 🍎🍎🍎

P3b.2 Outdoor Learning

This Friday afternoon, we will continue our outdoor learning in the science and eco gardens. The weather outdoor is for nice, warm and dry weather this week therefore the children will be able to go outside in their normal footwear and school uniforms.

P3b.2 Outdoor Learning

P3b.2 had a great time this afternoon in the Science and Eco Garden.

Everyone had a very important job to do.

Some children used the gardening tools to tidy the garden, while other children picked apples from the apple trees.

Harris enjoyed checking the apples and he put the good ones in a large bucket. Riley organised the older napples and put them into  the composter.

Next week, we will slice the apples and store them in the freezer in the kitchen.  Once we have done this, we will discuss which recipe we will use to make something delicious.

Watch this space…

We are learning to count money.

The Numeracy Hub has been set up with a variety of activities and games to enhance the children’s knowledge of money. The children may choose to buy groceries and count change in the class shop, participate in money matching activities, play ‘Pop to the Shops’ and lots more.

Please help at home by showing your child any notes or coins you have in your purse or wallet and ask them to count the money with you.

Fantastic Mr. Fox Tails

How fabulous are our fox tails!!!

P3b.1 and P3b.2 displayed their fox tails on their tables.  The children showed off their wonderful work to each other.

Well done P3b!

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