Our Finished Books

We enjoyed creating our books, we wrote a variety of fairy tales with a twist.

We loved sharing them  this morning with P3, Miss McArthur and Miss Ali. We are looking forward to reading them with our P1 buddies later this afternoon.

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Air Raid Shelter

Here are a few pictures of us using our air raid shelter and our devices for light.

It was cold, dark and very difficult to work in. We felt cramped and got a little insight on how it would have felt during WWII.

Homework 18th November

Book Week Scotland

Choose at least one activity from each course on our menu about a book that you are reading or have read. You also have your First Minister’s Reading Challenge to work through.

Also for homework, you are challenged to read each night and undertake some extreme reading . Extreme reading is when you read in extreme places (or at least very unusual places). Please share photos on twitter using the hashtags  #extremereadingkps #bookweekscotland  #bwskps.   

I am looking forward to seeing all your photos  on Twitter.

November 18th

You are invited to bring in a book on Friday 22nd November to swap with children in our stage.

Story Books for P1 Buddies

We are in full swing planning and writing story books to share with our P1 buddies later this week.

Odd Socks Day

Today we wore odd socks to school to support Anti-Bullying week, including Mrs Hussain! 🙂

World War 2 Homework

Here are some pictures of our WWII homework task.

Useful Websites

Please find below some useful websites to access at home to develop skills covered in class.

Numeracy and Maths













Buoyancy with Mr Tyler

Today we were blown away by Mr Tyler. We revised forces and continued our learning on Buoyancy. We learned the formula Density= Mass/Volume. We learned that the less volume it takes up the more dense it is and therefore  more likely to sink.


Connecting to Digital Technology

Today we connected our personal devices to the school WiFi. We are super excited to be able to use our devices in school. We promise to be sensible!

Battle of Dunkirk

This afternoon we used I pads to research about the battle of Dunkirk as part of our learning on WWII. We used this information to make a cartoon strip of the events that took place at that time.


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