w/c 22nd November

Anti-Bullying Week: one kind word

Children from Primary 6a led our lesson on kindness in anti-bullying week.  They asked us to think about what kindness was and how we can show kindness to others.  We watched a short film about how kindness can spread to make the world a better place.


Afterwards, we shared kind words about each other on paper and then read what others’ wrote about us.  It was a really lovely, positive start to Thursday morning!


John Muir

This week, we explored the biodiversity of the trees on our school grounds, in the playground, both woodland areas and the front of the school.  We used the Natural history Museum key to identify the trees from their leaves.  We found beech, maple and hawthorne. The key can be found at this link https://www.nhm.ac.uk/content/dam/nhmwww/take-part/identify-nature/tree-identification-key.pdf



We have focused on newspapers this week – using First News articles in our comprehension work and then creating our own versions of newspaper articles from stories and films we already know.  We worked hard on headlines and including quotes from appropriate people.  Next week, we will create newsppaer articles based on our own interests.


Expressive Arts

We developed our skills in drama by rewinding and fast-forwarding our freeze frames.  It’s very important to remember to exaggerate your facial expressions!

w/c 8th November by Muhammad and Adam H

Monday – In the morning we did maths, after playtime we did the heartstone odyssey which is a book where there is a girl called chandra and she gets bullied for being indian.


Tuesday – For Tuesday we had Mrs Hutchison for the morning and we started with some drama. In drama we did a freeze frame of the Titanic and for music we listened to a song called BlackBird which is about black descrimanation.


Wednesday –  On wednesday we did some Maths and PE. For PE we practiced incorporating passing into our hockey to become even better at hockey.


Thursday – On Thursday we had woodland we were using little lego figurines to create life size photographic shots. We enjoyed it alot and got lots of good photos. We also had PE and we expanded from the gym hall to the MUGA and implemented scoring too.


Friday – On Friday we had a flexible Friday which means we have lots of options and we have to organise it ourselves and do the activities in our own order. This was the first time we’ve done a Flexible Friday.

w/c 1st November 2020


Literacy and English

In Writing, we have been focusing on setting and character using a spooky setting for inspiration.  Mrs Allan was quite frankly terrified by our work and was glad she marked in a well-lit room.  Some of us have chosen it to go on our WOW wall.

Numeracy and Maths

The Mathletes have been learning about percentages of quantities and linking these to decimals and fractions. the Subtraction Samurai and Division Doctors have been working on co-ordinates.



We have been talking about COP and climate change and thinking about the things that we already do at home and in school to help combat climate change.  In the woodland, we were building structures about what we thought the future might look like.  For example, we made models of electric cars, desolate woodlands and a bike.  Videos of these will go into next week’s assembly.

Expressive Arts

We used the Titanic as a context for acting our emotions this week in drama… can you guess which ones we are emoting?




In PE we have been further developing our skills in hockey, especially passing during a game.  It seems our interceptions skills are good too – some teams found it really hard to score!


Dyslexia Awareness Week

Ruby and Leon worked hard on a presentation that they share with pupils in P4-7 this week, and helped us to “myth-bust” using another video. Thank you for teaching us!