“It’s ok to be worried about war and conflict” – Resource Packs
NHS Grampian has created resource packs for children under 12, young people 13+, children and young people with autism, and parents/carers to help them manage their feelings about war and conflict and to give some helpful advice on coping and dealing with this worry. There is advice on how to manage your mental wellbeing online and limit your exposure to the news, mindfulness and relaxation exercises, and suggestions for useful apps and websites.
Click on the picture to access the resource pack for children under 12 years old to help manage difficult feelings about war and conflict.
Click on the picture to access the resource pack for teenagers to help manage difficult feelings about war.
Click on the picture to access the resource pack for parents with children with Autism to help with talking about war and conflict.
Click on the picture to access the resource pack for parents and carers.