P3b.1 have been learning rolls, jumps and balances in P.E. We worked with a partner to create a routine which had a starting position, two balances, two rolls, a jump and a finishing position. As an extra challenge, some of us tried to move in opposite directions during our moves.
Homework Project
Over the next two weeks, Primary 3 are being asked to complete a project for their homework. Please find details in the attachment below.
Projects should be completed and handed in by Thursday 6th February.
We hope you enjoy researching aspects of the 80’s!
P3b.1 Names
P3b.1 have been learning all about how a baby is welcomed in different countries and religions. We would love to share in class the reasons why our names were chosen. The children have been asked to find out this information if they can before our lesson next Tuesday.
Welcome Back!
A warm welcome back to school, it has been a lovely start despite the weather ☔. We have been busy starting our new topic, the 80’s.  If anyone has any 80’s toys, games, annuals etc we would be so grateful if we could borrow them to help bring the topic to life.
Party Time!
Primary three had an amazing time at their party yesterday!
Coming to a Christmas Tree Near You!
Homework, 2 December
Please continue to use the bingo grid to choose activities for this week’s homework.
As next week is an assessment week for our spelling, homework jotters should be returned this Friday, 6th December. They will be sent home again with any sounds highlighted which the children need to practice.
Thank you.
Pet Detectives
Some of our puppets also got to hear the story ‘Pet Detectives’.  They really enjoyed hearing the stories being read with expression.
Reading buddies!
Some of our puppets were enjoying being read the story ‘How the Elephant got his Trunk’ this morning.
Good morning!
We hope you have been enjoying using the ‘Read, Write, Count’ bags at home. Further activities linked to these can be found here.
This week P3b.1 and P3b.2 will be again using the bingo grids in the back of their homework jotters to choose which tasks to complete. Please colour in each box when a task has been done – this lets the class teacher know what the children have been doing at home, especially if the task is an active one with no written evidence.
We are on week 12 of our spelling words using the ‘wa’ sound as in ‘was’. These words, along with common words to be practised this week, are also glued into the children’s homework jotters. It is great to see the children’s spelling test results improving so thank you for continuing to support your child at home in learning these.