Blog w/c 13th December (mini lesson volume 2)

Nicolas and Adam taught us about the history of fast food.  They said that the first fast food diner was called “White Castle” in North America. They also talked about the effects of having too much fast food.

Humza taught us about Pakistan.  They have the 10th biggest army in the world and they are part of the “Iron Brothers” with China. Pakistan has the best cricket team in the world. and that the Prime Minster is Imran Khan, who used to be captain of the team. Imran Khan built a hospital after his mum died from cancer.

Charlotte taught us how to draw anime. the character had a big head and large eyes. We used guidelines first to place the noise, eyes and mouth correctly.  We have added some examples to our mini lesson wall display.

Noor, Hibba and Zainab taught us about the history of art and talked about different famous artists and the tools you would use to create art. They told us about Leonardo di Vinci, Vincent Van Gogh and Pablo Picasso.  There was a quiz at the end to test what we had learned.

Hirah and Abbie taught us about musicals and how they began.  The talked about famous musical and how much money they had made. Hirah’s favourite musical is “Mamma Mia!” because the songs are by ABBA. The Lion King is the most popular musical in the world, making over £1 billion (and 24p).

Elise, Ruby and Eilidh taught us some British Sign Language.  They told us letters, days of the week and useful words (like good luck and my name is…) (which most of us can still remember). We learned how to spell our names using BSL and we can still remember how, four days later.

Thomas and Viraj taught us about the history of gaming and the different types of consoles.  We had a quiz at the end to check what we had learned, such as how many consoles were sold.


We used a program called Tinkercad which is a 3D shape website.  We had to make a sleigh that was

a more sustainable version

aesthetically pleasing



It was fun and easy to use.  As well as being able to add and combine shapes, you could add figures too.


We had our party on Monday.  We played musical bumps, corners, pass the parcel and a balloon/snowball race.


We made Christmas craft on Friday.  We used scrabble letters to make a Christmassy word or a name.  First we cut the ribbon to the size of the word and then we used hot glue guns to stick the letters to the ribbon and then attached string, a bell and a decoration of our choice.  It can be a bookmark or a decoration.

Class blog week beginning 6th December (Mini lessons volume 1)


This week we have started to present our mini-lessons. “It was a bit difficult to set up but it was good once I got going” (LMcD).

Leon taught us about Edinburgh; the attractions and Mary King’s Close.  This is where people had the plague and they were blocked off and forgotten about.  It was built over and then found it 30 years ago.

Ailsa taught us about the accordion.  There are 4 main parts: the keyboard, the grill, the chords and the bellows. She then played some songs: You Cannae Shove your Granny Aff the Bus and Ruldoph the red-nosed reindeer.

Affan, Muhammad and Aaron taught us about Mr Beast, his restaurant and his most popular videos on You Tube. His real name is Jimmy Donaldson and he has made two campaigns called “Team Trees” and “Team Sea”.

Adam taught us about chocolate – what you need to make it and how it is made. to make chocolate, the beans are delivered to the factory, they are cleaned, heated, shells removed, roasted and then ground and mixed with other ingredients.

Jamie and Leo taught us about taekwondo.  They described the belts and grading  and demonstrated chunje they performed for their yellow belts. We learned how to punch (including the noise to make).

Julia and Eilidh taught us about origami. They talked about a man who made over 50,000 different origami and then they taught us how to make an origami swan and a heart.

Owen taught us about different types of music and different bands that he likes to listen to. His favourite band is Lovejoy who make indie/rock/pop music. He also included the Beatles, one of the most famous bands in the world who were popular in the 1960s, Queen and Oasis. All the bands apart from Lovejoy have split up.

Harry, Ben and Sabre taught us about animated films. They included Lilo and Stitch, Coraline, Spiderman: into the Spiderverse Minions, Dora and the Lost City of Gold.  They also told us about animated films that are coming soon.

w/c 29th November by Harry and Ailsa



Today we did Heartstone Odyssey with Mrs Nasar and talked about upstanding and bystanding. A bystander doesn’t do anything about a difficult situation, but an upstander would try to stop it. We also did maths. 




Today we did music with Mrs Hutchison and made a  fantastic Titanic soundscape. We used different instruments to create noises that would be found in the rooms of the Titanic. We ended in the Marconi room (radio room) when the iceberg hit the Titanic. P7b joined onto our excellent work until the passengers were in lifeboats. We also did literacy and some maths. 




Today we did PE. We played Huskies in the Snow, we had 5 hoops and we had to make our way across the PE hall.On the second round there was bean bags pom poms all over the Gym hall and we had to pick up the bean bags and collect as many as we could and get back to the start. We also got into teams and played dodgeball. We also did maths and literacy.   



Today we did PE. Some of us played football and others played throwy goaly. We also did writing on our newspaper articles about anything we wanted. We  started our group talks and we are presenting them next week.